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Messages - Grimlock²

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Off Topic / Re: alt archive
« on: October 09, 2019, 01:31:17 PM »
if you have alts that are just slight variations on ur old account's name......... evolve. change. grow into the person u were meant to be. don't just get stuck in the past. hoes
different name, still the same garbage posts
patton360, Grimlock, Grimlock²

Drama / Re: Tommybricksetti has gone nuclear
« on: October 04, 2019, 11:10:26 PM »
Dude legitimately has issues

Off Topic / MumkeyJones is BACK
« on: October 04, 2019, 11:06:57 PM »

Off Topic / Re: I'm boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooored
« on: October 01, 2019, 04:13:23 PM »
Don't use the blockland forums
Probably the best idea in the thread

Off Topic / Re: youtube caught censoring american political content
« on: October 01, 2019, 04:07:10 PM »
ah good i was getting tired of seeing it
I mean everyone here is tired of seeing your posts

Off Topic / Re: pride month 5 thread
« on: October 01, 2019, 11:55:03 AM »
I’ve still never seen toothed deer contribute anything positive to the community

Toothed Deer is a braindead handicap, either trolling or missing half his frontal lobe from a eye forget accident
It's been this way for years anyone who takes his posts seriously is an idiot

Games / Re: game soundtracks that totally SLAP
« on: September 29, 2019, 11:55:54 AM »
Street Fighter V

Hilariously I think there's a very good chance Schiff made false statements. This has the makings of a bloodbath for the Democrats based on what I've seen so far.

dunno why anyone uses twitter besides news sites/people who post art stuff or memes. sharing your personal life/thoughts in the moment never really felt like a good idea to me, since you’re prone to saying something that can be misconstrued or sharing something you would later regret, esp with the limited wordcount

the entire format only allows short headline-like stuff and makes communicating clearly impossible. theres a reason why news articles always have a body of text no matter how descriptive their headline is
I really just use it for memes and sports but you’re spot on

This story was the final straw for me to get one of those old tweet deleters. I don’t think I’ve ever tweeted anything intentionally terrible but I’d rather be safe than sorry, something new becomes offensive every day and things said 5-6 years ago can easily be taken out of context

doing good deeds doesn't excuse you from bad ones, even if its in the past

you cant escape your own actions that easily (except maybe if you're actually rich, cause then people's opinions don't matter cause you don't depend on others to hire you or license your name or whatever)
if quoting a tosh.0 skit on twitter when you were 16 years old is considered a bad action we’re all forgeted lol. people say and do stupid stuff when they’re teenagers, and clearly the dude(WHO HAS RAISED OVER A MILLION forgetIN DOLLARS FOR CHARITY) has grown up.
good lord that video is horrible lol
Pool’s videos on this sort of subject have declined in quality because frankly i think he’s slowly getting broken because of how A: Journalism has turned from reporting factual information to giving ones(often partisan) opinion on an issue(I have friends in the journalism dpt at my school, it’s being taught this way now) and B:people are using it to destroy innocent people’s lives. As for not showing or saying certain things in videos, that’s because of youtube and him not wanting to get banned

Games / Re: borderlands 3 'released' a few days ago
« on: September 23, 2019, 10:52:33 PM »
I have the game and it’s outstanding. I experienced some bugs on launch, but after 3-4 days I stopped seeing any. All of the backlash I’ve seen has to do with Randy Pitchford being Randy Pitchford(you know what you’re dealing with at this point), stuff that 2K did(not gearbox) or bugs that have been mostly fixed to my understanding. Lot of stupid opinions being thrown out by people who are known to be stupid(like in this thread)
I lost interest when I found out they sent goons to a random youtuber's house with intention to intimidate.

They also shut down his channel with false claims
That was 2K and not Gearbox. I followed the entire thing closely.

~2 more trillion in debt is surely worth a peace prize haha
I’m to the point where the government is so bloated and inefficient that half of it needs to be completely audited and or scrapped. Annoying Orange’s not helping here but Hillary would have been worse

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