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Messages - Whirlwind~

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General Discussion / Re: -Best Add-Ons of 2015-2016-
« on: February 12, 2016, 01:19:58 AM »
dup obvious winner.

PTG obvious second place.

theres no blockland api

There's no official blockland api

I just found out about this today, so I haven't checked to see if it useful or not, but it seems legit.

Annihilation progress is going fairly well.

What are the rest of us supposed to be doing exactly?

General Discussion / Re: "Time" for a new CityRPG
« on: February 08, 2016, 08:48:42 PM »
heheh... What time will it be up? *giggle*

It'll be up when Donald Annoying Orange becomes president.

General Discussion / Re: "Time" for a new CityRPG
« on: February 08, 2016, 05:57:58 PM »
Just kidding, this is a great idea. But what happens when you run out of time? Do you just reset completely and try again?
We are currently debating this. So far we have permaban, ban until reset, get reset and lose everything, get reset but able to reclaim property, and sent from Elysium to Tartarus (high society to low).

Here's another suggestion: nothing

Nothing happens. The clock stops at 0. No more health to lose (invincible?). Yoi have no currency to buy things with. You can't pay taxes, so everything get repossessed. You basically become a bum and try to get some time back.

General Discussion / Re: "Time" for a new CityRPG
« on: February 08, 2016, 01:10:35 AM »
The people who play CityRPG usually spend a lot of time on one server. They are regulars.
By permabanning them when time runs out, you will lose that crowd pretty quickly.
When they are usually the ones keeping the server alive.

What I mean is, you are counting on an infinite flow of joining players that I don't think exists.
The start of a server will look awesome, but after a couple of days almost nobody will be on.
I really wasn't serious about the permabanned thing. I did that more for the extremity.
I didn't think people would get hung up on this. I just didn't want people taking timing out lightly.

I am all for making a new type of CityRPG that tries something different.
But your concept will need a lot of tweaks before it will be playable.
Of course it would need tweaks? But I still need to know what needs to be tweaked.

This idea is for very long down the road.

General Discussion / Re: "Time" for a new CityRPG
« on: February 07, 2016, 05:14:23 PM »
Only thing I question is teleporting taking the same amount of time from your life as walking. I think it should take slightly more. It's a risk:reward sort of situation.

It's going to take me 5 minutes to get there. That's 5 minutes of me walking, somewhat slow.
OR, I could teleport there instantly, cut out the slow boring walk and get straight to work. However, it is going to take an extra 2 minutes worth of life away.

Now I have to decide what I want more. A quicker easier time playing, or longer spent on the server.
Otherwise I might as well always teleport. Especially as it will probably take a more efficient/direct route than were I to walk.
It gives both an incentive to think about how you spend your 'time', and also to prioritise quicker transport, like vehicles.
Thats a good point, i didnt think of that.

Besides work, which depending on cityrp/rpg consists either of clicking bricks or just waiting for a paycheck, what else is there to do? Walk around? Be criminal? (which is always the most annoying aspect of cityrpgs)

You keep going on about how Blockland used to just be a chatroom, but that is exactly what you'd be making if you removed building and the means for creativity.

It's no longer a cityrp(g), it's Habbo Hotel.
Building wont be removed entirely, but it should be optional. Noobs can get cookie cutter houses and the experts should be able to build elegant structures.

But you're right, there's not enough things outside of work, just like irl. We could have spectator sports, minigolf, falling tiles, gladiator arenas; you know just like in real life.

permabanned meh
Very interesting concept by the way. Would be very interested to see something like this. Though I am kind of queasy about the permaban on 00:00:00:0 time left. They should just die of heart attack and start over from scratch.
I really wasn't serious about the permabanned thing. I did that more for the extremity. I do want some harsh penalty for timing out. If they just get free time everytime they die, they can just give another person a bunch of time. I'm leaning toward a disabled player that has to beg passersby for time.

Or what if we divide into two societies: an Elysium of people with time, and a Tartarus for people with no time. And it is extremely difficult to move from low to high society!

Also, 2 things. It should be implied of ways to gain time instead of losing time, as I can see ways of the concept be detrimental, especially harder for new players.
Yea i forgot to mention that working gains you time.

The second part is what I call a Pre-Game. In the movie InTime, they say that the moment you hit 30, your clock automatically starts at 30 years and goes down from there. I advise another play on that concept to give new players a couple minutes (3 minutes?) to get themselves all set up with reading the rules, etc. they shouldn't be able to do anything, and are merely in observer mode, and should have the option to skip this wait time if they are returning players.
In Intime, once you hit 25, you get 1 year that counts down. Ill probably have some special room for the first time you spawn with rules, and returning players get thrown right back in.

Modification Help / Re: Film Bots
« on: February 07, 2016, 07:59:13 AM »
is it just me or does this keep asking to update every time i start my game
not just you

Sorry I forgot to update the version number. It thinks there's a newer version even though it is the newest version. I'll fix it as soon as I can.

