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Messages - Dnitro

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Finnally got mp7 to 100 headshots and the FHJ to 100 destroys

it begins

dnitro's usually taken.

Kolbaltic - xbox

Games / Re: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic - Operation forget the Pomson!
« on: March 19, 2013, 10:07:47 PM »
Guys, what's wrong? I know my hud is different, but at the bottom right the ammo is cut off and my killfeed is bigger than it usually is. I installed this hud a while ago and haven't changed my fov or anything at all.
Latest update broke it, pretty sure the fix is to reinstall.

Games / Re: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic - Operation forget the Pomson!
« on: March 19, 2013, 07:21:23 PM »
Am I the only person that thought 'Australium Gold Wilson Weave + Professor Sperks = Johnny Bravo Heavy'?
Probably, because 1, gold hound dog is better and doesnt take up a misc and 2, speks look ugly.

Games / Re: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic - Operation forget the Pomson!
« on: March 19, 2013, 08:44:03 AM »
how do i make tf2cash D:
Considering all you have is weapons, sell the weapons for one scrap or two random weapons. If you got scrap then scrapbank and make it two random weapons. Then sell the two random weapons for scrap/weapons. Rinse and repeat. It will take a long time to get to something like a hat though.

Games / Re: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic - Operation forget the Pomson!
« on: March 18, 2013, 05:06:59 PM »
Story I have:
A year ago, I had 3 unusuals. A plasma virtual reality headset, eerie fire hound dog (halloween unusual :U), and a Smoking Samur-Eye.
A month before that, I had used a hack to bug my friends without them knowing it was me.

Welp, then I got vac'd. And those 3 unusuals disappeared from my TF2 inventory.
feels bad man
That's what you get for hacking.
Also didn't someone on the forums craft some unusual a together before quitting?

Games / Payday the Heist 2 is in development.
« on: March 17, 2013, 07:25:48 PM »

Holy stuff yes.

New Features:
Quote from: that article
- CRIMENET – The dynamic contract database lets gamers pick and choose from available jobs by connecting with local contacts such as Vlad the Ukrainian, shady politician “The Elephant” and Mexican drug trafficker Hector, all with their own agenda and best interests in mind. CRIMENET features dozens of varied, exciting jobs and as the player progresses, new contacts with new jobs become available.
- Choose Your Profession – As players progress they can invest in any of four special professions: the Mastermind, the Enforcer, the Ghost and the Technician. Each features a deep customization tree of associated skills and equipment to master and they can be mixed and matched to create the ultimate heister.
- PAYDAY Loot – Finishing a job isn’t just an accomplishment to be proud of. After a successful heist gamers will also earn rare and powerful new equipment such as masks, weapons mods, mask modifications and a variety of other accessories.
- Weapons and Modifications – A brand new arsenal for the serious heister covering everything from sniper and assault rifles to compact PDWs and SMGs. Once players have settled for a favorite, they can modify it with optics, suppressors, fore grips, reticles, barrels, frames and stocks – all of which will affect the performance of their weapon. There are also purely aesthetic enhancements – why not go for the drug lord look with polished walnut grips for your nine?
- Mission Assets – Every job has a set of purchasable assets that can alter and enhance the heist such as a faster escape car, blueprints or even inside help.
- Character Upgrades – The signature PAYDAY mask can now be customized into tens of thousands of different combinations, color and material variations and there is a bigger selection of gear to wear for the discerning high-fashion heister.
- Multistage Jobs – Many contracts feature several separate stages allowing for mission forks and different outcomes depending on what the players accomplish in each individual stage.
- Rob Banks With Friends – Players must choose their crew carefully because when the job goes down they will need the right mix of skills on their side.
- PAYDAY Gun Play and Mechanics on a New Level – Firing weapons and zip tying civilians never felt so good.
Dynamic Scenarios – No heist ever plays out the same way twice. Every single scenario has random geometry or even rare events.
- Character Progression – Gamers begin as dime store thieves and as the game progresses they unlock new skills, weapons, accessories and masks, eventually becoming legendary robbers.
- Play It Your Way – Each job allows for multiple approaches such as slow and stealthy ambushes to running in guns blazing. Players hit the target any way they want and watch as the heist unfolds accordingly.
- AI Director – PAYDAY 2’s new AI director breaks new ground and requires even more from the dedicated co-operative player base. Enemies will devise strategies in response to player action like flash banging, breaching tactics, freeing hostages and even recovering loot bags.

Dev'd by Overkill, as usual. Release scheduled for this summer. I can't wait.

Games / Re: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic - Operation forget the Pomson!
« on: March 16, 2013, 02:41:19 PM »
Pretty sure everything is going up because ref is devaluing/keys are going up.

Games / Re: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic - Operation forget the Pomson!
« on: March 13, 2013, 07:46:58 PM »
then name your knife buttstallion
but its not diamond!

Games / Re: Black Ops II Megathread: SMGs are bullstuff
« on: March 13, 2013, 03:50:34 PM »
The recticles in the party rock pack look cool, other than that these dont look too good.

Games / Re: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic - Operation forget the Pomson!
« on: March 12, 2013, 10:34:01 PM »
>stand next to resupply cabinet

You could do that with scripts and stuff. You just can't build in spawn half the time.

I found it funny, because my friends we're trying to troll with the events hashtag without even being there. They said i was going out with the girl that was elected as president of the general assembly and everyone thought it was a joke.

Also there was a resolution on the Zombie Apocalypse that had all its facts based off of the Zombie Survival Guide book. IT made it to ga and everyone was against it lol.

Games / Re: Black Ops II Megathread: SMGs are bullstuff
« on: March 12, 2013, 05:57:25 PM »
Does anyone else see those extra camos on the elite site?

Off Topic / So I just got home from being an officer at model UN.
« on: March 12, 2013, 04:42:53 PM »
 My school's part of this huge state-wide model UN conference for Ohio, and I was an officer for this time around for the jr. high session. Officers are elected out of the 8th grade candidates at the previous year's confrence, and you get to come back as a freshman to be one of them. I wasn't much, just presiding over ~50 6th, 7th, and 8th graders as a council president. The officers run the entire show though, with over 1000 kids, the small adult staff of 6 or so just get everyone together.

 The thing that amazes me the most about this conference is just the bonding between officers. If you're lucky you get to see them for at the most a few days every march over 3 years, then after you're all elected you're put in a room for the first meeting and you're like best friends. There were a few officers from my school last year and they just started bawling when it was time to leave, and no one understood why. We just figured they were over reacting about people they see 4 days a year. Now that I've been in their shoes I completely understand (i didn't start bawling though lol). These people you meet just seem to forge lasting friendships in just a few short hours.

discuss being councelors/officers ect.

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