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Topics - Zaie

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / 69 :3
« on: January 06, 2009, 04:36:51 PM »
This is from Bebo, kinda like myspace, just i use this cus more of my friends haves it.
Theres a share the luv thingy people can send you in comments. Mine is at 69  :3

Off Topic / Gf dumped me D:
« on: December 11, 2008, 09:39:21 AM »
Nvm i figured things out.
Forget about her. 

Creativity / Pencil drawing
« on: November 13, 2008, 08:53:24 PM »
Yesterday i was bored, so i drew this.
I got everything on it done, except today i just shaded.
Its a kid in a dinosaur suit.
The tail is a little out of proportion, but i dont really care. this was just for fun.


Sorry about the first one being to the side, im just too lazy to rotate it.  XD

Creativity / Sign
« on: October 23, 2008, 10:06:46 PM »
Im bored and have nothing better to do, so im posting.
This is a sign i made in Tech-Ed at school with one of those lasers that burn into wood.

Off Topic / The one up, one down game
« on: September 18, 2008, 10:28:49 PM »
just say somethink nice/ compliment the person above you, then say something you dont like about them/say something mean to them.

kinda dumb, but its actually kinda fun.

Off Topic / A7X and Buckcherry comin to my civic center!
« on: September 16, 2008, 10:35:22 PM »
[EDIT] Mom sed i cant Can go if my friend can!  :D  me are happy kitty now 

Off Topic / -700-
« on: August 29, 2008, 05:18:45 AM »
I now have 700 posts.

i dont know why im posting this. i just have nothing else to do at 3 in the morning.

Suggestions & Requests / Avatar size
« on: August 24, 2008, 01:37:15 AM »
Hey, I don't know if there's already a topic for this, but don't flame for not using search button. i hate that thing.
But Does anyone want a bigger avatar limit? like if you have an avatar with text, it is so hard to read because its so tiny. size 90x90 would be better, i think.
again, don't flame. just tel me your opinions, and badspot, if you see this, please acknowledge it.


Drama / Zaie
« on: August 20, 2008, 10:44:41 PM »
Wut a fukin nub lul hims so gai he dun no wut hims postin foar luly nub

Off Topic / The post pictures of your house thread!
« on: August 20, 2008, 01:18:29 PM »
Okay, this was kinda started here.
My house has pics on there, and im too lazy to post em here so i linked it.

Okay, Just post pictures of your house here. thats it. But, try to keep em organized.


Off Topic / What page are you on?
« on: August 02, 2008, 07:27:46 PM »

Off Topic / Why do people waste time...
« on: August 02, 2008, 07:20:29 PM »
Why do people waste their time with making acocunts they will never use? Seriously. Someone tell me, because I don't know. And don't flame me for it either.
3150860Really...Who would remember that?


I made this colour coded so it's easier to read.



Zoneark says: hai
Zaie says: hai
Zoneark says: hai
Zaie says: Orly?
Zoneark says: yarly
Zaie says: No. Notrly
Zoneark says: actually yarly
Zaie says: NNUUU
Zaie says: No. Notrly

Zoneark says: yesss
Zoneark says: yarly
Zaie says: NOOO NOTRLY
Zoneark says: actually yarly cause im that awesome :D
Zaie says: Ya?
Zoneark says: yeah
Zaie says: well, my notrly overrides yur YARLY becus i are kool
Zaie says: er
Zaie says: est
Zaie says: I liek suffixes :D

Zoneark says: lol
Zaie says: >:3
Zaie says: ebil bunny gunna kill u nao cus u sed 'yarly'

Zoneark says: :O
Zaie says: Here cums da ebil bunneh    >:3
Zaie says: duna duna dunadunadunadunda
Zoneark says: osht cum !
Zaie says: >:3
............................. ............................. ............................. ..........................

there was more but im not posting it.

here comes da bunneh!

Games / Mabinogi
« on: June 04, 2008, 07:57:06 PM »
The game i want to discuss/tell you about, is called Mabinogi. Its an online anime RPG. You get to design a character, and buy clothes and wepons and things like that, and; well, ill just post the link to the trailer.    --Mabinogi Trailer--

And here is the link to the game's site.   --Mabinogi--

It's actually pretty fun. I thought it looked stupid, as i did Blockland when i first saw it, but i now like Blockland alot more than i expected. It's the same way with Mabinogi. I suggest you give it a try.

Modification Help / Need Script Help
« on: May 17, 2008, 03:30:27 PM »
Well, i made a rules script, and it worked perfect, just the way i wanted it to.
Then i hit copy, then pasted it to the desktop. i later clicked 'delete' on the desktop copy, and found out i actually deleted it all because copy and cut are right next to each other.
I just thought, "no problem." and I rewrote the exact same script, and now it won't work. i've tried everything i can think of to make it work again, and it never seems to fix it.

Here's what the script looks like:


function serverCmdRules(%client){

messageClient(%client,'',"\c2 ~RULES~");
messageClient(%client,'',"\c2 1-No asking for admin. I will give out as I see fit.");
messageClient(%client,'',"\c2 2-No spamming. This means bricks, chat, etc.");
messageClient(%client,'',"\c2 3-Respect others. This means, if you are asked to stop doing something, please stop.");
messageClient(%client,'',"\c2 4-Obey the admins.");
messageClient(%client,'',"\c2 5-Respect the other players' builds. This means, don't paint them, don't duplicate them without permission, ect. If it's your build, go ahead. do whatever you want to it.");
messageClient(%client,'',"\c2 6-Try and use proper grammar. Unless you're in one of those moods where you wanna talk like this. "hai guyz. wat u bilding? me freebild on ur hawz?");
messageClient(%client,'',"\c2 7-Failure to follow these rules (except #6) will result in, in this order:  1-You will be asked to stop.  2-Kick.  3-Ban.  4-Perma-Ban");
messageClient(%client,'',"\c2 So try and follow these rules, so the server isnt annoying to be on, and so you dont get banned  :D");


I've color coded so it's easyer to see

Well, i REALLY need help, so if you see anything wrong, or know what i can do to fix it, please post.

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