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Messages - Katadeus

Pages: 1 ... 953 954 955 956 957 [958]
Suggestions & Requests / Re: Doctor Who Death Zone and Pandorica DMs
« on: June 03, 2011, 07:59:15 AM »
I hate not knowing how to model well, and the same goes for scripting.
These NEED to be made.

Suggestions & Requests / Not worth your time.
« on: June 03, 2011, 07:48:28 AM »
Could someone make a playertype that is mountable, and not only by commands?
You could have people towers again!

You get a jar of happiness!
*Katadeus inserts a Hershebian half-dong.

You get 26 bottles of pure cod liver oil.
*Katadeus inserts a compact car!

General Discussion / Re: Console Command List.
« on: May 21, 2011, 11:00:15 AM »
I feel like an idiot, but something that I really want to do is be able to ride on a tank. A zombie tank, not the default vehicle, before I get flamed for being an imbecile. But I have figured out how to control one, but not ride one. You can make one ride you, but I see no purpose. It's also obviously something pretty simple, but still...
Whoever tells me will suddenly get a feeling of unadulterated happiness coursing through them.

Yeah nvm I kinda stink.

I think I'll apply, but I'm not as good at events as I want to be. I can do a lot in VCE, but I cannot do random events. They are my weakness. But working on an application.

Clan Discussion / Re: Clan?
« on: April 28, 2011, 09:05:01 PM »
New California? Hmm... I might think about it, if my bulging ego allows it. But I didn't say that ORGY accepted me. I just said that it was the only clan that I would be interested in joining. If I end up making this clan, it might be one that I would want to actively participate in, and if not, I would hand over leadership to someone more capable or interested.

Clan Discussion / Re: Clan?
« on: April 28, 2011, 08:44:39 PM »
So you are not skilled enough to join a clan, so you make your own?
I'm not really a noob, I just don't consider myself good enough. I can do VCEs, I can make good builds in short time, and I can hold my own in a knife fight, provided that my internet isn't acting up as it has of late. But there isn't any clan that holds any interest for me, other than ORGY, and I doubt that my parents would understand me being in a clan with a name like that. But I kinda expected that response. Thanks anyway.

Clan Discussion / Re: Clan?
« on: April 28, 2011, 08:08:59 PM »
The entire meaning of my existence is to make sure that Blockheads do not get the pleasure obtained by posting first.
And this way I can say that my thread was posted on.

Clan Discussion / Clan?
« on: April 28, 2011, 07:51:59 PM »
                                                            Hey, world!
      I'm thinking about making a rather informal clan, simply because I'm not quite experienced enough to belong in any clan that I want to be in and I don't want to be in any clan that I could be in. So here's my idea: a clan that's exclusively for KTDM players and builders. I've made many knife TDMs, platform or otherwise, and consider myself relatively good at knife fighting. I also want to have a clan that I don't have to do anything with, really, except see other members every few days.
      So that's that.
      I'll try my very best to revisit this sooner than later.

      Clan tags are mystifying me. I don't know what to name this clan. KTDM? KFC (Knife Fighter Clan)?

Clan Discussion / Re: Making a clan.......
« on: April 28, 2011, 07:28:13 PM »
I doubt I would join, as I have trouble keeping an eye on the forums, and no clan that I could think of would appeal to me, unless there was some sort of TDM build clan...
But you get  :cookie: for being smart about making a clan.
Incidentally, if I look back here, or if anyone else wants to know, what kind of clan would it be?

Afar... I need something more complicated to work with

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