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Messages - Phanto

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i dont think you understand blocko style. it would fit blockland soooo much better as an octagon.

i dont think you understand blocko style. it would fit blockland soooo much better as an octagon.

Fine. working on it now.

Yeah I noticed the barrel looks terrible in that shading. Not much I can do about it. Making it an octagon wouldn't really solve the problem in my opinion, but make it look slightly stufftier, being too low poly.

Also, there's 433 polygons in the model total, which I think is a plus compared to some of the more advanced weapon packs being released. I still agree that the barrel bugs me.


Models and Code by Phanto/Mustang
Logo by Alternative

10mm Pistol
What's a Fallout RP without this bad boy?

Moderate Damage (15) per Body Shot
High Damage (23) per Head Shot
• Moderate Accuracy when fired stationary
• Quick Reload
• 12-Round Magazine
• Authentic sounds ripped straight from New Vegas

Silenced .22 Pistol
The original underpowered stealth tool

Low Damage (10) per Body Shot
Moderate Damage (15) per Head Shot
• High Accuracy when fired stationary
• Quick Reload
• 16-Round Magazine
• Special muffled 3d sound effect makes it impossible for foes to hear the onslaught of not-so-lethal pellets

• 12.7mm Submachine Gun added [About 99% complete, getting small errors with state sequences]

• Laser RCW added [Pew pew!!!]

• Fat Man added [WTF- Kaboom! I still have to write the code so this may take a while.]

Version 3.0:
• Added 10mm Pistol to pack.

Version 2.0:
• Changed silenced .22 pistol barrel to octagonal structure.


Please notify me if the link is broken and/or missing. Thank you.

Special thanks to Zeblote and everyone else who helped me solve my little audio dilemma...

Modification Help / Re: 2D Sound Effects in Weapons?
« on: July 21, 2014, 03:47:37 PM »
Okay well I found out the solution, which was to simply remove the stateSound[] sequence and instead insert this into the WeaponImage::onFire() function:

Code: [Select]

Solved. Locking now...
[Thanks to Zeblote for solution]

Modification Help / Re: 2D Sound Effects in Weapons?
« on: July 21, 2014, 03:17:08 PM »
Datablock type is normal, as in

datablock AudioProfile(bigrichardSound)
   filename    = "./bigrichard.wav";
   description = AudioClose3d;
   preload = true;

The important thing is using it.


Tried this already. Unfortunately, that plays the 2d sound serverwide, which is not what I want. This is identical to:

datablock AudioProfile(bigrichardSound)
   filename    = "./bigrichard.wav";
   description = Audio2d;
   preload = true;

Anyways, maybe some people may be confused by the way I worded it. Here is a more simplified manner:

This image was taken from the Fallout 3 GECK, which handles audio in a similar manner to what I want.

Attack Sound (2d) is the audio file played ONLY to the wielder of the weapon, so in blockland's case, whichever client fired the gun in the first place. When they fire, only that ONE client will hear the 2d audio.

Attack Sound (3d) is the audio file played to EVERY CLIENT in range. Basically AudioClosest3d. This will also be played to the client that fired the gun. I don't mind this.

Attack Sound (DIST) is some random bullstuff I don't care about. Ignore that.

So far, I've tried every solution mentioned above to no avail. They either play the 2d sound serverwide so everybody can hear it regardless of their range, or it doesn't play at all. If there really is no way to have correct 2d sound, i'll just forget about this and lock the topic. I understand that Weapons are server-sided mods, so I won't be surprised if it doesn't work, but thank you anybody who tried to help.

Modification Help / 2D Sound Effects in Weapons?
« on: July 20, 2014, 07:49:43 PM »
Okay, i'll keep it simple:
I'm trying to make a silenced pistol. I got all the code sorted out and everything, and I was a bit puzzled on one aspect.

Usually, guns use AudioClosest3d to play 3D sounds to other clients, such as a firing sound, or reload, etc.

As well as having a 3d sound effect, is it possible to add a 2d sound effect that plays only to the client/wielder of the weapon? I want to have a barely audible 3d firing noise, and a separate, louder firing noise that plays only to the client.

Is this possible? If so, what steps should I take to make it happen?

All help is appreciated.

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