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Messages - DestroyerOfBlocks

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Games / Re: Sonic Forces released. Unsurpisingly bad.
« on: November 09, 2017, 04:28:54 AM »
honestly surprised a diy sonichu hasn't been posted here already

Games / Re: Sonic Forces released. Unsurpisingly bad.
« on: November 09, 2017, 04:22:37 AM »
any failings in sales could be recouped by just polishing and releasing that oc creator as a separate thing cause that stuffll bilk autists for millions if they sell microtransaction accessories for it

Off Topic / Re: Saudi arabia said lebanon declared war against them
« on: November 06, 2017, 07:00:15 PM »
The idea behind nuking the middle-east is that there would be an enormous spike in death that causes an end to the continuous number of deaths over the years.
nukes do not function like magic erasers that you can wipe over a region to solve all of the background ethnic/religious/socioeconomic problems that cause the rise of terror and general instability in the first place unless you absolutely obliterate everything, which isn't on the table for pretty clear reasons

Off Topic / Re: Saudi arabia said lebanon declared war against them
« on: November 06, 2017, 06:51:27 PM »
Instead of calling me an idiot for whatever reason you could at least attempt to try and convince me otherwise of my opinion. I'm open to suggestion.
provide justifications for a nuclear strike on the middle east beyond some vague "they're killing people". what would you even nuke and for what reasons. pretty sure there isn't some kind of active sustained genocide or suicidally imperialistic population that couldn't be handled otherwise. pretty sure also that detonating nukes would likely cause even more instability, massive nuclear fallout, a huge refugee crCIA, a huge diplomatic crCIA between the west and the middle east, and lord knows what else all to deal with whatever terror group of the week has popped up in the most recent regime collapse.

Games / Re: Doki Doki Literature Club made me clinically depressed
« on: November 06, 2017, 06:12:15 PM »
a message on how to NOT play this game
its not like the game doesnt force you to go through all the boring ass dialog again

Off Topic / Re: Saudi arabia said lebanon declared war against them
« on: November 06, 2017, 06:00:10 PM »
The reason why people end up brushing over the fact that innocents would die due to nuclear weaponry, in this middle-east-nuclear-bombing hypothetical scenario at least, is that innocents would die either way. So a nuclear weapon may end up causing said number of innocent deaths to be lower.

I do agree with you on saying it is repulsive to kill innocents. I do not advocate against or for nuclear weaponry however; this world is its own and I should not have judgment upon its acts since I can only do... nothing. I think you're trying to see what I say and get a feel for how I actually feel on the matter when I am just trying to state a scenario I see being likely to play out.
how would dropping nukes on the middle east even remotely fix anything or kill less people

General Discussion / Re: Scenery's TOURNAMENTS [ONLINE]
« on: November 06, 2017, 05:22:51 PM »
My suggestions:

All right click charge weapons: Increase speed of charge.
Reasoning: The damage output/utility is not worth not only the time spent charging, but hoping that your opponent will actually be visible at the exact moment it hits 100%, seeing how it's not an on-release thing. Which, it should also be changed to that too.

done on the sniper and tsr but missile storm's is fine due to its power. right clicks aren't inherently awful because your opponent can just wait them out, oftentimes they serve to force players to act or punish bad reads. skilled use of them is possible

Sniper: Remove the slowdown on charge.
Reasoning: Sniper is taken for it's skill based damage and doubles as a mobility weapon. Completely immobilizing yourself is not worth taking the shield off for a few more seconds.
The slowdown plus the rate it charges makes the charge shot probably the weakest strategy in the game. Lets say, even with the charge time, the slowdown, and the fact that you have to hope to god you're aiming at them the exact moment you hit 100% (with the only indication being a center print), and for whatever reason that works and you're not dead. You knocked their shield off for a few more seconds. What are you going to do about it? Any other weapon could've possibly outright killed them 150 to 0 in the time it took you to land that shot. Or maybe not, maybe they only took 25 health damage and regenerated that shield. So what are you going to do now that their shield is down for a bit longer? Use your secondary? With the slowdown, you were probably unable to put yourself into a position you could engage from, so they're just going to hide for longer. Or maybe not. They might just kill you. It's more worth it to just boost yourself out from cover for some speed, and hit them two or three times for a kill. Or even two for that 50 health damage. You can probably do two shots before it even finishes charging. And if their shield comes back up, just shoot them again.

