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Topics - Cog_Spartan

Pages: [1] 2
Games / Gears of War Survivor Riddle
« on: November 01, 2008, 02:33:28 PM »
I was looking at the Xbox 360's news, and I stumbled upon an article about a secret Gears of War 2 event. It had a riddle telling you were to go, and who to talk to. The riddle is this:
At 13:00 on Saturday November 1st, head to the coliseum of higher learning where much knowledge is gained. On the steps leading up to this monument, find the Survivor. He will reward your efforts to save the Stranded.
I am thinking that it may be the Library, and will go there in an hour to find out. I will update this thread when I get the reward.

Gallery / Wireframe Art
« on: October 16, 2008, 08:43:46 PM »
After looking at one of my invisible builds with my hammer out, I noticed how cool it looked, and so I decided to make more, and these are what I made:

The Matrix:

The 'Wall-O-Color':

A mini-city:

Mario :O

I hope that after you see these it inspires you to make some yourself, and if you do please post them here.

To create one yourself, wrench the bricks and uncheck rendering. Then take out any building tool, and viola! You can view yours!

Gallery / Zombie Hellway
« on: September 21, 2008, 05:13:47 PM »
This is a small project I started, and so I didn't put in a lot of detail. Also it is a Work in Progress, and should be finished this week sometime. It was made for a close-courters zombie hallway thing. But then i got the idea of a 'Hellway' (Hell + Hallway) At times this gets difficult, and other times it simple because of the Zombies not attacking until attacked. :/

Feel free to rate, and comment!

Gallery / Cogs BLC Application
« on: September 21, 2008, 12:50:25 AM »
This is a work in progress theater I have been building for a while, and after seeing the BLC I decided they looked good and I wanted to join. So heres my app:

 And yes, there are many signs of my clan TSA :P

Forum Games / The Community Challenge
« on: September 07, 2008, 11:24:57 PM »
After seeing many challenges made by many people, and my love for challenges i have decided that we should make a challenge. If you want to help all you have to do is make 1 to 2 levels for a challenge with an entrance and exit. Also tell me what your challenge idea/s is/are so nobody makes the same level. Remember to make your challenges on duplicateable plates. Also make your challenge away from spawn so no challenges get stuck in each other when I load them. The theme for the challenge is a lab, kinda like portal so remember to make the main color grey. Once everyone finishes their level I will combine them to make one massive community-made challenge. There is no deadline so don't rush it.

Name                 Challenge

Games / Mirrors Edge
« on: September 02, 2008, 02:58:23 PM »
Mirrors Edge is a free running game were you play as Faith a courier who works from the rooftops, jumping from roof to roof and such. The law in the city is to powerful for people to be able to send messages to others through the mail, so they hire 'runners' to get the messages to others. Cars are very expensive and so most don't drive. The graphics look amazing, and the way they created the city is jaw-dropping. The main color for the city is white, but there are some things that are red and blue, showing objects you can use to get to your objective. There are guns in this game but there is an Achievement you can get by not shooting a single bullet. This game is due to be released in November 2008.

heres the trailer:

General Discussion / My Tower Challenge Problem
« on: September 01, 2008, 11:22:07 PM »
I have spent a while creating a tower challenge, but recently I accidentally saved over it, and so I lost the save. So I am asking everyone to see if any of you have a save that is near where I left off. If you know anyone who might have the save please tell them to contact me. Pease Help D:
(Now its in the right section :/ )

Gallery / The 'Click' Challenge
« on: August 15, 2008, 06:18:41 PM »
    This has been a project for me and a few others for a while now. We created it to show off the new events, with words appearing when you click something and things happening when you click something else. This challenge is not based in any time period, it is supposed to be a strange other world, that is still in the Medieval ages, but with things above there time period, like radioactive waste. You were a prisoner in the Longdale Prison, but now you have escaped, but can you reach the surface? Thats up to you. This also has a soundtrack by TruBluRage that you can downlaod if you want. The links will be posted below. Also you will need NiXills Checkevents, and Rotondo's setPlayerTransform. The .bls will also be posted below if you want to pay it, or you can just join my server anytime its up.

