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Messages - mlockha

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Forum Games / Re: Red Marsh - Basically A Black Lagoon Simulator
« on: May 14, 2015, 06:48:08 PM »
"Alright, Heli's toast."
Awiki does a quick last scan of the radar.
"Coast looks clear. Let's go deliver these guns and then we can get paid."

Forum Games / Re: Red Marsh - Basically A Black Lagoon Simulator
« on: May 14, 2015, 03:33:59 PM »
"Let's focus on the mission before planning to sell anything." Awiti says, as he scans the radar for anymore enemies that may come while the crew is still focused on the heli.

Forum Games / Re: Red Marsh - Basically A Black Lagoon Simulator
« on: May 13, 2015, 03:24:21 PM »
"Captain, if we use the Oerlikon, we might have a better chance at hitting the windshield and taking it out!"

Forum Games / Re: Red Marsh - Basically A Black Lagoon Simulator
« on: May 11, 2015, 12:05:44 PM »
Anyways, Awiti looks like this:

"Captain, what task do you wish me to do?"

Forum Games / Re: Red Marsh - Basically A Black Lagoon Simulator
« on: May 10, 2015, 06:21:39 PM »
Awiti turns to the Helmsman.
"Captain, any orders other then return fire?"
Awiti then turns to the crew.
"Someone hop on that Oerlikon! It has a better chance of taking out the boats."

Forum Games / Re: Red Marsh - Basically A Black Lagoon Simulator
« on: May 10, 2015, 04:17:29 PM »
I order our radiomen to open comms with the fast movers.
Awiti picks up the mic, speaking to the movers.
"Stop your course, now. You are heading for the-"
Awiti turns to the Helmsman.
"What's the name of the ship?"

Forum Games / Re: Red Marsh - Basically A Black Lagoon Simulator
« on: May 10, 2015, 12:15:00 PM »
Name:  Awiti Imamu
Age: 30
Position: Electrician
Skill Sets: Electronics, Explosions, Basic Leadership, Basic Repair, Communications
Spoken Languages: English, French
Country of Origin: Madagascar
Physical Description/Mental Dispositions: 6'1, 176 lbs.
Backstory: Born in the port city of Toamasina, to a French sailor and a native Malagasian woman, Awiti wasn't born off well. His father left when he was young, and the woman faced scrutiny for having a baby out of wedlock. Awiti befriended a soldier that handled electronics for the navy. This bred a passion that continues to this day. He taught Awiti how to use the electronics on the ship. After growing to the age of 22, Awiti's mother was killed by a native gang. In her will, she left Awiti 10,000 dollars, and a revolver. Both were from his father, who left it for Awiti. Seeing nothing left in Toamasina for him, Awiti caught a ship to the South China Seas. He decided to finally put his skills to use.
S&W Model 586
18 Bullets
Combat Knife
Other Notes: Prefers to see things out, is patient and waits to see plans develop.

Forum Games / Re: Red Marsh - Basically A Black Lagoon Simulator
« on: May 09, 2015, 09:26:25 PM »
Can I still join this, and if so, could I be any position or is it recommended I be a certain one at this point?

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: March 04, 2015, 06:19:34 PM »
Mjolnir flight just transferred to McNamara Airbase, in Mercana, on the front lines of the war. They haven't been sent on any new missions yet, and are still settling into their new digs.
All NAUC T0 and T1 aircraft are available to choose from right now for future missions, and so is the A-10 and F-18.
So I guess I can pick the F-18? If so, that is what I choose.
Also, does my character have any recollection of previous events? Or has this started completely new?

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: March 04, 2015, 05:26:19 PM »
Character Name: Obrad Antokolskiy
Nickname/Callsign: Condor
Character Age: 22
Piloting Style (Air-to-Air, Air-to-Ground, or Multirole): Multirole
Personality: Loyal, welcoming, vengeful.
Picture: Image

edit: also, can someone explain what we are doing and where i currently would be?

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: March 04, 2015, 05:19:56 PM »
It's not too late to sign up.
could I re-use my character from the previous ABS FIESTA?

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: March 04, 2015, 05:11:14 PM »
i'd like my char to come back but if it's too late that's okay

Forum Games / Re: Anagaea II – A New Age of Empires [1117 AD]
« on: February 11, 2015, 04:13:40 PM »
The King of Galaumia calls for the extermination of all Dreibetungists residing in Galaumia, remnants from Avalonian trading.

Forum Games / Re: Anagaea II – A New Age of Empires [1040 AD]
« on: January 31, 2015, 02:46:52 PM »
The king grows ill. With his final act, an act many assume caused out of dementia, he calls for the death of all those that do not believe in THE monotheistic god. Thus calling for many of the Galaumians that believe in the old gods, they go into hiding in the desert surrounding Galaumia.  Public executions are held in the capital, as the crazed king sits from a throne, looking onwards.

Forum Games / Re: Anagaea II – A New Age of Empires [1040 AD]
« on: January 31, 2015, 10:44:24 AM »
As a result of such actions as being accepting of infidels, Irajinad sends inquisitors to Galaumia.
The government never claimed they accepted infidels. It's just that some populations in Galaumia now do not outcast infidels. A barely noticeable change from the outside.

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