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Messages - Drew Skube

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Games / Re: Strange Things At Night In TF2 Servers
« on: October 09, 2016, 12:31:51 AM »
thats called people having fun and you killing them is called being a richard
yep. describes me in competitive things.

Games / Strange Things At Night In TF2 Servers
« on: October 09, 2016, 12:24:26 AM »
I'm gonna make this short, and brief. Over the past few days, I've been attached to Team Fortress 2, with my main being a soldier and becoming a high rank, this is besides the point. At about 12 o'clock (PST) and I joined a 2Fort game with a few Asian people in it and the most unusual thing happened. Everyone gathered in the center, in a circle or atleast an oval, and started doing a conga around the oval they shaped. So, the jerk I am, went over with my killstreak stange shovel and well, massacred the Red team and they kicked me. Some other things that happened are they didn't attack me at all when I approached them, so well I murdered them. Is there any explanation other than 'Being Silly'. I'm also opening this up as a Strange Experiences In Video Games thread.

Games / Re: The Best Fallout And Why
« on: September 26, 2016, 09:45:36 AM »
I was disappointed in how generic and bland FO4's story was.

yeah, it left a sour taste in my mouth when I finished it.

Games / Re: The Best Fallout And Why
« on: September 26, 2016, 08:23:44 AM »
But I like everything else about #4

I really like Fallout 4 for the fact that you can mix and match armor and gun parts, I found that cool.

Games / Re: The Best Fallout And Why
« on: September 26, 2016, 08:22:06 AM »
I wouldn't compare 1/2 with 3/NV/4 because they play totally differently, so you'd be better off finding the best in each of those categories rather than the entire franchise as a whole

Yeah, I can justify that, but I felt that since they included older characters and stuff it felt a little more like a old esque fallout.

Games / Re: The Best Fallout And Why
« on: September 26, 2016, 08:20:16 AM »
Never played NV but I want to :(

I honestly suggest and support this game 100%. If you have the time and the money its worth a full playthrough.

Games / The Best Fallout And Why
« on: September 26, 2016, 01:00:20 AM »
this means spoilers

In my opinion, my favorite Fallout game is Fallout ; New Vegas. From my steam review I say little, to nothing, But I believe its because there is nothing that needs to be said. I'll begin with the fact its different. Its very un-traditional because of the fact that it involves a post-apocalyptic mailman. Compared to the other games, you start off in a vault, or being involved within a vault (Excluding BoS and Tactics, but I really don't consider those Fallout games for a complicated reason). Secondly, my other reason its my favorite is because it has a more RPG feel to it, it has the classic feel of that your decisions matter. As I saw when I was playing Dead Money, the way you treat your companions matters because it determines if they are friends or enemies. my example is that I told Dean Domino I was going to break his legs if he didn't stay there and do what I told him had an effect on an outcome of Dead Money because you had to kill him or persuade him in the end. Third, and lastly, is the main story. As I said in my last few sentences, your decisions matter. Being that you massacre every NCR troop in Camp Searchlight just because you wanna makes it so you can't really do quests involving the NCR as an ally. I chose Caesar's Legion on my first playthrough so I learnt this the hard way. Those are basically my reasons for why I think Fallout ; New Vegas is the best Fallout.

Drama / Re: paulthemurderer - another sector-z tard life form
« on: September 26, 2016, 12:44:02 AM »
the fact that this thread has turned into a church discussion means that this thread should've been locked pages ago

Games / Re: Is Fallout 4 still worth getting?
« on: September 25, 2016, 11:34:18 PM »
Well. If you want to get it, you might aswell get a bundle. I got the mini nuke bundle for christmas and I bragged about it, it comes with all games and all DLC. Play through every one, and then watch some F04 gameplay and decide.

Drama / Re: Any players you just simply hate?
« on: September 25, 2016, 08:54:08 PM »

Off Topic / Re: The Nutshack Megathread
« on: September 25, 2016, 05:04:50 PM »
Ahead's Nutshack Minecraft Server

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