Author Topic: Point Light Brightness Fix - Shader Patch - Updated for r1715  (Read 14913 times)

This script modifies the v21 shaders to make point lights not be so bright (and hopefully slightly more realistic)

A few notes:
- This add-on automatically replaces 'common.glsl' on game startup.
- This add-on SHOULD only work for this revision (in case the next build changes the shaders), thanks to Port for helping me fix this.
- Using another shader mod that also messes with 'common.glsl' will undo this patch. But don't worry, I'm working on a shader extension add-on that will allow multiple shader mods to be used at once.


v7 - Updated for r1715; Fixed some bugs (caused by this patch) with colored lights by using the YCbCr color space to calculate point lights.

v6 - Updated for r1713; Fixed some bugs (caused by this patch) with colored lights by using the YCbCr color space to calculate point lights.

v5 - Updated for r1707

v4 - Shader code reworked. Takes shadows into account to provide much more consistent results. Point lighting is a little brighter in this version, but it matches the brightness of the old fixed function point lighting.

v3 - Fixed the revision check, so now I'm pretty sure that it won't replace the shaders if an update is released.

v2 - I messed up the math a bit and made things a little TOO dark-- a light that should be 100% bright was only outputting 50%! But things are still a little too dark in shadows.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2012, 06:05:04 PM by Tammy »

So wait, lights are dull in light but light in dark?

I'm not sure how this works. But i like it.

- This add-on SHOULD only work for this revision (in case the next build changes the shaders), however I'm not 100% sure it will work correctly (getVersionNumber() seems unreliable), ...

getBuildNumber() returns the current revision. Doesn't work on dedicated servers.

getBuildNumber() returns the current revision. Doesn't work on dedicated servers.
:O thanks

I don't see the problem your fixing? Too bright? Nonsense detected.

I don't see the problem your fixing? Too bright? Nonsense detected.

How is fixing too bright lights nonsense?

How is fixing too bright lights nonsense?
Cause I didn't realize it until around 30 minutes of staring at the pictures

Sorry it took so long now it's updated for the r1707.

I honestly think that this should be default, or a similar fix should be applied in the next revision.

very lovey, too bad its client-sided

I honestly think that this should be default, or a similar fix should be applied in the next revision.
I'm willing to bet this will come with the next update badspot decides to make

This script modifies the v21 shaders to make point lights not be so bright (and hopefully slightly more realistic)

A few notes:
- This add-on automatically replaces 'common.glsl' on game startup.
- This add-on SHOULD only work for this revision (in case the next build changes the shaders), thanks to Port for helping me fix this.
- Using another shader mod that also messes with 'common.glsl' will undo this patch. But don't worry, I'm working on a shader extension add-on that will allow multiple shader mods to be used at once.


v5 - Updated for r1707

v4 - Shader code reworked. Takes shadows into account to provide much more consistent results. Point lighting is a little brighter in this version, but it matches the brightness of the old fixed function point lighting.

v3 - Fixed the revision check, so now I'm pretty sure that it won't replace the shaders if an update is released.

v2 - I messed up the math a bit and made things a little TOO dark-- a light that should be 100% bright was only outputting 50%! But things are still a little too dark in shadows.
Will this stop TF2 weapons and the new power suit from glowing, etc with shader on?