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Topics - Communist

Pages: [1] 2 3
Off Topic / What is the furthest-shooting NERF gun?
« on: March 27, 2012, 06:31:27 PM »
I really want a rifle like the longshot, longstrike, or the recon. Do you know which ones shoot the furthest? I also plan on modding them to shoot further, so tell me which one is the best.

Off Topic / Help me find this video.
« on: March 27, 2012, 02:00:44 AM »
So it was a spoof Osama death footage, where they replaced the actos from the movie with osama's and obama's faces. So there is a fight, then obama busts out the door, with sunglasses and I think a shotgun, and starts to shoot the osama. Then osama falls into a pool of water, and there is a youtube note saying "burial at sea". Thats all I remember, can you find this videa?

Off Topic / iis theis nooramal foer meh?!/1!
« on: March 26, 2012, 10:26:33 AM »
hai guyz im 7 yerz old ajn i weig 230 kilograams is theis nnoeamlram normal for mei? I am veeery skinny i excercise wheen i oopemn the pizza box its hard work!

Step 1.: Shut up
Step 2.: download this
Step 3.: You're done
Step 4.: Play on your maps, noob

Suggestions & Requests / Better physics
« on: March 25, 2012, 01:03:49 AM »
Hope this gets implemented in V21



When you blow up/ fakekill, each brick acts on its own. Is it possible for the bricks to sometimes break together, so like if you blow up the base of a tower, the top part of the tower acts as one fakekilled brick, so all the bricks are conjoined but the physcis still act on them, and when further force is applied they can break into individual bricks

Off Topic / mawty is a genius!
« on: March 24, 2012, 10:50:22 PM »
Quote from: mawty's signature
dem christians

Games / S.T.A.L.K.E.R thread!
« on: March 22, 2012, 06:29:04 PM »

Stalker is an open-world first person shooter game for PC developed by an Ukrainian developer, GSC Game World, taking place around the aftermath of the Chernobyl Accident.


Stalker takes place in the "Zone", a 30-kilometer area around the Chernobyl Power plant which was evacuated after the disaster. However, in 2006, almost 20 years after the first incident, a second disaster occurred, caused by the C-consciousness program, killing or mutating most of the remaining inhabitants. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. begins years later, after people have begun coming to the zone in search of money, valuable artifacts and scientific information. You wake up in unknown circumstances after suffering amnesia, saved by a black-market trader named Sidorovich. Sid is able to save your life, but you are amnesic; the only clues to your identity is a tattoo on your arm of the acronym "S.T.A.L.K.E.R." and your PDA which contains only one entry in the to-do list: "Kill Strelok." You are dubbed "Marked One" by Sid.

There are many different things to worry about in the game - hunger, health, bleeding, radiation, weight, and more. You may suffer from side effects if these are not treated properly. There are a number of mutated organisms scattered across the "Zone", ranging from mad dogs to a failed telekinesis experiment on a human, transforming them into somewhat of a magician. There are a range of different weapons as well, including shotguns, rifles, automatic rifles, sniper rifles, and others. You are able to trade many things for Russian currency, rubles. Your weapons and armor have a condition level. The lower the level is, the lower their performance is and weapons may jam. As a result of the second Chernobyl disaster, The Zone is littered with small areas of altered physics, known as anomalies. There are several different variations, each one having a unique impact upon those who cross its path. They can be potentially deadly to the player and other NPCs, delivering electric shocks, or pulling them into the air and crushing them. Most anomalies produce visible air or light distortions and their extent can be determined by throwing bolts (of which the player carries an infinite supply) to trigger them. Some stalkers also possess an anomaly detector, which emits warning beeps of a varying frequency depending on their proximity to an anomaly.Anomalies produce Artifacts, the valuable scientific curiosities that make the Zone worth exploring monetarily. As well as being traded for money, a number of Artifacts can be worn so that they provide certain benefits and detriments (for example, increasing a stalker's resistance to gunfire while also contaminating him with small amounts of radiation) although certain rarer Artifacts provide benefits without any negative effects. Artifacts are found scattered throughout the Zone, often near clusters of anomalies. In the 3rd game, Call of Pripyat, emissions occur from time to time. This is when the nuclear power plant releases a a deadly amount of energy, enough to light up the sky red, shake the ground, and kill anything it its path. This occurs throughout the whole zone, with the only thing to do is hide in a shelter. This game takes place approximately in our time period, so all the weapons in-game exist in real-life.


