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Messages - Hazmat

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Off Topic / Re: sounds not playing through headphones?
« on: November 26, 2011, 12:51:20 AM »
did u try a different set of headphones? it might not be the computer it might be the headphones but that seems unlikely since it only comes through on steam...

Off Topic / Re: What topic is your BL_ID?
« on: November 26, 2011, 12:50:12 AM »
I got nothing but adding a 7 gave me this:

Off Topic / Re: How to meet some other girls?
« on: November 26, 2011, 12:44:09 AM »
asking a girl out on a date, getting that date. making out during that date.
that does not make you two bf and gf. that was just a date.

kids dont understand this. and they think if you simply talk to a girl and hold hands with her in the halls that suddenly you should be thinking about where you want to buy your house and raise your kids.
I'm not saying that going out on one date makes you boyfriend and girlfriend. But instead of just dating every girl I know I like to have a somewhat long term relationship and if that doesn't work out then so be it but I just asked if anyone knew a way i could possibly meet some other girls

Off Topic / Re: How to meet some other girls?
« on: November 26, 2011, 12:30:17 AM »
so you dont like any other girl because "they are all sluts"

perhaps your attitude is the reason you are so hopeless.
there is nothing wrong with those girls. the second you think you are special and unique; you fail.
no the girls at my school are not sluts. I mean i didn't mean to insult those girls it's just that the dances aren't really what i like and what i meant by sluts is they date a guy for 2 days and then break up with them. Also where do you get the impression I think I'm unique because i really don't.

im sorry but i'd rather go for girls who actually have some good qualities rather than none

dating isn't just "get that girl"
Thank you.

Off Topic / Re: What is the worst thing that happened to you?
« on: November 26, 2011, 12:25:29 AM »
Mine was either in first grade when my art teacher shot himself or when i was driving a golf cart i looked away for a second and then hit a telephone pole, had to walk all the way back home after being punched in the stomach by the wheel, but it could have been a lot worse. Is that a run-on sentence? I think it is...

Off Topic / How to meet some other girls?
« on: November 26, 2011, 12:16:21 AM »
I know I'm probably gonna get trolls for this but here it goes. Please actually read this before posting? Don't just go off the title and think i type with bad grammar and spelling.

My girlfriend and I broke up about a week ago and she was just about the last girl in my grade i would ever date (2 for 2) anyway all the other girls in my grade are arrogant and don't know stuff, or i just wouldn't date them because I don't really like them. The problem is i don't really have a way to meet girls outside of school. The only dances that happen near me often are where all the sluts are. The other dances are just a bunch of schools huddled around and it's awkward, and they only happen like twice a year. My point is does anyone have any ideas for how i can meet some other girls or am i screwed until next year when maybe we get some new ones.

Off Topic / What does <# mean?
« on: October 29, 2011, 12:38:45 PM »
okay before you say anything no it's not <3 it's <#. it is not a typo and this friend of mine said it over a chat on skype and won't tell me what it means. please if anyone knows tell me.

Gallery / Re: New Non Spammy Football Field
« on: September 18, 2011, 11:48:58 PM »
i bet the lines are above the grass :I
the names at the end of the field have to be he used wedges

Gallery / Re: New Non Spammy Football Field
« on: September 18, 2011, 06:57:21 PM »
i think it's pretty decent. He didn't say it was a football stadium he said field.
The advice I'd give you would be to add some bleachers and maybe a tower on one side and if the lines are sticking up off the grass to make them so they're level but that might require re-doing it.

Gallery / Re: The Forever Tower
« on: September 14, 2011, 03:39:09 PM »
Go cry some more about the internet kid. I didn't troll at all, you're just loosely throwing that term around to seem like you know what you're doing.
Maybe not on this topic alone but with all your posts together your just annoying. Unless you study psychology I doubt you could know my vocabulary from just one post. I am not loosely throwing the term around i know what it means so I'm using it. I've been a registered user longer than you I have more experience with these forums. On your xfire profile it says that you're a 14 year old guy if this is true then i am only one year younger than you and so you shouldn't really be calling me kid. I'm not complaining I'm just trying to get annoying people like you to shut up. So if you have nothing to say to this then great! If not well then i'll be back to say more.

Gallery / Re: The Forever Tower
« on: September 14, 2011, 12:39:10 AM »
This a piece of crap, nothing more, nothing less.
why are you such a troll? you say you're 8 on a bunch of topics and are like "oh don't cuss or I'll get grounded"
Guess what? In case you were unaware your profile says that you're a 30 year old women and your signature contains a story about someone forcing a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic character to have love with them so either shut up or leave.

General Discussion / Re: Star Wars Battlefront I Server
« on: September 05, 2011, 08:53:30 AM »
I said no commet!
I'm having trouble seeing why this changes anything...

General Discussion / Re: "omg dont cuss!"
« on: September 03, 2011, 10:14:02 PM »
I agree with a lot of opinions here.
- If you need to let something out then let it out.
- Curse words are only bad because we put bad meaning to them.
- Cursing isn't bad if used in moderation. But if used every other word it gets annoying just as with any other word
some people have also formed the habit because as Hothauser said if you're around it enough it becomes normal so it will become part of someones language. Someone saying holy stuff is the same thing as saying oh my goodness because we're used to it, the only difference is that one is put to bad meaning. I also agree with headcrab zombie. I don't understand how a little kid can call someone a poopyhead and there's nothing wrong with it, but then when someone calls someone a stuffhead it's bad. It's the same meaning but one is worse, why?

Suggestions & Requests / Re: The (Near) Solution to Build Stealing
« on: August 31, 2011, 12:53:24 AM »
what about not being able to load without ownership? There can be an option to be able to edit these bricks like a separate trust level. but anyone who painted or wrenched the bricks would see the real owner.

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