BLID: 8429
IGN: Whirlwind
Why: Make friends, improve scripting, contribute to community, world domination, have fun
Skills: Expert eventer, Skilled Scripter, Basic builder, adept alliterator
Here's a project idea

General Discussion / Re: "Time" for a new CityRPG
« on: February 07, 2016, 07:02:56 AM »
Feel free to call on me if you want smaller scripting tasks done for this. I can't make a few of the things you jotted down as requests because some of those are pretty demanding tasks. But the underlying time system wouldn't actually be terribly complicated.

Thanks pecon. I haven't fully decided if I want to take on this project, and I do realize that some of the later suggestions would be intensive. This is more of an "ideas-have-been-bouncing-around-in-my-head-and-I-need-some-place-to-put-them-down" topic.

General Discussion / Re: "Time" for a new CityRPG
« on: February 07, 2016, 03:30:12 AM »
Idk, then people could just commit Self Delete/whatever to regain their time if they failed to do good. There needs to be some greater punishment for something like this imo
Yea people could just give each other all the time all the time.

Normal people let others build their own house. I say the host should make their own apartments with enough empty space for a 16x16 lot brick to be planted inside the building. Much easier to control.
I've always thought about having apartments in a crp. You don't need a 16x16, just an empty room and code that lets you build in it if you own it. Bricks can be cleared when you move out too.

General Discussion / "Time" for a new CityRPG
« on: February 07, 2016, 01:51:41 AM »
It's about time for a new CityRPG...
So I made a topic;
It's for a CityRPG about time.

Everyone has something they hate about CityRPGs. The jailing, the giant pits, the freekilling, etc., but how about the waiting? Waiting for your next paycheck, waiting for your education, waiting... It's really just a waste of time.

What I propose is that everyone gets a time limit that counts down to your death.
You basically get to choose how to spend your time. I mean literally; you spend time like currency. Time is money. (If you've seen the movie InTime you'll know what I'm getting at.)

For example:
  • A burger might cost 3 minutes, a house might cost 2 weeks.
  • Instead of going to jail, you will simply lose a lot of time.
  • Getting hurt will make you lose time instead of health (why not).
  • Time is transferrable.
  • Transportation around town will just be teleporting at the cost of time (equal to the time it would've taken to walk there)
  • And when you run out of time (timeout) you get some kind of harsh punishment
    • (Maybe your body is disabled until someone gives you the time of day)

I might've overlooked a few details and time puns, but I'm sure you'll let me know how much you hate CityRPGs in the comments.

Aside from the InTime aspect, what improvements should be made to future crps?

You already know what is wrong. The only City RP(G)s that I saw up on the top 3 were Diggy's and Wicked's. Why? Because their mod works and they don't give themselves 45345345345435 gold and have millions of admins. Their cities are built nice. Their's are hosted on a good map.

I've jotted down a few ideas:
~Bot citizens to add more depth to the cityrpg
~Pathfinding, daily routine, jobs, personality

~Need to sleep, or will pass out
~Furniture like couch/bed/bench will replenish

~Should not be required to play
~smartPhone with apps

Blueprint buildings
~Randomly generated
~Same structure, but different color scheme, accents, layout etc.
~Empty to be furnished, or pre-furnished

~Dirt lots i.e. no pits to fall in
~Purchase neighboring lots and can still build contiguously
~Pay to excavate dirt and build basement

~Need to apply for job and can fail
~Part-time and Full-time (If you are in school you can only have a parttime job)
~Some kind of simple task to do ex. a frycook might move frozen food to grill then grill to burger crate.
~Raises/Promotions by doing job well, Get fired for not meeting quotas

Comment on anything I've posted here in a timely manner.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Music Zone Bricks
« on: February 07, 2016, 12:27:10 AM »
Hmm how about instead it was a zone brick event, like: self > setZoneMusic > "music"
That way you could use it on custom sized zones.

Alternatively, it could just be a player output event like: player > setMusic > "music"
Then you can turn it off with setmusic "none"

Idk which would better

Modification Help / Re: Film Bots
« on: February 02, 2016, 08:02:15 PM »
new update of this addon started spamming 'unknown command scrollTools' in my console and it stopped me from scrolling my items. dunno what happened

Interesting. The only thing that changes scrollTools is this and there actually is a typo:
Code: [Select]
function scrollTools(%x)
(Should be $FB::Filming not $FB::Filminga)

But it shouldn't give an unknown command. I don't have this problem. It might be a different issue. Anyone have information on this?

Modification Help / Re: Film Bots
« on: February 02, 2016, 01:05:19 PM »
Yeah the problem is I have too many addons which is why it isn't working for me very well. But I have found a really annoying issue where sometimes when a bot dies instead of it's body being shown it will die and it will instantly disappear. I'm not sure if anyone else has this issue 

Do some spring cleaning.

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