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Messages - New Years

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hey gamers, didn't see the updates on this thread until today. unironically thanks for the pointers

Off Topic / Re: U.S.A. Politics Thread | Roe V. Wade OVERTURNED
« on: June 24, 2022, 07:56:26 PM »

i know "google it" but i'm more curious to where y'all learn it effectively. i know there's readthedocs for 3d and blah blah yeah i don't wanna waste my time if it's not effective

oh wait stuff i actually didn't read that last post, yeah i am still correct and idk ports age but yeah naw

i could be wrong. i do associate that pfp with eepos

hey 'oldhead', i'm 95% sure mordius is eepos

which says they're 30. assuming this individual is who i am assuming is correct, port was groomed

This is just in complete bad faith.

Anyone who calls the parental rights bill the dont say gay bill is actively engaging in family values by implying homoloveuals are child enthusiasts who want to groom kids

Off Topic / Re: Bad things your body is doing
« on: March 19, 2022, 01:46:25 PM »
my hands and arms started sporadically falling asleep when driving. same happened to my legs to an extent. i kept pretty quiet about it because i'm quite the hypochondriac at times- had maybe like a fifth incident so I raised it to my physician, he ordered blood work (mostly for routine stuff bc it was coming up). everything came back fine so he assumed it was a stress related thing.

fast forward to december and i'm thinking forget it, i haven't had too much of an incident since i stopped going to the gym regularly. i go to an orthopedics office and they take x-rays of my arms. orthopedic doctor feels my elbows and tells me there's unbelievable tension in them. thinks it's from stress and improper stretching. I ordered a massage gun and have been using it routinely, haven't had an issue since.

interesting stuff. i was afraid my arms were going to lock in place and i'd get killed on the highway or something

Off Topic / Re: What's happening forum
« on: February 22, 2022, 09:36:29 PM »
I haven't checked here in 2+ years. Hope everyone's doing alright.
I very vividly remember your name in a TF2 video and I've wanted to tell you that for like nine years, idk why I just remembered that

General Discussion / Re: Preemptive New Years 2023 Discussion
« on: January 12, 2022, 09:21:02 AM »
I think that the build was really well made and I wanna see a map like that again. Maybe to fix that problem they should add in a map and what the certain areas are called so that it can make finding people easier.
That we actually have. We have a print in a completed info section that lists all shops and surrounding areas... Something to improve would certainly be navigation/optimization

Here's our redo board that's been a little under wraps for the 2018 build actually. Been poked around for a bit.

drydess dm me. u kinda cute

General Discussion / Re: Preemptive New Years 2023 Discussion
« on: January 03, 2022, 10:49:28 PM »

I don't know how you could even compete with this.
Done. Added the E-tard filter

General Discussion / Preemptive New Years 2023 Discussion
« on: January 02, 2022, 02:29:06 PM »
We're doing it this year and help is welcome! Any suggestions?

Right now our current ideas are:
  • Expand and revamp the old 2018 build, over 50k bricks have been added since its original release, entire streets have been added and major revamps have been done. (Not for sure though, maybe sometime eventually). On this idea though, over 20 new shops have been added, entire complexes, and unseen stuff. As why it was never released. It'd be like a New Years ultimate with ideas focused directly on content with our allotted time.
  • Scrap the idea and start with an entirely new map.
Or somewhere in between. Maybe incorporate unseen additions into a new build.

Off Topic / Re: Forumer of the year thread | Nominate now!
« on: December 14, 2021, 10:53:00 AM »
I nominate ultimamax

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