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Messages - lbpguy20

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 [7] 8 9
Suggestions & Requests / Re: Engine upgrade *read please*
« on: March 16, 2015, 06:58:40 PM »
How many times must we go over how piss poor the maps/terrain was?

Thats your own opinion, other people may think the maps looked great, others may think it looked like a pile of cow dung, but they are just opinions, and you are not speaking for everyone when you say your opinion


0:00 - 0:49 Loadsamoney #1

0:49 - 1:15 Loadsamoney #2

1:15 - 1:43 Loadsamoney #3

1:43 - 2:18 Loadsamoney #4

2:18 - 2:46 Loadsamoney #5

2:46 - 3:19 Loadsamoney #6

You dont have to do all of them if you want to, you could do just this one if you wanted

2:31 - 2:39

Cheers mate, make sure you got dosh :)

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Engine upgrade *read please*
« on: March 16, 2015, 06:24:26 PM »
If badspot (or any other dev) isnt going to add maps/terrains back, he probably isnt going to upgrade the engine either, heck, he rarely updates this game majorly (or even minorly) anyway

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Block Merging
« on: March 16, 2015, 05:38:25 PM »
So who is able to make merging bricks?

Suggestions & Requests / Block Merging
« on: March 16, 2015, 02:25:09 PM »
Is it possible for someone to make a mod where you can intentionally merge blocks together to make new shapes?
Or does a mod like that already exist? If so, please link it to me, thanks :)

Help / Re: Slayer isnt letting me kill!
« on: February 28, 2015, 05:20:37 PM »
The other problem idk, might have to do with an addon you have that might disable damage.

Well then how can i check which add-on it is?

Help / Slayer isnt letting me kill!
« on: February 28, 2015, 04:56:57 PM »
For some reason, when i get any weapon and try to kill someone with it, it doesnt do damage, yet it hurts bots, and yes, weapon damage is enabled, the only weapon exceptions are instantkill weapons.

Theres also a problem with bots on teams, when i add prefered players, the bots dont show up at all, know how to fix it?

Drama / Re: Lbpguy20 - Overuse of Big letters
« on: February 17, 2015, 07:55:58 PM »
why did you do it in the first place?

Dont know, i mind just went "screw it", and i started spamming big letters

I also was tryin to see how many english letters were in the symbol font, so yea...

Drama / Re: Lbpguy20 - Overuse of Big letters
« on: February 17, 2015, 07:52:10 PM »

I agree i was being an arse

Drama / Re: Lbpguy20 - Overuse of Big letters
« on: February 17, 2015, 07:42:14 PM »
Did you ever tell him to stop ?

No, but someone else did

Suggestions & Requests / J.J.Jameson laugh sound
« on: October 23, 2014, 04:36:08 PM »
Can someone make this laugh
into a sound? Thanks.

Drama / Re: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:55:34 PM »
Once upon a time...

I went to TerrariaHERO's server, his freebuild. And as I was loading I saw the rules "NO MININUKE, GOD DUN OR TRIKIMBO, ADMIN ONLY"

I asked TerrariaHERO why the trikimbo was on the admin only list (it does less damage than akimbo!) (also note that everyone else in the entire server agreed that it wasnt OP) and at first he said "IT HAS LOTS OF AMMO" (with  incorrect grammar), then I told him all of the guns have infinite ammo and then he banned me for being dumb or something like that for 5 minutes.

Then I came back an argued some more, saying that even his friend agreed (TheOnlyOne, which is an abusive host) that the trikimbo isnt OP, then i got banned for "IDDCIDCIDID IDC IDCDCDC IDC IDCCC IDDDCCC" for about 21,000 minutes.

Classic ol' TerrariaHERO

Drama / Re: Axis1000's rooster server and abusive friends
« on: August 13, 2014, 12:45:22 PM »
Oh, and also, ive been banned and De-admined by Hunter0821 from rage

Also, even I dont know why Axis1000 still keeps him an admin, a SUPER admin... even though the rager destroyed his server 7-9 times allready

This is getting out of hand

Drama / Re: Axis1000's rooster server and abusive friends
« on: August 12, 2014, 11:30:33 PM »
I am one of Axis1000's admins, and i give a 110% /support on this

Hunter0821 is one of the biggest asses ive seen, worse than Tezuni's and Big Brother combined

In a nutshell, Hunter0821 is another person who thinks he can just take authority of everyone (even our host, Axis1000) and then if someone disobeys or even slightly angers him, he turns the server into a virtual underworld

Here is one time when i joined the server, and it went along the lines of this:

Lbpguy20 has joined the server

Hunter0821: ...

Lbpguy20: Hunter why are you always such an ass to the server?

Around 20 or so seconds later...

Hunter is using chidori on everyone, lagging them like crazy

Destroying the entire map, changing the environment

Capslocking everyone to death

Bans, bans everywhere

And that is a normal experience with Hunter0821, I hope you learned a lesson

Off Topic / Re: Chuck Norris
« on: August 09, 2014, 08:26:53 PM »
Jesus christ! Fine!

Ill remove this fun silly poll that i made


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