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Messages - Digmaster

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Off Topic / Re: Change 1 letter of the word
« on: December 07, 2009, 09:17:53 PM »
prom Vets

Off Topic / Re: Marriage with my best friend
« on: December 07, 2009, 09:17:10 PM »
It specifically says evening and morning as in a 24 hour period.

Just thought I'd point that out.

On-Topic: She's not related to you, right?

It doesn't reference any time period (IE: He went from one morning to evening to make light)

No, its simply saying that there was the first day (Due to his creation of light)

Thus irreverent.

Off Topic / Re: Change 1 letter of the word
« on: December 07, 2009, 07:48:52 PM »

Off Topic / Re: Marriage with my best friend
« on: December 07, 2009, 07:43:02 PM »
Yes, because that started the religion...

Thus brings a greater question; what is religion. Is religion the actual existence of a deity (Thus religion started at the start of time, if one believes the bible) Or the belief in a diety (Thus starting with adam and eve, according to the bible)

However most prominate cathlic authorities say that many parts of the bible, mostly the old testament, are metaphors. Thus Adam and eve could not be the first people on earth, but the first people instilled with the knowledge of god.

Now that I'm on a role, I'll go and state other facts about the bible that counteract creationism. (DERAIL)

  • Day in hebrew has two meanings in hebrew; day, a in 24 hours, or a period of time.
  • A certian passage in the bible has been mistranslated. Where "Created" occurs there should be "separated".

Thus Genesis 1:1 should read as follows: In the beginning God separated the heavens and the earth.
Each event happens in intervals, not specifically days. Also, one account follows the current scientific view of how the earth was created. Thus, if properly translated, there is no issue with the creation myth and science.

Any other proof of creationism I'll deal with later if I feel like it.

Now To the point of the topic:

Your parents are bringing you through an "arraigned marriage" where they are forcing you to marry this girl. What country do you live in? In any event, I would oppose this arraignment strongly and flat out refuse. Unless, of course, you truly wish to marry her.

Drama / Re: Zoneark, super noob
« on: December 07, 2009, 07:20:05 PM »
Everyone who posted anything in support of Zoneark in this thread is now banned for a week.

But don't worry, I'm doing it for the lulz so that makes it ok. 

Just about to post a similar post, minus the banned for a week.

Regardless of what you people may say, Zoneark greifed this person's build, thus being a richard. Just because he did it as he saw it was funny doesn't change anything. All trolls do these things "for teh luls" just because you know him doesn't make any difference. If this occurred on a server I was admin on I would, no doubt, ban zoneark for a very long period of time, just like any other greifer. I can assure you that if this was done by "Randomnewb76" or "MangoBean" you'd ban him forever. However, you just laugh. Acknowledge this or not, Zoneark is what Mangobean was (If anyone remembers this guy).

And I remember everyone banning him automatically on their server.

Off Topic / All men watch research, scientists find.
« on: December 02, 2009, 07:01:37 PM »

Off Topic / Re: Ctrl + V game.
« on: November 19, 2009, 01:38:26 AM »
1.Capitulary de Villis

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: November 19, 2009, 01:04:48 AM »

also yell a phrase in Japanese and have large multicolored eyes

Someone like anime. *rolls eyes*

Off Topic / Re: Valen's parents caught him watching hentai :c
« on: November 19, 2009, 12:58:41 AM »
They're all euthanisms for procrastination.

Off Topic / Re: Valen's parents caught him watching hentai :c
« on: November 19, 2009, 12:44:53 AM »
Looks like bloom and HDR spam isn't isolated to movies and games.

Hey just stick a used coffee filter over it and its just like real life!

Off Topic / Re: Valen's parents caught him watching hentai :c
« on: November 19, 2009, 12:42:01 AM »
oh cheerio ho! Your mother cought you "With your pants down" As they would say. You know, "Bashing the bishop.",
"Waking the dolphin",
 "slamming the ham",
 "Banging one out",
 "Shaking the soda",
 "Spankin' the dog",
 "Arm Wrestling with yourself",
 "Playing the Slot Machine",
 "launching the rocket",
 "shucking the corn",
 "the five-knuckle shuffle",
 "taking the dog out for a walk",
 "jerkin' the gerkin",
 "timing Old Faithful",
 "wacking the weasel",
 "Working the Pipe",
 "Smoothing the silk",
 "Working the Pipe",
 "Smoothing the silk",
 "Wrestling with the Anaconda",
 "Shallacking the glacknoid",
 "Burping The Worm",
You know, masturbating. So one mustn't be too surprised your mother was unhappy. Back in my day we only had playboy, and that was hard. Missed last month's issue? Your screwed. You kids have it easy. Young whippersnappers. Im heading back to lemonparty you you guys need me >:C


Games / Re: Minecraft; Survival now for free players
« on: November 14, 2009, 04:11:35 PM »
I just loving bought. I am happy.


my space marine costume is going badly.

Server please?

Off Topic / Re: More reliable source?
« on: November 11, 2009, 10:18:39 PM »
Haha, Bruce Campbell. Who added that? Made my day.

Off Topic / Re: More reliable source?
« on: November 10, 2009, 12:44:54 AM »
The Bible has been rewritten many times...

You mean retranslated. The bible was not rewritten many times, something I can credit the Catholic Church with.
But now I stayed up to late and will be tired tomorrow D:

Im going to sleep. Nightp

Off Topic / Re: More reliable source?
« on: November 10, 2009, 12:42:46 AM »
God changed from old to new testament.
Maybe he even has changed from biblical times to now.

Whether it was true then or now its biggitry and thus wrong. We still read from this book and use it in our scripture, thus its still part of the bible to be believed.

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