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Messages - Randomness

Pages: 1 ... 43 44 45 46 47 [48] 49 50 51

Off Topic / Re: Republican or Democrat?
« on: August 12, 2012, 08:55:46 PM »
That requires adhering to some invisible agenda.

Once again, I refuse to play follow-the-leader.

Off Topic / Re: Republican or Democrat?
« on: August 12, 2012, 08:51:20 PM »

I don't play your little system of follow-the-leader. I just pick who I think is best. Why cant everyone else? What happened to free will?



Starting below this line, to avoid any name calling and risks of flame wars, the game is now changed to describe the avatar of the last person who posted.

_____________________________ _____________________________

Off Topic / Re: Describe the person who posted last with 1 word
« on: August 12, 2012, 04:44:33 PM »

Off Topic / Re: Describe the person who posted last with 1 word
« on: August 12, 2012, 03:08:54 PM »
Keep it one word.

Off Topic / Re: Describe the person who posted last with 1 word
« on: August 12, 2012, 02:56:53 PM »
Author Notice:
Avoid abbreviations. They do not count as 1 word.

Off Topic / Re: Describe the person who posted last with 1 word
« on: August 12, 2012, 02:34:16 PM »
Author Notice:
Keep it one word please.

I don't know if this goes anywhere else.. and its not a PC game but a forum game. I'll put it here but feel free to throw this topic away mods if I screwed up somewhere.

Describe the person who posted last with 1 word. Lets see how long this lasts.

UPDATE 5:32 PM EST: The game has been changed to describing their avatar to avoid any 'name calling' and since this has been what people were doing anyways.

1] No abbreviations.
2] Keep it one word. (obviously)



Modification Help / Re: CityRPGX Development
« on: August 12, 2012, 02:24:14 PM »
v2 get it right damn.

..Thank you for reminding me that even though I've studied CityRP/RPG's code in depth so much, somehow I still know little about the mod.

Hey, correcting what was said is better than not correcting anything is it?

Modification Help / Re: >> GameMode Reference <<
« on: August 12, 2012, 01:08:49 AM »
Needs to contain gamemode.txt and have itself listed as an Addon to boot.

GameMode_Example needs to have

Code: [Select]
ADDON GameMode_Example
in its list of addons so it executes server.cs.

Am i rite guyz

EDIT: Should have read that again. However, thats still how you execute a GameMode's server.cs... if you are booting it straight from the Start Server menu. Never gonna try to help someone with their coding again..

Modification Help / Re: CityRPGX Development
« on: August 12, 2012, 12:22:06 AM »
Because of the admin abuse on snk's server it doesn't usually get more than 10 people at a time.

I'll do something about restricting obviously abusive commands to the host and then attempt to confront snk12 about this.

Thank you for your information.

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