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Messages - mctwist

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The old Add-On makes comeback with enhanced performance. You pick the onRelays to fire. One relay to rule them all.

Code: [Select]
onActivate -> Self -> fireRelayNum ( "1", "Brick" )
onRelay -> Self -> setColor ( "blue" )
onRelay -> Self -> setColor ( "white" )

The brick will be colored blue. It is also possible to insert multiple numbers like:
Code: [Select]
1 5-7 9 11 15-17
The list is the direction of the event where Brick is the default current brick.

For fireRelayRandomNum, it will pick only one of the relays.

Code: [Select]
onActivate -> Self -> fireRelayRandomNum ( "1-2", "Brick" )
onRelay -> Self -> setColor ( "blue" )
onRelay -> Self -> setColor ( "white" )

The brick will randomly become blue or white.

Protip: Adding the same number more times in fireRelayRandomNum results in it being picked more frequently.

"If the event does not come to you, you come to it."

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Code: (v5) [Select]
Improved performance significantly for bricks with lots of events but few targets.
Code: (v6) [Select]
Added fireRelayRandomNum
Fixed appended client
Removed redundant inputTarget
Code: (v7) [Select]
Fixed delay issue for fireRelayRandomNum
Performance and security improvements
Code: (v8) [Select]
Added support for Event_onRelay
Minor modifications
Code: (v8.1) [Select]
Added support for EventScript labels

« on: August 22, 2017, 04:32:30 PM »
left handed here
except that i use my mouse on the right, not the left.
I am. I use right hand for mouse tho.

That is fairly common. Keyboards are made for right handed and most games are made for right handed as well. Of course, one could try to play with alternative keys and therefore overcome those obstacles.

« on: August 22, 2017, 03:29:36 PM »
I'm right handed, but have learned using left hand when I work at the computer. This is so I can play with right hand and work with left hand without them being interfered due to physical injuries that may occur over longer sessions. I use a Logitech G300 at work so I and others may switch hand whenever we want. I do recommend to learn using a mouse in the left hand. Took me only a couple of months to get used to it and I think it was worth.

Other than that, I think I'm not going to unite as I'm not lefthanded in general.

General Discussion / Re: older blockland user check-in.
« on: August 22, 2017, 05:53:13 AM »
I'm still here, but I rarely play on any server. Same account and key as back then. Bought it in 2008, when v10 was a thing.

I've just worked for 5 years and am now in the second year of university. Been lurking most of the time, but am now trying to contribute even more with projects here and there whenever I get time for it.

Add-Ons / Re: Blockland Glass 4.1
« on: August 21, 2017, 06:51:42 AM »
damn, two years? feels like six months

Tells about your age.

General Discussion / Re: I just recovered my old key.
« on: August 15, 2017, 08:18:01 PM »
unfortunately some people put their emails in a weird place and either forget about it or it was terminated

Actually, it wasn't even my e-mail to begin with. I've requested to change it, but I think I need to rely on my ability to either remember it or store it well.

Add-Ons / Re: Blockland Glass 4.1
« on: August 14, 2017, 06:58:24 PM »
Previously posting issues on Github was the best way, but there is actually a new system on the site that allows users to post bugs about any add-on they're running. The next update of Glass will include a way to do this in-game, but for now you can do it here:

Just hit "Open New issue".

I might be mistaken, but I meant the service of BLG.

Add-Ons / Re: Blockland Glass 4.1
« on: August 14, 2017, 06:35:00 PM »
Scout31/Jincux, I sent you a PM. It would be great if you read it.

Also, you guys have mentioned that you may report issues when one encounter them, but I didn't find any button or e-mail on the website or in-game. Bugs could be reported to GitHub. Other than that, I've only seen posts in this topic and you mention to people to report them. The topic got a lot of pages and there is no info about reporting an issue on the first page. Where is the correct and best way to give attention of issues that come up in the system?

Add-Ons / Re: Blockland Glass Chat Recorder
« on: July 28, 2017, 06:51:43 PM »
ah yes but that would cause more suspicion, which he certainly does not want.

Alas, he's doing a double and is tricking both of us.

General Discussion / Re: You're given dev powers for a week
« on: July 28, 2017, 06:48:18 PM »
I would bad-on all Add-Ons that is bad quality or contains mature material.

Off-topic: If I was Admin on the forum, I would move this to Off Topic where it belongs.

Add-Ons / Re: Blockland Glass Chat Recorder
« on: July 28, 2017, 05:05:14 AM »
notice how he didn't respond to this allegation

More like that he haven't removed it already. Therefore he's most certainly not.

I remember doing it larger than 64, but sadly it will make the model a maximum of 64, and the rest will be invisible. I might be wrong on if that is the case in the current version.

There's several XML parsers. Greek2me is not the only one who made one.

However, I tried once to parse HTML to TML, but it ended up that I had to skip TML for most part and use GUI instead. For instance, if you do position:absolute on a block, you better position that correctly. It's more recommended to use the approach Greek2me used in Support_Updater where he made TML v2 and parsed that instead. Mostly because making a HTML to TML is a pain and you'll mostly end up creating your own browser.

Modification Help / Re: add all bricks to brickgroup_#######
« on: July 13, 2017, 06:49:23 PM »
ScriptGroups (should?) also support the class and superClass fields, like ScriptObjects but unlike SimGroups.

I actually didn't know this. I've always presumed that it'll work as I've used ScriptObject all the time a it suited the best.

General Discussion / Re: Blockland: Community Edition Proposal
« on: July 13, 2017, 04:10:23 AM »
you can only do so much with function hooking and c++ :o

Actually, you can do a lot with it. But here it becomes even more complicated and will therefore make the implementation of a mod even harder if functionality is replaced instead of added.

If we now ends up in changing too much parts of the game, it could easily take even longer rather than creating the whole game from scratch. Here we need to tread lightly to avoid doing such.

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