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Messages - Katadeus

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Off Topic / Re: where does your dad work
« on: March 28, 2017, 10:56:46 PM »
Setting up a microbrewery/bed and breakfast/farm/small concert venue/pub

He used to run a big-ish company but decided to be a farmer

Off Topic / Re: i got colorblind glasses
« on: March 28, 2017, 10:53:31 PM »
Watch some movies with nice green stuff like Lord of the Rings or something

or maybe frolic in the wilderness

Off Topic / Re: So I Might Be Getting a LG G6 Tommorow
« on: March 21, 2017, 01:23:14 AM »
lol I've still got the G2
Works great, nice enough camera, pretty great microphone, decent battery life.

Off Topic / Re: Tips for making music?
« on: March 21, 2017, 01:21:59 AM »
The amount of theory you need to know is totally individual by the way. It depends on how well-developed your ear is already, and whether or not you are able to put together satisfactory and logical chord progressions and melodies on your own.
I use FL Studio and it works well. Everything that you really need can be done in FL.
Curate a collection of samples. Percussion, synth, ambience, vocals, melodies, whatever. Collect sound.

Games / Re: LoZ: Breath of the Wild is a mediocre game.
« on: March 03, 2017, 11:02:57 PM »
One of my friends bought it and we all went over to his room to watch/play it. Looks great, fun, weapon system seems a little odd with the very limited durability, but other than that I like it a lot.

Desktops and all-in-one both don't work.
I like the little dots indicating which slide you're on, but they could be a little or maybe a lot bigger because the white outline looks pretty bad when they're that small. They scale up well.

It looks pretty good though.

Off Topic / Re: Almost 12 Years Ago I Made This Community My Home
« on: February 14, 2017, 07:08:24 PM »
I learned a lot socially here.
Blockland probably propelled me into my career path (game design, though I'm working on music too,) and allowed me to have a creative outlet on which I could be judged fairly.

If you people cared so much about executive orders why weren't they marching against if like 8 years ago? This is just bullstuff because its Annoying Orange.
The reason that it has been halted by the federal court is because it is unconstitutional.
The fact that it is a ridiculously discriminatory policy is secondary.
The fact that it would do little to nothing to stop further acts of terror is third.
If it was put in place by Bernie Sanders I and everyone else would be just as mad, and the federal court would still halt it.

I would do that for my grandfather, but he lived a long life, and towards the end it was very painful. I'd rather he not have to go through that again.
Instead, I'd bring back my cat. His death was preventable.

My school didn't even have D's.
It was
Same here. And to everyone saying C is average, I disagree. It could be average in some places, but the way that grades are scaled varies widely from place to place. I'd say B is average, if anything.

last thing i ate was general tso's chicken and chocolate covered pretzels and chocolate covered strawberries and popcorn

Off Topic / Re: who is your favorite guitarist or pianist?
« on: January 28, 2017, 12:56:48 PM »
This dude named Neil Pearlman's pretty good at piano. I don't know enough about jazz or classical to have a favorite pianist in those genres, but Neil is someone that I model a lot of my folk playing off of, though he's a lot better. He isn't perfect, but he isn't ashamed of it, as the few errors are a casualty of reckless creativity.
He is also good at filling out the spaces of rhythm and timbre in the space of any song, in a way that complements the other performers excellently.
Here's a good example of his prowess in accompaniment. Starts a little slow I guess, but the end is quite lively, and it is pleasant all through.

For guitar, I can share this bit of greatness, but my favorite player's probably gotta be Mike Vass. Settled in Clay is an absolute masterpiece.

A lot of trite stuff, repetition, and error. You would have done well to go over it at least once to check your grammar.
You're trying to write as a character. However, the way that you repeat words and phrases is just too heavy-handed, and the grandiose language is not pleasant. It's just intrusive.
Additionally, once you've mentioned something, you don't need to clarify what it is in subsequent mentions of it.
You have some serious run-on sentences.

I regularly use the following to find and listen to music:
Google Play Music
and then I have a bunch of downloaded music as well
generally if I download music, it is either because I am transferring it to google play or I am going to play audiosurf with it

I use Google Play to keep all of my favorite music in one place. I use SoundCloud to find most of it. I use iTunes to buy most of it.

I've tried Pandora, Dubtrack, and Spotify, but I don't like them.
I often use picosong to share and listen to unreleased music

Games / Re: League of Legends - warwick rework!
« on: January 18, 2017, 02:28:10 PM »
Jhin's a good choice in general.
He tends to maintain a lot of distance like Cait does, too. He tends to follow up engage from the support more than engaging himself, but that's pretty much the same as ashe and cait mostly.

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