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Messages - Aide33

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I think arguing semantics like handicaps makes (royal) you unqualified to speak on constitutional rights
2A is pretty direct, arguing nonsense about what a "well regulated militia" is makes you look handicapped
you are confusing me for someone else, I wasn't arguing against your interpretation, I was arguing your leap in logic where you went "if one amendment is dumb by modern standards we should repeal everything"

With this logic we should ignore the first amendment and the thirteenth since their views are clearly outdated, and modern handicaps like yourself know better
do you understand the concept of "some things can be good and others can be bad based on moral choices" or are you the kind of person that think we should repeal the entire constitution if we dont like 1 amendment that the constitution allows us to amend

Consequentially the cities with the lowest have great gun laws too. And states, in general. New England loves guns yet they're considered to be safest ones in the nation.
consequentially, yall are both wrong

depending on how the laws are implemented, its pretty easy to carry a gun from one state to another. states that have successful gun laws are the ones that are surrounded with other states with successful gun laws and vice versa.

if you really want to have an accurate idea of what federal gun laws would do, look at europe. its not as easy to get a gun across their border as it is to go from texas to new york, so comparing across states for point of sale gun laws is pretty moot.

this is not to say that gun laws in certain states dont have an effect, some do, like restricted open carry or something that police can easily catch on.

i find it incredibly stupid that yall are always stuff slinging at whos state is the stufftiest because of local laws like shut the forget up it doesn't matter in the case that theres like 4 guns per human in the USA

>They don't know you're also a fed
as if the feds would investigate their own

Yeah go join a "militia" if you want guns! (Let's ignore that militias are actively targeted by government agencies and dismantled)
Yeah go join one of them "militias" (You know the ones that have been targeted by the media constantly and used to dismantle gun rights)
>joins militia
>every other member of the militia is an fbi agent goading you into trying to kill the president

Yeah but that's just life what're you gonna do, ban all guns?
see my previous comment
Plus once the guns are banned, then knife attacks become the norm and when you hear 10+ people get knifed is it gonna be "we need common sense knife control" or do you just go well forget me

The point is, x is the most efficient Flash Mob tool, so x is used. x is banned, y becomes the most efficient Flash Mob tool, then z, then so on until the government tries to regulate forks to have quarter inch pikes so you cant stab someone w/ them idk
you cannot be as dumb as to continue to think that there will be the exact same amount of deaths if all guns where taken.

again, i think its completely unrealistic as a solution, but you cannot keep denying the reality that literally almost every other country in the world that has guns banned in some capacity has orders of magnitudes less gun violence or deaths then the USA

It becomes apparent how insignificant guns really are in the grand scheme of things when you look up the most deadly Flash Mobs of all time, where the overwhelming majority of them are not gun related. Mostly bomb or chemical. Or plane.
in all of those examples, the government regulated or changed entire industries from preventing stuff like that happening again

heard of the TSA? have you ever tried to buy any fertilizer and then they card you? theres literally hundreds of rules in place because those things happened (some of them bad some of them where extremely effective at curbing those kinds of violence)

and totaled over time, gun deaths still are a huge number. you can't be like "oh man look this honor student killed 3 people, thats NOTHING compared to 911!!!"

like there where 19,384 murders involving a firearm in 2020 ALONE[1] which is like 6x the death toll of 911 which is like the most significant terrorist attack with a plane in the past 10 years. (idk the actual death toll of plane or bomb attack over the last century you can clue me in if you do)

I could've stabbed 400 people that quickly.
built different

The problem with the logic of people not having guns is there's nothing stopping someone from going on a stabbing spree or something anyway
There will always be tools for violence guns are just the simplest and most easily accessible in America specifically
i'm sorry but you HAVE to acknowledge that a gun can easily kill more people than going on a stabbing spree, it's not even hypocritical to admit this even if you do like guns

do you really think the vegas shooter could've stabbed 400 people that quickly?

What is the FBI for, if not funding domestic terrorists? You want to delegitimize the entire concept of an alphabet soup agency by doing their job?
the FBIs entire funding goes to "keeping tabs on Hardcore Gamers but not actually arresting anyone and maybe even goading them into doing it"

also, i do think everyone would be safer if straight up no one had guns, but I think the usa is far passed that point of that being realistic and slowly accelerating towards fascism so i'd rather minorities just get strapped before its too late

i want more videos of hunter biden smoking crack and loving hookers

Screech harder it'll just make it easier to ban it wholesale until you handicaps learn how to behave

You'll never win the argument on elective abortion, the rape argument is too marginal for anyone to be swayed, bringing up these studies and statistics is handicapped (we already know what the stats are and no amount of "well huhu it's a lil ambiguous" is fooling anyone), arguing the non-person stance just makes people dig their heels in because you sound deranged

pro-abortion is a losing argument and it's because you didn't spend time gatekeeping your rhetoric from people who think third trimester abortion is okay, you forgeted up, you lost, gg
it's incredible how you can just ignore posts entirely

I'm talking about voluntary abstinence and you're bringing up child rape and ectopic pregnancies lmao get a loving grip, this is why you fartards lost

e; it's this autistic hyperfocus on the <1% slice of abortions that make you sound like handicaps, I don't even disagree with abortion in instances of rape and ectopic pregnancies don't count as an abortive procedure but nothing you say is rhetorically convincing in the slightest
it doesnt matter if there are laws against what I said, ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages happen on 1/3 pregnancies. these are things that require abortions to fix or the person will die

with the laws on the books in several states rn you basically roll a dice and if the number is under 4 you die because they wont perform abortions on even impossible pregnancies

it doesn't matter that you are against it, the rhetoric and action taken by your side has given us this result

Unlikely, but thanks for admitting you have no rebuttal for the 100% success rate of abstinence
cool ill tell that to the kids that get raped and then die at child birth or the people that get murked by ectopic pregnancies. throw in the people that also go to jail for having miscarriages

Off Topic / Re: Adjusting to a new life
« on: June 26, 2022, 06:50:05 PM »
for someone who is deeply traumatized by the military, it can be easier to simply continue what they are used to. military provides rigid schedules and structure to daily life. you do what you're told. it is similar to how people have trouble adjusting to normal life after getting out of prison.
instead of worrying about taxes and rent and all the problems of civilian life, you need only think of what manual labor you are assigned to, where to stand, where to aim your gun. years of having someone else make decisions for you conditions one to have difficulty making their own decisions.
i see, i can't relate to this, but i can understand it at least

Off Topic / Re: Movie Recommendation Ideas
« on: June 26, 2022, 02:58:21 PM »
also I forgot to mention but "The Lobster" is a really loving good and twisted movie if you like dystopian stuff

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