Stalker: Call of Pripyat cover


one of the many mutations

one of the very few STALKER outposts, hideouts, and trading places. (low quality ew)

Recommended Mods

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Complete
Overhauls the graphics and fixes a few bugs along the way, I recommend it.
Download for Shadow of Chernobyl [ModDB]
Download for Clear Sky [ModDB]
Download for Call of Pripyat [ModDB]

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. AtmosFear
Adds better weather effects.
Download for Call of Pripyat

A total conversion, making the game darker, more detailed, harder and overall more depressing.
Download for Call of Pripyat

thanks for brickybob C:

You should check it out, ill upadte this once in a while

Off Topic / How much do you like your parents?
« on: March 22, 2012, 01:59:13 AM »
I saw a few topics over the past few months concerning the posters parents, and I though it would be interesting to see what the majority thinks about their own parents.

I really love my parents. However, I loving hate the fact that my mom is stressed really often, because of her job. My dad, hes just an awesome dad that is really smart. They give me a lot of freedom, leaving me to learn from my mistakes on the way.

Games / Nuclear Post-Apocalyptic stuff
« on: March 20, 2012, 12:50:02 AM »
We need more nuclear post-apocalyptic games like Metro 2033 and Fallout.

And no, STALKER is not post-apocalyptic.

Discuss ideas about post nuclear apocalyptic games

Drama / Adz127 - Total Asswipe
« on: March 19, 2012, 06:54:53 PM »

sorry for pagestretch

Suggestions & Requests / Mute PM's
« on: March 19, 2012, 06:29:38 PM »
Can Badspot make it so that we can mute PM's? So this asswipe Adz127 keeps messaging be all kinds of stuff, and he is acting like a 5-year old and its annoying.

Seeing there is a Fallout playertype thread and absolutely no Fallout weapons, I decided to start working on a pack.

Fallout Weapons!

Current Weapons:

Working on the Fallout 3 / New Vegas hunting rifle, a true Fallout classic.

stupid ass rooster .gif converters suck my richard

More coming if I have a scripter.

So... I really need some scripters. I plan on having reload animations, ammo, iron sights. I made the gun have all of these (except I didn't finish animations yet)

edit: if you don't like the stupid ass rooster .gif converter that sucks my richard, I uploaded a video:


Get a scripter.

Make reload animations, not just shooting and bolt action.

More weapons.

Less vertices in my models.

Off Topic / List forum[s]goers[/s]morons who are coolbro
« on: March 13, 2012, 12:48:25 AM »

  • mawty
  • kompressor

Off Topic / How do you have a blue screen of death?
« on: March 05, 2012, 02:58:22 PM »
I want to make one of the school computer have a blue screen of death to see our librarian's reaction. How2do. Windows XP.

Off Topic / Communist on the loose...
« on: March 02, 2012, 12:43:55 AM »
On the ride to school on the bus ( of course) we was yellin and stuff when we go to the school parking lot, the driver said to say in our seats. He said there was a communist on the loose (he somehow escaped the borders of the soviet union) and he said if you see anyone driving a white tank with PA (pensylvania) license plates to run.. Im like " my dad has a white tank, so am i supposed to run from him and never get in when he driving? So the bus driver yelled at me and I got sent to the alien principal (Yipee!) and got detention where a nerd kid drilled me in the back of the head with his machine gun so I got up sharpend my pencil threw it across the room and IT STUCK IN HIS loving head! I yelled out TOMAHAWK BIATCH ( yes i litlerally said "biatch"  instead of bitch ) and now I have detention for the rest of the year...

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