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Messages - danielmoya

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Anyone please?
(Sorry for double post)

Forum Games / Re: The Deal: Revisited [Robo-Fornicating 609]
« on: September 03, 2016, 02:15:49 PM »
If thing is robot, penetrate it. If not, hit it with the chairs. Then pick a rock and down a pigeon, grab another rock, and then hit it repeteadly with it until some raptors come and devour its delicious gray matter and open its belly, ripping its intestines and eating them while they grab the corpse with their mouth and pull to get their part. Repeat the rock process with the raptors.

Forum Games / Re: The Deal: Revisited [Robo-Fornicating 609]
« on: September 03, 2016, 12:32:50 PM »
If there is no answer, ram the soor and bang every single robot in it, then deliver the package

Forum Games / Re: (FORUM GAME) The Island.
« on: September 03, 2016, 12:10:38 PM »
Option B
Good news! I got back to my PC. All we have to do now is settle down the internet

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Shark/Dino bots "hold player" question.
« on: September 03, 2016, 12:07:34 PM »
find Throw Mod
I think I didnt explain myself well; I mean that Dino bots and shark can hold players in theit mouths, holding them until they kill them. I was asking if there is any way to allow players to do that, like some script edit or something.

Hi there! Basically I would like to ask, if there is any way to make Players be able to hold other players like bots do being a T-Rex, Raptor or shark? Thank you. I'll modify it myself, to earn you work.

Forum Games / Re: (FORUM GAME) The Island.
« on: September 03, 2016, 10:59:12 AM »

Forum Games / Re: (FORUM GAME) The Island.
« on: September 01, 2016, 07:46:30 AM »
Why not all of the above except for D? If not possible, then let's try Option B.
Because every option changes the ending, or even completely do it.

OT: Jimmy decides on coastguards. He starts "writing" the SOS call to the nearbiest beach.
He holds on for a while.
Then, a beep is heard.
-Its an answer! They ask us our location...
S... K... U... L... L...  ...I... S... L... A... N... D...
No answer.
-The line is already open. They recieved the message.

Before getting into action, Jack looked back, and saw the whole pack in the nest.

-Lets go boys! -Shouted Englehorn-
They started shooting the air to scare the creature. It charged to them. Jack traced an escape. They had to turn and get to Nico. They did an sprint to them.
The village could be seen next to them. There was a bridge crossing a pit
-Nico, Retrik, lets go!

Once they were crossing the bridge, the dinosaur stopped to look at them. The bridge crumbled. Jack understood what it was thinking "The bridge supports us. It will support me too then"
Jack grabbed a bandage and tied himself to the wooden sidebar of the bridge, and Nico, John, Retril and Englehorn did so.

-This is going to hurt, or kill us!

The animal charged to the bridge and it couldnt support the weight...

Everything went in slow motion.

Jack saw two sailors screaming, the slowly a open-in-surprise eyes of the animal and its slowly opening mouth, trying to grab Nico, but failing, and finally, the bridge turning into mush after falling for a while.
Then, only darkness.

A couple hours later, Jack heard voices.

-Jack, Wake up!

He opened his eyes.  He was still held to the bridge and fell safely, laying in the ground. He looked up and saw John Smith.

-Thank god, you are alive. It died.
-Good stuff you are alive too.
He looked infront of himself. The creature's body was partially smashed, with all its guts under it on sight.

-Oh stuff... That's disgusting!

He checked Nico.


He proceeded to wave his arm to the other side and moved his head, and groaned.

Retrik was also up.

Some walking sound wad heard continously. Nico looked at a hole and saw some gigantic bugs going out of it...

What do you do?
A) Shoot them in the moment
B) Throw flare to gain time scaring them
C)Fight them instantly


I insert an apatosaurus.

Forum Games / Re: (FORUM GAME) The Island.
« on: August 31, 2016, 12:30:32 PM »
State of characters:
Jack: Alive, leader of group, low injuries.
Nico: Alive. Gunsmith, Medic. Exhausted, not hurt
Jimmy: Alive, Explorer. Severely hurt, but can continue. Will stay on boat.
Retrik: Alive, Explorer. Hurt.
John Smith: Alive, Gunsmith. Not hurt.
Englehorn: Explorer, Medic, Gunsmith. Not hurt.

Jack stepped once again in the arid sand of the island's beach. The rain was still falling, and the previously seen herd's footprints were now covered by mud. The tridactyle Tyrannosaurus steps were the only ones in decent state.
He pulled out his Chicago Typewriter and loaded the drum mag, roostering the gun.
-Lets go guys, we must find Nico and company.
As he looked down to find any footprint, he found a couple bullet shells, empty. They followed the direction they were pointing and they found a Luger pistol, along a military backpack.

-They were attacked- replied Englehorn, after seeing the backpack clawmarks

-Where are they?
The velociraptor nest was empty, but some screeches were heard. The smell of decomposition and rot really filled the atmosphere.
They walked up to the hole, and found some beings.
They all had a short tail and small body and head, with tiny teeth and huge eyes. They all were screeching and walked away with the human presence. They were missing all the true flesh, but had some sort of protective layer, like a first flesh thing. They woke up the cuteness on all of the humans. They proceeded to get near the humans once they saw the innofensivity.

-Baby dinosaurs!

-Dont touch them. They would smell us, that would get Momma angry, and rampage on us. Avoid touching them. Zoo animals react like that.

