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Topics - mlockha

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Forum Games / Interstellar Tensions - Futuristic Nation RP
« on: February 14, 2014, 11:22:41 PM »

Interstellar Tensions

Year: 3134

Nation Application      -      Map      -      Nation and Organization List      -      Credits

Nation Application
Code: [Select]

*Country Name:
*Government Type:

Species Specialties:

*Economy Type:
*Currency to USD worth:

*Population: [Start out with anywhere between 1,000,000 to 100,000,000,000 people. Add reasonable amounts unless something major happens in your nation. You can lose population too, to disease or war. Maximum/Minimum is within reason.]
Literacy Rate:
Life Expectancy:

*Home Planet: [You have to make it up.]
*Home Star System: [You have to make it up.]

Trade Partners: [It is assumed that you are trading with people that you are allied with, so don't put them here.]

DEFCON Level: [Search Wikipedia if you have no idea what this is.]

Military Specs: [No outrageous specs please.]

(Click for big)

Nation and Organization List

Fyrenise Republic (FR)
Soverus Empire (SE)
Imperial Human Colonies of Alpha Eris I and II (IHC, AEi-ii)
Ursus Empire (UE)
European Galactic Federation (UGF)


Titan Corporation (TC)
Unlock Biotics (UB)

Staff and Credits:

mlockha     ~     Host, Admin, Creator
grunterdb1951     ~     Moderator
Crispy_     ~     Map
SWAT One     ~     Directory, OP Layout

Off Topic / The Vietnam War Thread
« on: August 10, 2013, 02:59:35 AM »
Basically, post pictures of the Vietnam war (keep it within forum rules), talk about relatives in the Vietnam war, or just talk about it.

Forum Games / World Conquest- A Medieval Nation RP
« on: August 08, 2013, 09:03:38 PM »
Basically, you start out with a small amount of land. You then take over land. But as you take land, you must fight the city-states and nomadic tribes that live there.

Code: [Select]

Country Name:
Country Motto:

Religion (No Atheism):
Major Cities:

Military Specs:

Forum Games / The Unknown- Changed direction from The Last Straw.
« on: August 02, 2013, 09:49:32 PM »
July 13, 2020
I'll label the dates sweetie, for if these letters get to you, I want you to know when it happened. We got the first message in July. On the 13th. It sounded like a weird guttural mixture of a bunch of different languages. We can play it back now, "Xin, je personne atje?". That was the sound that started this madness. I regret even responding to it.

July 25, 2020
Oh what a fool I was. I responded to some language not even known on this planet, IT DIDN'T EVEN ORIGINATE FROM HERE. But my CO ordered me to respond. God, that's how this all started. Once they picked up another transmission, I can only imagine them rushing to go get us.

August 7, 2020
This is when we first sighted them. Some tribe in Africa reported it to some Peace Corps idiot, or something. He didn't know what it was, and somehow, it ended up at the front desk of the President. He tried sending a transmission to the Aliens, but before they even responded back to us, most of the Developed world was hit. We thought that was a entire war. Most electricity, everything is knocked out. But before we knew it, Aliens were on our front door.

September 21, 2020
This is when the full occupation began. This time it wasn't just a bunch of ships shooting from the sky, no it was their full military force. Excuse my language, but they had a forgetTON of them. They occupied the world. God, there was no safe haven. Anywhere you turned, ALIENS! I imagine it's worse now, with the aliens occupying us longterm. So, farewell my sweet, this is the last of my letters. Tomorrow they take me from this cold cold cell, to the executioner, for wanting to free us. Goodbye, my sweet, I hope to see you in another life.

Character Format:
Civillan or Anti-Alien Task Force:

Do exactly what the title says! Also, you may post Tanks, Airplanes, and Artillery.

Forum Games / Botsende Landen- An Alternate History Nation RP
« on: July 14, 2013, 10:22:03 PM »

Basically, you join as a modern nation with modern borders but there are a few things changed.

Changes in Countries:
>Russia: Has become a Theocracy.
>China: The Nationalists won the civil war. Taiwan is now controlled by the communists.
>Vietnam: The south and the USA won the war, so Vietnam is democratic now.
>Sri Lanka: The military won the Sri Lankan civil war, but in turn, turned it into a military dictatorship.
>Mexico: Communist rebels have taken control in Mexico.
> United States: Europe and Canada, tired of America's stuff, invaded and won. They set up another government and made the USA a puppet state, acting to europes demands.
> France: A Islamic Dictatorship has been established, turning France into a Islamic Theocracy.
> Turkey: A bunch of revolutions happen and the country is in anarchy, the government falls but a new one isn't propped up.
> Afghanistan: Afghanistan was never invaded and it has become a democracy.
> Mongolia: Mongolia has become a monarchy, with a Khan ruling over.

Again, you can be any country, not just the ones with changes in it. You can do any move once you call a country. To get to be a country, just say I want to be (this country).

Countries & People
Canada: Grunterdb1951
Russia: Mr.Hurricane
Germany: Gojira
Peru: Epicduke
India: Muslim
South Africa: Darkmario

Off Topic / Move the loving forum games to Community Projects.
« on: July 14, 2013, 07:34:44 PM »
Seriously, It's getting annoying. I see a bunch of -Forum Games- or (Forum Games) in Off Topic, move them to community projects.