sniper is obscenely powerful but its full potential is unrealized in the current meta. its a raycast instakill weapon that is only stopped by the high skill level needed to use it. the right click was buffed to charge faster, but removing the slow is just absurd since the sniper gains so much by a shield break its unreal.  you're heavily overestimating how bad the sniper is

Flamethrower: Remove or replace airblast entirely.
Reasoning: I understand some weapons are supposed to be better against certain weapons and all. But this completely nullifies warhead launcher with zero level of skill. Yet, against shotguns or any rapid fire weapon, it's completely useless. It's basically a 1 HP shield that regenerates faster than your 50 HP shield.

airblast reflects multiple projectiles. i'm for its removal because of how polarizing the use of it is ie against raycasts but it really isn't too decisive. even in warhead matches, the warhead player can just shoot corners and camp out the flamethrower instead of engage it directly. ask gyt

Burn Mortar and Saw Tomahawk: Increase projectile speed.
Reasoning: These weapons are entirely based on "Wow I certainly hope they accidentally run into this projectile" at any range that super shotgun can't already just turn someone into soup. Obviously it doesn't need to be 'as fast as other weapons' or not even 'almost as fast as other weapons'. They just need to be usable.

they are completely usable and are actually some of the better weapons as agreed upon by the tournaments dev team™. burn mortar just requires a bit more aim compensation for better damage than the missile and fire while the tomahawk can obliterate unshielded people at a longer range than the rocket punch

Chaingun: Somewhat reduce the rate at which overheat occurs, or give it a secondary ability.
Reasoning: Right now, it's worse than sawblade rifle because it's now punishable without offering any utility. Where sawblade is less punishable due to it's neverending fire, and the utility of bouncing projectiles AND FEAR ITSELF. It can probably still deal more reliable damage at a range, but that quickly ends.

chaingun shoots fast as stuff and has faster projectiles and in total will do more damage per second more consistently at most ranges. the overheat was necessary to prevent infinite chaingun death beams and you can use a secondary while it is cooling down. the cooldown is far from prohibitive as well.

Gas Op Rifle: Change it's right click ability
Reasoning: It's already almost only useful for it's mobility. And then it just got more. This is Overwatch levels of madness.

gas op needs something to bring it out of "twin magnums but stufftier" tier so we just built on its natural mobility with dumb bullstuff. it works and is unique so its being kept

Off Topic / Re: [NEWS]Antifa starting a civil war tomorrow.
« on: November 04, 2017, 05:19:56 PM »
where's the civil war i was promised a civil war
it was a guerilla marketing campaign leading up to the announcement of marvelâ„¢'s newest entry into the cinematic universe, Captain America: Civil War 2

Games / Re: Doki Doki Literature Club made me clinically depressed
« on: November 02, 2017, 01:33:58 AM »
i have literally no idea how anyone is shocked by this game
i predicted the entire thing within an hour of playing
undertale for handicapped ironic weebs
i see men of taste sit among us

i ran through the game because its free and everywhere and id get spoilered eventually if i didnt. it wasn't scary or unpredictable or interesting or whatever other things you can throw around

Off Topic / Re: what happened to DestroyerOfBlocks (aka You)?
« on: October 31, 2017, 11:59:31 PM »
It's been more than a month... I hate to break it to ya like this, but You is gone...

Only time can tell if he'll ever return.

guess hes really gone

Off Topic / Re: Is You okay?
« on: October 30, 2017, 05:52:22 PM »
did he get buried alive by national socialists or something what happened to the american hero

Drama / Re: banned for clickpushing
« on: October 01, 2017, 05:10:43 PM »
Obviously its the author of this thread
i have no memory of banning someone for that

Drama / Re: banned for clickpushing
« on: October 01, 2017, 03:35:30 PM »
jack noir cleared it up pretty well. to add on to a different point brought up earlier:

saying that the admins/modder should have made the feature not abusable isn't really a good response. just because the guards on crown's jailbreak have guns and can kill all the prisoners at any time doesnt mean its a dumb idea to give them guns. clickpush is a feature explicitly to allow unarmed people to fight back, and putting limitations or cooldowns on it would effectively gimp unarmed people and leave them at the mercy of the murderer trying to kill them.
the implication that clickpush is equivalent to a guard going on a shooting spree is false. a guard shooting up the prisoners ruins the entire round, the game will fundamentally stop working so long as a freekilling guard is allowed to continue freekilling. clickpushing people has no gameplay impact whatsoever in the investigative round. players do not have to fight back against the killer or be anywhere so specific that clickpushing will prevent them from getting there. the rule has no mechanical function.

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