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Messages - Fizzles

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 [7] 8 9 10 11 12 ... 528
Games / Re: Retro Games Topic
« on: April 07, 2011, 12:12:22 AM »

you have some kind of opening
make sure your door is closed
Is your bed in a corner? Is the bed on the other side of the wall lit?

There's gotta be like a 2 block radius of it being lit.

Underground at light level zero, ghosts don't spawn on the surface because miners don't die on the surface.
Oh we'll sssssssssseeeeee about that

Go here, download that

and then this
Yourself: Waving wheat, modified world curvature, outlines, and toon shading - base.vsh, base.fsh, final.fsh

and put that in the specific mod folder (from the previous download) it tells you to
lol fizzles in running in fast
The outlines mod is a bit ridiculous to render when it has to go around every single leaf.  I'd be running on fancy without it.

Gotta love that world rounding.

Notch needs to put this in:
High five to anyone who immediately recognized the death sound at the end

Creativity / Re: Insect Comics (3 of 7)
« on: April 04, 2011, 09:56:03 PM »
Spider's need to jam out sometimes.

Creativity / Re: Pokeball Maker
« on: April 04, 2011, 09:54:48 PM »
Genesis Ball

When you press the Pokeball's button, the top and the bottom part open up, and the ring connecting the ball together split apart and seperate from the ball, while a vacuum, spirit like ball, sucks the Pokemon in. The top and the bottom part combine back together and the ring are set back, reconnecting the ball parts.
tron pokemon

Creativity / Re: Pokeball Maker
« on: April 04, 2011, 12:43:59 AM »
and while we're at it, we can all do sonic recolors

If you were simply testing the program, why did you need to upload it?


Wolf system could be a lot cooler imo.

There's no real feeling attachment to your wolves.  Like in Pokemon, you always feel for your Pokemon and don't like switching them out very often.  Maybe if there were a variety of wolves and such, and you could only use one at a time (But keep others in a designated area the rest of the time)

Iron or not, it's ugly as jell with the brown stuff in it.

Games / Re: Just got GBASP, need game suggestions.
« on: March 31, 2011, 04:36:29 AM »
I have:
Green Gameboy Black and White
Teal Gameboy Color
White and blue Gameboy Advances
Blue and silver Gameboy Advance SPs
DS Phat
Broken white DS Lite (Bottom screen works, may as well be a SP)
Working DS Zelda edition.

Games / Re: Magic The Gathering
« on: March 31, 2011, 12:48:45 AM »
I've got a huge urge to play this game but nobody to play with.  SOMEBODY KILL ME

Games / Re: Just got GBASP, need game suggestions.
« on: March 31, 2011, 12:37:31 AM »
tbh i doubt it, i could belive they will stop putting new ones out, but i dont think theyd stop selling used games that people sell them
Do you ever see Gameboy or N64 games on the shelves anymore?

Also I'd like to see an article or some proof.

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