Cavetru -
Dungeon -
Gray Mind -
Put them in your blockland/addons/music file.


The save file is to big for here so I uploaded it to mediafire:

Thanks to: Blinder, NiXill, Maxwell, LolBurt, Mr. Block, TruBluRage, Jumi, SirLancelot7, Peaceful War, and anyone else I forgot!

Feel free to leave Constructive CritCIAm.

Suggestions & Requests / Checkpoint Event
« on: August 13, 2008, 03:26:52 PM »
After the v9 update i lost one of the most important things for my Challenges: The Checkpoint. I have seen that there is a Checkpoint brick in the Fail Bin but first of all I would rather have an event and i don't think good addons go in the Fail Bin. So if you can, can someone whip up a Checkpoint Event?

       Cheers! - Cog

Gallery / Super Team!
« on: August 12, 2008, 09:08:58 PM »
Moar Strength than the average Caterpillar,
Maor Speed than a racing Turtle,
Maor Brainz than all those other Guys,
They are... Super Team!

General Discussion / The Space Challenge
« on: August 04, 2008, 01:22:50 PM »
The Space Challenge

    Captains Log
Log # 41
4:53 pm - 4/23/2157
Location: Mars Planetary Defense Outpost (MPDO)

    A couple hundred kilometers from our base there is a mining depot. For several months now they have been digging down into Mars' crust, trying to find something to show there once was life on this desolate planet. They had been having good progress, well until yesterday. Yesterday they came upon a cave, and in that cave there was some sort of ancient structure. The miners sent out for some scientist from our base. We sent them, but we never should have. When the scientists examined the structure something inside it 'turned on' and a teleport was layed upon them. The scientists then sent for some of our soldiers to help find out what was beyond the teleport. After several minutes of debut for who should go first one soldier slipped and fell in the teleport. The others went in after him to find themsleves stuck in an ice cold cave. They followed the cave and then found another teleport. They activated it and stepped through. At this point the radio connection was very bad. They said they were in another cave with yet another teleport. They went through it and thats when we lost contact.

    Captains Log
Log #42
3:13 am - 4/24/2157
Location: Mars Planetary Defense Outpost (MPDO)

    Damn it damn it damn it! We have received contact with the last remaining Soldier. LAST remaining soldier. He was attacked by some sort of 'alien'. Minutes after receiving this message the mining depot sent out a distress signal. We have reason to believe that the 'aliens' attacked them. What are we going to do?

   Captains Log
Log #43
9:34 am - 4/24/2157
Location: Mars Planetary Defense Outpost (MPDO)

    This cannot be happening. A couple of minutes ago there was an earthquake and from Mars' crust rose a massive ship. We believe its the 'Mother Ship'. We aimed all of out AA Guns at it and took it out of the sky. It crash landed on the Moon. From our telescopes we can see there is still life on that ship, and that they are sending an army towards us. Its an all-out war! Theres only one thing we can do. We must awaken them. I know they didn't finish all their Training but they can do it on the way there. We must defeat those alien bas
*Coffee Spill* ds. If these aliens win then *Transmission Error* *Reestablishing Connection* Hello Humans, I see you have shot down our Queen. Well that cannot be tolerated. You have chosen your fate. Now you are going to DIE. Your brains were never big enough for these kinds of things. Goodbye. *Transmission Terminated*


    The Space Challenge has been a project of mine and a few others for a while now. This Challenge is gonna be very different from most Challenges as it is also a TDM. Humans vs. Aliens. The Challenge got so big and laggy that we had to find a new part of the map were you couldn't see the other. Also the Wrench events lagged the entire server but ever so slightly. SO i have decided that we split this Challenge into Three parts. Part one which is ALMOST done, is the Mars level. Part Two is the Moon Level, and Part Three Is the Mother Ship Level. The Mother Ship is gonna be its own level because its gonna be several small challenges, then the thing that i cant wait to build... Well i cant tell you that right now. Some of you may know, but all I can tell you is, that it will be BIG. After i finish making Part Two I shall lock my server and only allow some people to join. If you would like to help build this I will need to see your building and wrench event skills. If you become part of the building crew you will get the password.

