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Messages - Cajetan²

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Modification Help / Re: CityMod
« on: April 20, 2014, 07:24:15 PM »
To be clear, I was apologizing for my absence before.  I'm back.
I'm surprised. I really thought this CityMod would end like all others before. The default routine:
Announcing CityMod -> Ppl helping and stuff -> Delays, absence of everyone -> Dead.

But well, I have really hopes for this project for the first time. Good luck.

Does it sound stupid if I say, that this is announced directly after Windows XP support did end? Because this is actually really late. I believe the heartbleed bug is known since 2011.

Drama / Re: Spencer posting BLHack.dll on steam guides.
« on: March 02, 2014, 08:09:02 PM »
Should I have got to know Riddler closely before judging him as well?
Godwin's Law is so infallible.

Wow, really. One time you think there are some quite "good" people who really care for the community, but then after you get stuff like spammy server invites, you once realize again: There are no people you can truly trust. They are going to stuff on you, no matter how authentic their statements are. Yeah, some might say: "Hey, what did you expect? It's the internet." but sometimes I also wish that the internet shouldn't be used to annoy other people. Then complaining about this only results in a ban. Yeah, that's the happy and social internet.

It's really sad that Ephialtes stopped developing RTB. Even if he isn't the best person on earth, he's still a person you can trust to and doesn't spams you with server invites.

Drama / Re: Pyroxinehydrochloride
« on: January 18, 2014, 04:28:48 AM »

A wild random guy on RTB has appeared!

I don't even...

Actually a good start, but the moment you said: "who the forget uses that stuff? it's not even real currency" to bitcoin, made me facepalm. If you start drama topics, you better check if you didn't say something completely pointless or it will high likely backfire, no matter if the person you were talking to was an idiot. Just a hint.

General Discussion / Re: Pecon7's Boss Battles! - Kajev2 released!
« on: January 18, 2014, 04:22:01 AM »
Finally Kaje is back. Missed him so much.

Off Topic / Weird Ad that occured today
« on: January 16, 2014, 01:45:10 PM »
Someone had this one before?

This simply is... I can't explain it.

Off Topic / Re: Dumb kids at my school.
« on: January 15, 2014, 03:03:51 PM »
Don't know how this topic turned into a religious topic. But I may give my sauce to this:
I believe in hermetics, aka seeing god not as creature, thing or something, but as something that shows in all aspects of nature. We're all a very little, little part of this "god", he's all in all. That one god is completely unidentifiable, and is free from all dualism. He IS and ISN'T at the same time. We can only identify what is left for us; The physical, biological, chemical, etc. effects. The cause of an effect, is just another effect. The true cause only exists in this god, which we can't experience, cause he's god.

Drama / Re: Arthur5555 - 10, 15, 17 or 19?
« on: January 14, 2014, 02:35:08 PM »
No. He's -30. We can all agree to that.

Nice made, dude. This game has potential!

Drama / Re: BL_ID 9660, stealing my name.
« on: January 04, 2014, 06:18:54 AM »
He did leave with "raging hard on", but then changed it to Sillec all because I was there.
Know what I really hate? When people come up here and think they should be treat like celebrities. I don't even know who you are, so what's the loving matter about your name? Just change it and get over it. You're giving that troll (not surprising) exactly what he wants. Attention. You're being mad about something, which doesn't matter anyway, as you're not a special person here. Just ignore it and all can live in peace together again.

bitch. you like raping little girls, right? you dirty motherforgeter you.

General Discussion / Re: Bunker Server
« on: December 30, 2013, 04:35:53 PM »
The insanity the people have in the server cannot be described. (100% recommended to join)
Epic server.

General Discussion / Re: CityMod
« on: December 29, 2013, 09:54:16 AM »
are you guys seriously trying to compile this? lol
No. Please read again through the whole topic.

I help you:
Lol.  I log on to see you guys trying to encrypt CityMod/decrypt DSO's.  When I said earlier that I thought about "encrypting" my code, I meant it purely as a joke.  CityMod isn't that special, nor will any add-on ever be or need to be.

Either way, iirc, trying to compile a DSO is revokable too.
Exactly. The reason I posted this wasn't to help you, it was to show you that it's futile to go down this path. Sorry, but your CityRP mod isn't so precious that it needs to be encrypted and protected. Frankly, plenty of other coders could probably replicate the functions of your mod perfectly just by playing your server. There's no point to encrypting your add-ons, and there's a reason why Badspot has locked compile. Blockland add-on code is supposed to be open source.

General Discussion / Re: CityMod
« on: December 29, 2013, 09:48:34 AM »
Also, it's an Indent Protocol
I don't.. think so.

The Ident Protocol is a protocol for identifying users of TCP (internet) connections. There's no reason I can think of that DSOs would store arbitrary internet connection identities.

Ident stands probably for identifier respectively in this case the instructions that parses the DSO. What I mean is, that those "identifiers" are helping the compiler to understand the TorqueScript code to determine what is what and also dig through the source to determine file structure. For example, OP_CREATE_OBJECT refers to the creation of a new object, so if our (not compiled yet) source was something about creating a datablock, the compiler for DSO would most likely use this opcode. If you have knowledge about all opcodes and know how the process works, you're actually able to make a kind of DSO "Disassembler" or maybe even decompile it, but as trinick already explained, the decompilation process is quite annoying. I may be completely wrong on this matter, as I never made any research on this, but at least I tried. And every day, we do learn something new, don't we?

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