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Topics - -Blok-

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Games / Battlefield 1 Revealed, Set In WW1 [Poll Updated]
« on: May 05, 2016, 01:14:49 AM »
So 2 years ago, on exactly May 6th, I posted this. In 2 days, on May 6th, EA DICE will be revealing Battlefield 5, and many believe it to be set in WW1 or WW2.

First off, what are the odds? Exactly 2 years this Friday I posted that and it just happens to be the EXACT DATE that they reveal BF5. Secondly, what are your guys' opinions on the rumors. Would you like to see the next Battlefield be set during WW1 or WW2?

Personally, I'd like to see it in WW2. Could you imagine:

1. Fighting in historical battles. Imagine storming Omaha beach, defending Stalingrad, taking Berlin, flying in the Royal Air Force, the Battle of Midway, or the Battle of Moscow, or even just fighting with the Eiffel Tower in the background.
2. The cool WW2 era weapons, vehicles, and setting in general. I'd love to roll up on my enemies in a WW2 style tank, or fire on passing enemies with a BAR, or just be crawling through the snow in Stalingrad. The visuals and sounds would be amazing. Battlefield is good at immersing you into the battle, and I think it'd be hard NOT to do that if this thing is set in WW2.
3. The gamemode possibilities.
I would love to see WW2 again solely because graphical technology has come so far since the last major frontline WW2 game, and it'd be awesome to see in glorious 4k sepia tone.

The other rumored possibilities for BF5 are modern (again), or they could counter CoD and do a futuristic setting. I, however, see the most probable to be WW1 or WW2.

Gallery / Quaint little house
« on: May 02, 2016, 02:30:17 AM »

Here's some pics of the interior:

You can rate out of 10 if you want, also looking for tips and suggestions.

Gallery / shoe house
« on: May 02, 2016, 01:56:05 AM »

Gallery / Picture story
« on: April 19, 2015, 01:18:46 AM »
Just a little something I put together in about an hour.

Go through the pictures slowly.


The End

Off Topic / Movie Quotes
« on: April 16, 2015, 01:23:38 AM »
Post your favorite movie quotes. You can post what the quote is from, or you can leave it open for people to guess.

I was just watching a movie and I remembered one of my favorite quotes from it.

"And, to answer your question, there are two reasons why I'm looking at you like this. One because it seems in a few minutes you will officially be the only survivor of this train wreck, and two, because you didn't break one don't have a scratch on you."

Off Topic / Best First Posts
« on: February 12, 2015, 12:35:40 AM »
Post the best/funniest/worst first replies you've seen.

Off Topic / The parts of the musics that are realy good
« on: February 05, 2015, 01:50:37 AM »
Occasionally I'll be listening to a song and I'll hear this part (either for the first time or for the millionth time) and I'll be like "god damn, that part is amazing..."

Like for example, I was listening to a song and there's this part that's about a minute and a half that just blows my mind.

From 3:24 to 4:56 is genius.

What are yours?

Suggestions & Requests / Customizable Server Announcements
« on: February 02, 2015, 03:31:25 AM »
Expanding off this topic.

There would be a new option in the admin menu to bring up a gui box where you could type in announcements that get shown in your server's chat, centerprint, or bottomprint every x minutes.

It would be like:

#1: [Tip] Crouching makes you more vulnerable to head shots. (chat) (x)
#2: [Help] Type "/rules" to see a list of rules, offenses, punishments, etc. (bottomprint) (x)
#3: [Info] Blok is life. (centerprint) ( )
(Add announcement)

The "(Add announcement)" option would be a button you could press that would add another box where you can make more announcements.

Next to each announcement there would be a drop-down selection box where you can choose where the announcement will be shown (chat, centerprint, or bottomprint), so you could have one announcement that appears in the chat, and another that appears in bottomprint, etc. Also next to each announcement, there would be a checkbox that turns them on and off. If unchecked, the announcement will not appear for players in your server.

There would be a check box at the bottom that allows you to toggle shuffling the announcements. This would cause the announcements to be shown out of the order you have them in, but they would not repeat until all of the announcements have been shown once. If unchecked, the announcements would appear in the order you created them. There would also be another checkbox that turns server announcements on and off.

There would be a box where you can type in how often the announcements appear. It would say "Announce every [ # ] minutes." If you put in 5, for example, one announcement would appear every 5 minutes.

You would also be able to type "/an #" into the chat to automatically announce that number's announcement. So, using my above example, if I typed in "/an 3" it would automatically announce "[Info] Blok is life."

You would also be able to send a makeshift announcement with a command. You would type "/an (location) (message)" For example, I could do "/an chat Do the harlem shake" and then everyone would start doing the harlem shake. You could also do "/an center (message)" and "/an bottom (message)" depending on where you want it to be.

Lastly, there would be a drop-down selection box that allows you to choose what level of admin can use/change announcements (or just the host).

Please give me some suggestions and if I like them I will add it to/edit the OP.

Off Topic / Favorite movies
« on: January 31, 2015, 02:46:26 AM »
Create different genres/categories for yourself and name your favorite movie for each.

