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Messages - GFD

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ty i like the different rainbow

It's even funnier when you realize that GFD started with the personal insults

You literally have been insulting people the whole thread and I was responding to you insulting me?
Sounds like something a beta virgin would say

Uhh, I haven't streamed snap in like 2 years what is your point here?

imagine being fat when running and pushups are free
Aren't you some 400 pound fat forget? Did mommy forgot to give you your tendies today?


Sounds like something a beta virgin would say

Says the bald 17 year old

i had to go with my GIRLFRIEND guys whats going on did i mention i have  GIRLFRIEND am i validated yet

Relationships aren't "real" until you're at least out of middle school

Why do you feel the need to spam and troll containment threads? Do you have nothing better to do?

loveually insecure conservative kids get edgy: the megathread


So just a spam image at this point? damn. Troll Patrol has really gone downhill these days.

Yeah I really like the shirt and wish there was a tiny version i could put on my mom's small dog eeeeee

I knew u were gay :^)

Stop spamming, big-brain-patrol honestly the way some of you are acting is just childish and disappointing.. but not surprising

I'll take an avi :0

Off Topic / Re: night discussion topic i guess [night 739]
« on: June 01, 2018, 02:05:04 AM »

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