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Messages - warble

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exactly what I expected from antifa and the media

Off Topic / Re: FNAF youtuber uploading tons of videos a minute
« on: September 27, 2017, 07:54:46 PM »
so he wanted all of these to drop in 2030?

Off Topic / Re: Car thread
« on: September 27, 2017, 07:35:03 PM »
i haven't said anything about it here yet, but ive decided to become a service technician for a career. I'm taking the certification program at CC, and this Is my first semester of it. well my dad told me a friend of his was interested in help at his garage, I went down there today expecting to fill out an application and not hear back for a few weeks. I went in the door at 2:30 and by 2:45 I was working in the shop at my new job. apparently qualified mechanics are pretty hard to find otherwise there is no way id get hired this fast with no prior experience and no tools of my own at a rate slightly above minimum wage. I think I picked a good field

« on: September 24, 2017, 10:37:42 PM »
he'll be your president for about 7 more years because the democrat party has moved so far left of the majority of Americans just to distance themselves from Annoying Orange that they've completely alienated their moderate supporters, if you think Hillary would've been better you're dumber than you think Donald Annoying Orange is. If you think Bernie would've been better than your anger at Annoying Orange is misdirected. you should be angry at the democrats for suckering him out of what would've most likely been a successful nomination I feel like millenials would've actually turned out for Bernie, but they didn't turn out for Shillary, and she lost. Also, take one look at Venezuela to see how socialism worked out in the long run. Annoying Orange isn't perfect, he speaks like he's still a candidate and his provocative language towards NK has turned a humanitarian crCIA into a potential ww3, but I mean he is the change that we needed in Washington. the effects of gridlocked partisan politicians is why Annoying Orange cant get anything done, all the democrats can do is obstruct Annoying Orange because if they even said a single kind word about the man even if they agreed with him than all the antifa cucks would shout them down , and the republicans are only worried about whether or not supporting Annoying Orange will get them re-elected and squirming under preesure that isn't there. tbh I just want congress to get SOMETHING done. people that say "Annoying Orange hasn't done stuff" are only partially right the only reason he hasn't is because of the absolute forgetfest that is congress. his hands are tied and the people that voted for him (me included) are getting tired of it. outsider candidates are going to start winning more and more (even Bernie, who didn't conform to traditional democrat ideas)
I voted for Annoying Orange because he wants unforget this partisan BS and unchain the middle class and small business to do work free of excessive taxes and regualtions
I also don't want people to just be able to come into this country and stay for a certain amount of time and then just get automatic citizenship instead of enforcing our existing laws (which I don't think is that tribal tbh)
Ive also seen what has become of the areas of Europe that have accepted unvetted refugees and I don't want that here, not because they are brown, but because they haven't assimilated and don't want to assimilate in the places that they've been let in
I don't see Annoying Orange as dividing anyone, he just wants to see America succeed in ways it failed under Obama, when our foreign policy was weak and our national reputation was laziness and submission in foreign affairs. he wants to take a "you didn't build that" attitude and make it the people's responsibility to succeed by reducing entitlements and removing state control from things like healthcare

TLDR Annoying Orange aint that bad, if he is bad who would be better?

actually this is pertaining to "LGBT Elders" (old people of which there are maybe 5 of) when they are receiving medical care from providers, and its only for repeated, purposeful offenses that a nurse/careworker could be charged. but everyone including Tucker Carlson is making this extremely specific law a huge deal and making it sound like it applies to everyone in all situations which it doesn't, and I hope something like this never exists, I can call people whatever the hell I want and all they should be able to do is call me an starfish

Off Topic / Re: do people really cry when they cut onions?
« on: September 17, 2017, 06:55:52 PM »
ive only ever cried when I cut up an entire onion or more, amount of onions cut is the key, my brother works at a Chinese restaurant and they have him cut up entire bags of onions at once. he says he fully tears up everytime

Off Topic / Re: looking for an anime
« on: September 11, 2017, 09:02:29 PM »
nvm i found it
that video is GOLD
also, I herd EroM.A.G.A Sentai is p good tvh

Off Topic / Re: pewdiepie said monday on stream
« on: September 10, 2017, 03:00:19 PM »
so? honestly the word has been watered down so much that it barely matters anymore, it seems almost fashionable to say it ironically now

Off Topic / Re: OK KO - Imminent
« on: September 05, 2017, 07:11:27 PM »
if the fandom ever finds its way to tumblr, they'll never shut the forget up about how the female characters are actually shamelessly attractive looking and will claim the show "objectifies women" even though the target audience of the show looks at them just like ko does. that scene from the elodie episode when ko asks elodie a question, he's looking right up her skirt, us teens/adults get it, but kids watching the show don't give it a second thought

Off Topic / Re: thigh appreciation thread
« on: September 04, 2017, 01:36:51 AM »
what has loving become of this forum, this place used to have an ounce of class. why all this edgy stuff all of a sudden


Off Topic / Re: OK KO - Imminent
« on: August 26, 2017, 02:11:57 AM »
this is a way better show than I expected, but there sure are a lot of steven universe refrences, I'll list a few

Shannon and Dendy are the two halves of Peridot's personality, dendy is what peridot was supposed to be, a cold hearted programmer with little to no personality, still I like dendy as a character though, and Shannon is what earth made of peridot. they also both sound like her, and if that wasn't enough, the peridot gem on her chest is

in the fight against mega jethro, rad is whipping things at jethro in the exact same way that amethyst whips things at the lapis clones in ocean gem to similar effect, he also shouts "do it" like amethyst does in this video, its even a shot looking down on rad just like this one

there is a gate in episode 7 "dendy" that says "Keep Out 'Please'" on it

the creator of the show worked on SU so I cant be surprised.

anyway, ive watched almost all of the episodes that are out so far and not one disappointed me

Off Topic / Re: Car thread
« on: August 13, 2017, 08:29:48 PM »
time to update my signature from "the Dream" to "The Reality" because today I finally got my hands on a 1984 Tercel SR5 4wd station wagon it only has 102,000 miles and is pretty clean on the whole, a lot of little issues and the front suspension is totally shot, its mine though, finally
this is a picture from craigslist, I will begin work on it tomorrow and ill upload some of my pictures

here is one I took

A video on my youtube channel about it

Off Topic / Re: King of the Hill reboot possibly in the works
« on: August 10, 2017, 09:07:03 PM »
What will the 2010s be remembered for in two decades time?

twerking, 4 chan, memes, emojis, social media, horrible manners, and Donald Annoying Orange

also, good, I liked this show, but I have a feeling they'll forget it up, that and louann's voice actor is dead

Off Topic / Re: Anime & Manga Megathread 3.0: "SMF Sucks" Edition
« on: August 04, 2017, 08:15:32 PM »
it's loving good ok

also there's a PS4 game coming out

the fact that they are making this game is beautiful, but if they use the same VA's that they used in the English dub there will be hell to pay, I physically cringed when the VA who does Miho says "Panzer vor" in the dub (I only watched ((made it through)) a few episodes of the dub). she said it with no enthusiasm at all, all the other Va's were equally garbage besides Reizei's. Ill be fine if it doesn't come to PC though, I already play War Thunder with GuP user skins lol

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