Here are mine:

Favorite movie overall: The Good the Bad and the Ugly
Favorite thriller/suspense: The Thing (1982)
Favorite epic: Forrest Gump
Favorite comedy: Dumb & Dumber
Favorite true story: Schindler's List
Favorite black and white movie: To Kill a Mockingbird (HM to 12 Angry Men)
Favorite crime movie: The Godfather
Favorite action movie: The Bourne series (not really into action)
Favorite sports movie: Rocky
Favorite musical: A Hard Day's Night
Favorite mental illness movie: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Favorite war movie: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite genius movie: Good Will Hunting
Favorite science-fiction: 2001: A Space Odyssey
Favorite foreign movie: City of God and Life is Beautiful

Extra stuff (you don't have to do these):

Favorite character: Snape from the Harry Potter series
Favorite performance: Heath Ledger as The Joker
Favorite actor: was Robin Williams :( I like Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon
Favorite ending(s): One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Thing, No Country for Old Men, The Usual Suspects, Unbreakable, Inception, The Sixth Sense

Suggestions & Requests / Player Labeling
« on: January 27, 2015, 05:40:34 PM »
A client-sided tool that allows you to create custom labels and then give those labels to players via command or gui box. You could view your labels by simply pulling up the player list. There would be a new column there called "Label" that would show the label each player has been given. It would be blank if the player hasn't been given a label. You would be able to sort the player list with this button as well, just like you can with names or IDs.

To access the gui, you would type "/labels" into the chat. There it would show you all the labels you have made in a scroll-able window. You could click on a label and then click "View" which would take you to another box that shows you every player that has been given that label. In this box you could also add names/IDs to the list or remove them, as well as edit the label itself. Labels are given to the player's ID, so if they change their name they would still have the same label.

Back to the main gui. There would be a button to create a new label and a button to delete a selected label. You would also be able to create labels through the chat by typing "/createlabel (labelname)"

Once you have created a label, you would then be able to add players to that list through the chat. Let's say you've created the label "Regular" (a player that is a regular at your server). You would then be able to type in the chat "/label Blok regular" which would add the player to that list. Once you've done that, in the chat it would tell you "Blok has been added to Regular" so you know you've done it correctly. You could also remove players from a label by typing "/clearlabel Blok" which would then say in the chat "Blok has been removed from Regular." You would only be able to use these commands if you have created that specific label either through the gui or through the chat command.

The point of this would be to allow you to sort players based on whatever you like. My example would allow you to easily see what players are regulars at your server so you know that they understand the rules or that they are experienced at your server. This could be used for a number of things depending on your needs.

What do you guys think? Please suggest new ideas. If I like them I will add them to the OP.

Drama / Ron Paul (Cavik's Mafia Madness)
« on: January 24, 2015, 11:00:36 PM »
I know you guys don't want to read a wall of text, so I am going to make this quick and simple.

I'd first off like to say that this topic is not meant to be about Cavik, but I do have some problems with his server/administration overall. I don't suggest joining it in the state that it's currently in. That's all I have to say.

Ron Paul is an admin at Cavik's server. The first issue arose when I killed him in self-defense. Someone tossed a body off the roof (which you can be killed for) and so I killed him. Then Ron starts shooting at me, even when I have put my gun down. I shoot back and kill him in self-defense (he initiated the gunfight).

After a quick discussion he banned me for this reason:

I was then unbanned (I'm assuming by Cavik) because I hadn't broken any rules.

I put it behind me and kept playing. Eventually, there was another instance of someone tossing a couple bodies off of the roof (which, again, is killable). I killed the player who was tossing them. After the round Ron asked by I killed the player and I told him. Ron, having just recently learned a couple rules, didn't ban me this time.

Then, a couple rounds later, I was sitting on one of the corners of the roof when Ron randomly shot me. After the round I asked him why he killed me and he said that I had shot at him first. I clearly did not shoot at him, yet he insisted that I did. Then, we got into an argument that went into the next round. Not paying attention to my role and/or teammates, I accidentally killed a fellow mafia after seeing him murder someone. I quickly apologized and explained that I was paying attention to the argument and not the round. I was then banned (during the round) for this reason:

I take full responsibility for the teamkilling part (although I do believe it to be a bit harsh because of the fact that it was an accident). I also think it's a bad idea to ban players mid-round. You should wait for the end of the round to sort things out.

According to Ron, I am oblivious to the rules of Mafia Madness. I do not agree with that part because what does that make him?

Tips for Cavik if he happens to read this:
1. Make sure your admins know the rules
2. Don't ever put Mafia Madness into dedicated mode
3. Make sure the players know the rules before going into a round

Hopefully you can fix your server up a bit because it's pretty decent right now. Just a few changes are needed.

General Discussion / Mafia Madness?!
« on: January 20, 2015, 06:21:28 PM »
It's not up right now, but I'm still waiting for you...

General Discussion / A slightly sad game
« on: January 20, 2015, 05:20:21 AM »
Step 1: Find old group pictures of Blockland players (make sure the names of the players are visible)
Step 2: Save them
Step 3: Open them in Paint or another program and do the following:
------>Circle names of players that you know still play Blockland and/or that you've seen recently with GREEN
------>Circle names of players that you haven't seen in quite some time, but aren't sure if they still play Blockland or not with YELLOW
------>Circle names of players that you're quite certain don't play Blockland anymore with RED
------>Circle names of players that you don't recognize with PURPLE
------>Circle yourself with BLUE (perhaps you're in some old group pictures :P)
Step 4: Post the new picture here
Step 5: Feel the nostalgia/sadness and have fun

You can save already posted pictures and do it if you want. That way you might come across someone that you've seen recently that someone else hasn't seen in years. Could be interesting.

Make sure the pictures are relatively old or else it won't work.

Here's an example that I did:

Off Topic / What games do you think have the best music?
« on: January 19, 2015, 12:11:56 AM »
I think it's gotta be the Legend of Zelda games, especially Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Wind Waker.

Gallery / The Shining
« on: January 18, 2015, 02:15:42 PM »

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