-But Englehorn, those arent Zoo animals...

-Right, its much worse.

Velociraptor calls were heard on the distance. The team hade on the other side of the territory, to continue much more easily. Two of them came, and sit near the hole. They started purring near the hole, They both were doing the sound.

-The parents! They do that sound to calm down the babies, to say that theres nothing wrong going on, and to say they are back...-Whispered Englehorn.
After a little moment, the screeches stopped. They were finally calm. The parents looked at eachother, proud of eachother. The male one started ripping up pieces of the Parasaur carcass, dropping it on the hole. Jack and company walked away, only to find the creature with the white pupils and Nico and Retrik hiding.

-Holy Scales!- Said John Smith, laughing after finishing the sentence.

Jimmy and other sailors tried to find the telegraph, to call for help or another boat for rescue. They opened the captains room and found it.
-I know how to use it. Let me think on who to call..
A) Military/Army
B) Coastguards
C) Nearby boats
D) Abort calling anyone.



« on: August 30, 2016, 10:54:17 AM »
who are you 0/10

Forum Games / Re: (FORUM GAME) The Island.
« on: August 30, 2016, 10:08:02 AM »
Finished the chapter. Post now!
Blah blah blah....

I will put them back once i get back to my PC, sorry.

Forum Games / Re: (FORUM GAME) The Island.
« on: August 30, 2016, 08:53:17 AM »
Nuking everything from orbit would be a bit extreme, AND one of the images on the village part is the one that Tinypic keeps replacing with research occasionally. Reuploading all the existing images to Imgur/Xomf/etc would be a better alternative, as they aren't infamous for replacing your images with ones from other users without warning, IIRC.

OT: OPtion A

What do you mean by nuking everything?

Also, exactly which image? 1st, 2nd....
And until your character appears you will impersonate Nico.


Retrik pulled up his arm and placed his hand over Nico's. Then, Nico stared at me, and Retrik did so later.

-Im going back to the boat, guys. I got a plan. See ya.

I then grabbed the paddles and rowed back to the ship. It was a hard ride. Once i reached the lower deck, I quickly went to Englehorn.

-Im back, we must set and ready up a team. Carl is in danger!

Retrik and Nico were sweating hard. With guns in hand and Carl in mind, they were following the footprints marked in the mud, rapidly clearing up.
-Hey, we must hurry up. We wont find him if it keeps raining this hard...
They crossed a quarter of the side part of the island when they stumbled upon a place full of Raptors.

Two of them were doing some strange purr near a hole, simultaneously a high screech was also heard on the hole. The raptors were crouched. The female one didnt separate her eyes from the hole, whilst the male one ripped meat from a Parasaurolophus carcass and passed it to the hole. The meat was instantly absorbed. One little chunk of meat fell, and a little pinky colored being clamb the hole but tripped, holding the holes exit with the claws, screeching repeteadly. The female saw it, and pushed the being with the snout softly, slowly and even elegantly, with love in its eyes.

-Its a nest! That things are the babies!

-But... Where is Carl?

Jack was looking  at each sailor, repeating their names one by one, whispering. Afterwards, Englehorn and other two robust sailors with boxes came in.
They afterwards opened it.
-Chicago Typewriter on this one. Foregrip and drum mag in each one; On this one, Spencer 1882 shotguns, and on this one, Springfield rifles, scoped; along Luger P08 pistols. Everyone carries a pouch with first aid, morphine and adrenaline. We are ready Jack!

A sailor came by Jack and said:

-Pssst Jack, I dino if this is a good idea, get it? Ha ha. John Smith, by the way.

He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt and looked kind of old.  

(Jack is the leader)
A)Gunsmith, expert in guns


C) Explorer

Forum Games / Re: (FORUM GAME) The Island.
« on: August 29, 2016, 08:59:45 AM »

As it stared at us, Retrik turned at me, scared.

-Retrik, follow me, and Nico, distract the animal. Go around that hill, to slow it down.


We slowly went around the animal, trying to keep his attention on Nico. As we got down the hill, being in the valley, we ran across it. The dinosaur ran to us, but Nico shot it. The animal did a pain growl And charged to him. He ran past the fences And it went across the fences  too, until we could only see the point of its huge tail, And hear its roars. We took the opportunity to get to the other side of the island. We only saw a little silhouette on the beach, And many moans.
It was Jimmy. He was hurt on the arm, bleeding hard.
-Jimmy, are you okay?
-Yes, thank you. I did a provisional pression-maker with my belt. I feel a little pain...
-Thats good, but... Wheres Carl?
-Denham... -he opened his eyes in surprise- They took him!
-Velociraptors... He ran away, he can be alive!

We heard someone yelling our names. It was Nico, he outran that thing, luckily.

He quickly ran to Jimmy, And helped him up And bandage him.

Jimmy told him about Denham.

-We must get him back! He may be alive! Whoever wants to come with me, put his hand on mine!


A) Put hand on Nicos one.
B)Reject going with them.
C)Go to back the boat

Forum Games / Re: (FORUM GAME) The Island.
« on: August 29, 2016, 08:23:40 AM »
Let's just go with option B?

Also the research picture seems to be back, quit using tinypic and re-upload the old images to Imgur/Xomf/whatever
Okay, removed all images unless the part on the village since I love it, unless the research thing is on it, until i get back to my PC.

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