   Completion Chart
Part One (Mars) - 100% Complete
Part Two (Moon) - 2% Complete
Part Three (Mother Ship) - Not Started

    Builders List

Cog Spartan - Lead Designer/Lead Builder
LolBurt - Builder*
Mr. Block - Builder*
//Reformist - Builder*
Amiret - Designer (Application Pending)
Singapura - Builder
* = Secondary Leader


    After I Complete the entire Challenge and before I release it, I will make a trailer. So if you want to be an actor in this trailer just ask, you don't need any skill in building and wrenching.

    Actors List

Cog Spartan - Director
LolBurt - Actor
Mr. Block - Actor
Jonny - Actor (Did he change his name? I forgot.)
MonkeyMeat - Actor
Singapura - Builder

    If you want to be a builder and you ask first on this topic, then join my server anytime and show me your app. I will host a 'Space Challenge Builder Apps' Server soon and every once and a while.



Please leave some constructive criticism, but nothing mean.


Part One Complete! - Finally after a lot of hard work Part One is done!
TDM - After fighting the Aliens i have decided to make a TDM only after the completion of the challenge.

Gallery / RotB Application (Snipe N Hippies')
« on: June 29, 2008, 10:53:08 PM »
Snipe N Hippies asked me to post his app for RotB. So here it is:
It is some sort of house.

If you would like to see it better the server is up right now.

Modification Help / Cmd Activated Sound
« on: June 27, 2008, 02:34:33 PM »
I was wondering how you would activate a sound by typing a command like: /sound would make a sound. I have made the script for the command and the other effect, but i can't figure out how to make the sound work. If you could help me that would be great.

Suggestions & Requests / Brick Activated Words
« on: May 13, 2008, 11:47:31 AM »
                It would be very helpful for me if somebody could make a tool that, when you hit a brick, brings up a menu with a blank thing. You click on the blank box and then you fill it in with a word or a sentence. So when you touch the brick something fill pop-up on the screen. Heres an example:
                You walk to the door of a large house, when you touch the mat, the words: "Welcome to the Mansion" appear on your screen. You walk forward a bit more and then: "This is creepy." appears on the screen.
                So a simple model of a wrench would do, you don't need a picture for the tool selection. SO hopefully someone will be kind enough to make it .          :cookieMonster: - Cog


Gallery / Cogs Mansion {WIP}
« on: April 19, 2008, 11:28:25 AM »
This is my mansion I have been working on for a while now. I showed some pictures of it on the TSA clan page but i thought I should show the rest of it. Most of the second floor rooms arent complete and I have to put more detail into the other ones. Hopefully you like it and dont think it sucks. Come to the TSA clan server if you want a tour of it.
Here are the pictures:

This is the front of the mansion:

This is the back of the mansion:

This is the river at the front of the mansion it has a well, a dam, a dock, an island, and a boat:

This is a better look at the island thats at the edge of the dam:

This is a picture of the cave under the well, there are many coins and a creature watching you:

This is the entrance to the sewers, it leads to the secret entrance and the dead-end:

This is the mud room:

This is the couch, the T.V. and the Xbox 360 (With games):

This is the rest of the living room. The bookshelf to the far right is another secret entrance to the secret room:

This is the secret room, access through the sewers and the bookshelf:

This is the dining room table:

These are the garage doors:

This is the road connecting to my garage:

This is the inside of the garage:

This is the kitchen:

This is the bathroom under the stairs:

This is the second floor, which has to be worked on a lot more, only the ladder room, and the vault are finished:

This is the vault:

This is the ladder room leading to the third floor:

This is the third floor storage room:

This is the jail, it has 4 small cells:

This is the ladder to the final fourth floor:

This is the bar, where you can see me, drunk:

This is the window looking out onto the deck:

Hopefully you like this. Please give me a rating x/10 and some feedback!

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