Forum Games / Els Imperis Colonials- Colonial RP
« on: July 12, 2013, 11:54:22 PM »
MAY 19, 1583
The expedition has set off. The voyage across the ocean will be hard and treacherous, but I know me and my crew will survive. We are told to find a new world, where untold riches could be found, where people could start a new life. They say we may encounter hostile things, so they sent me, Commander Tomás Reyes.

February 26, 1584
The voyage has been very troubling. Many have died. Some suffer from scurvy. It is cold on the high seas, and it is very cramped. I do not know how much longer I can hold out.

August 07, 1584
We have finally made landfall! We have rowed out. I plan to move along with a band of soldiers, cartographers, and settlers to make a city, and hopefully, find GOLD! Hahahaha. I will not write in this journal for a while, as I have some searching to do.

Faction [Spanish Colonials / Natives]:
Job [Only for Spanish: Cartographer, Soldier, Settler]:
Physical Description:

Name: Tomás Reyes
Age: 29
Faction [Spanish Colonials / Natives]: Spanish Settlers
Job [Only for Spanish: Cartographer, Soldier, Settler]: Commander.
Physical Description: 6'0, with brown eyes and black hair, he is skinny, and kind of muscly.
Inventory: A fine, steel Toledan sword, Horse, Steel Armor.
Miscellaneous: Commander of all spanish forces in this RP.

Off Topic / Today's my birthday!
« on: July 05, 2013, 09:37:35 AM »
Yep, todays my birthday!

Off Topic / I got a new turtle!
« on: July 04, 2013, 05:51:07 PM »
I just finished gathering all the stuff my Painted Turtle needed, and I got him today! His aquarium is all set up. He likes to sit under the filter.

Off Topic / What steam game should I buy?
« on: July 01, 2013, 01:02:54 PM »
I just got $50 and I am getting a steam game. My computer's specs are very bad, so please pick a game with low computer requirements.

Off Topic / so i just found this out about my state
« on: June 25, 2013, 10:04:50 AM »
So I went on Wikipedia and looked at my state (Kentucky) and I found this out:

In 2000, The Association of Religion Data Archives reported[58] that of Kentucky's 4,041,769 residents:

47% were not affiliated with any church

34% were members of Evangelical Protestant churches
Southern Baptist Convention (979,994 members, 24%)
Christian churches and churches of Christ (106,638 members, 3%)
Churches of Christ (58,602 members, 1%)

10% were Roman Catholics
9% belonged to mainline Protestant churches
United Methodist Church (208,720 members, 5%)
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) (67,611 members, 2%)

0.05% were Orthodox Christians

1% were affiliated with other theologies.

The boldest part is the most suprising thing, considering people think of Kentucky as Redneck-Christian hickville center of the USA.


This is a test nation RP. I would like people to play this normally, I just want to see if a Colonial Nation RP could suceed. The year is 1689.
Place yourselves on this map:

I will add a map of Africa when colonization begins.
Country layouts should look like this.

Name of Country:
Economy Type:
Type of Money:
Population [Start out between 100,000-250,000]:
Weaponry for Army:
Population in Army:

Drama / Pharyeon- Badmin at Cysero's, and berater.
« on: April 16, 2013, 06:47:56 PM »
So it appears I was banned from Cysero's for "Beratement" after I said that once character who was saying "Cindy Woman" sounded handicapped. The admin then bans me after I am done arguing with him because he was berating me.

Pharyeon: you're damn well aware of the rules you've broken.
mlockha: you argued with me
mlockha: and berated me
Pharyeon: you can't snake around by illusions hoping to get out of it.
mlockha: you berated me starfish
Pharyeon: after your beratement of a player
mlockha: saying "Cindy woman" is handicapped is not beratement.
mlockha: It is stating a fact.
mlockha: Well a opinon
Pharyeon: who was also an administrating force, and he and i were explaining why he did what he did
mlockha: i never saw the explanation
Pharyeon: you choose to blatantly ignore us and continue with being upset over it
mlockha: So I just thought he was doing it as a joke.
Pharyeon: chose*
mlockha: I never even saw the loving explanation
Pharyeon: yes, you did. you responded to it multiple times. i.e;"i'm done arguing with idiots like you. idiot."
mlockha: because you were berating me
Pharyeon: don't tell you you're not full of stuff, because i can smell you from here.
mlockha: you berated me
mlockha: and, i was finished arguing because all you were doing was calling me names
Pharyeon: scroll up, please. as i just said, it was because you were disrespecting illusions after we explained the reason for his character's style.
mlockha: I never even saw the reason
Pharyeon: then i'd advise you to please join a server/make your own and use page up.
Pharyeon: you know you're in the wrong, don't loving try to turn this on me.
Pharyeon: we have multiple witnesses, and they're aware of your bullstuff as well.

I copied the chat with Ctrl C but I acidentally hit the X button when trying to bring BL up.

Basically the idea of this is to make a country, but here's the catch, this game is to be set in the (early) Medieval times. Not futuristic country RP's like Humanity's Future, but set in Medieval times. This means None of the following:
  • Cannons
  • Guns/Muskets/Any Gunpowder weapon variation.
Other thing should be common sense for early medieval RP's. No airplanes, machine guns, you know. I know this sucks but I have been very intrested in the Medieval Era and just want to see how this will work out. PS: I will not be making a country, as I believe I can moderate better if I don't RP at the same time, thinking only for my country and not the entirety of the game/players.

Country Format:
Country Name:
Country Motto:
Place on map:
Country's so far:


Country Motto: Above everything else is the fight


Warriors use shortswords and spears, always donning a shield unless they are an archer. Armor displayed in image above.

Map so far:

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