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Messages - Jokey365

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 574
Gallery / Re: The HellMOO Project
« on: March 26, 2016, 01:58:50 AM »
Bumping once.
First phase would be generating a general add-on pack so the requirements list isn't a mile long to adjust for everyone's preferences.
As far as a colorset goes, Furdle's Ultimate Colorset is my recommendation. I've been mostly building solo with Eksi's City colorset, but I can't seem to find it now. I haven't experimented with brick packs much, so I'll leave suggestions up to everyone else. Even if we stay 100% stock, once we feel comfortable in our selection, work can begin.

Gallery / Re: The HellMOO Project
« on: March 21, 2016, 02:31:29 PM »
what is (some) can be very important with hellmoo
Really depends on how much progress is made in how much time, and how exact we intend to make it. We'll start in Freedom City, and expand as time goes on.
If we rocket through this, we could very well make every major area in the game.

did you play a bunch of multi user dungeons in the past or come from that community?
Since I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this (My fault), I'll just say that HellMOO was my first MOO experience and I've been with it for maybe a couple years now on and off.

Gallery / The HellMOO Project
« on: March 19, 2016, 10:08:14 PM »
The HellMOO Project
A community build


"HellMOO is a post-apocalyptic role-playing moo. It is set at an unknown time after an atomic conflict brought down the great civilizations of the 21st century. Enough time has passed that some towns and vestiges of society have returned... but not nearly enough to curb the inherent violence and conflict of a life lived without comfort or salvation. Corporations both ancient and new sit astride the few surviving cities like obscene, glittering spiders, wielding their power over their desert domains without question and without mercy. The fake smile, the furtive stare are the weapons of the city-dweller, forever dependent on their corporate masters for protection against the raiders and radioactive sands. Yet a few wander the wastes, living off the bones of the old world and whatever justice they can find at the end of their gun. Only time will tell which is the stronger.

HellMOO is a place of extremes. The first person you meet may be a caring street preacher, a rad-crazed knife fighter, or a mutant disguised as a man. It is up to you to decide which skills and allies will see you safe to the promised land, wherever and whatever that may be.

But all choices must be carefully made, as HellMOO does not forgive mistakes."


tl;dr, HellMOO is a text-based RPG set in a wacky apocalyptic world with cities lead by the corporations of old, deserts full of chainsaw-wielding rednecks, underground labs full of deadly robots, and a lot of hobos. It has a lot of grind, but wacky stuff and awesome writing to keep you entertained.


I intend to bring (some) of the world of HellMOO to life in Blockland, and I need the help of the community. I've already given the first zone (Freedom City) a shot, however, I've rapidly come to realize that the build would net the charm and quality I'd like if I spread out the efforts. What if instead of one person taking the time to build the entire city, a bunch of people take the same amount of time all building one building?
If the community is willing to help me make my dream come true, the build, when finished to a certain standard, will be pieced together into the entire map and released to the public who helped make it possible.

I'll be running on a 'dibs' system. Builders will post what they want to build in the thread first, and wait to be listed as the builder in the OP.  With this, efforts are less likely to be wasted, so when one person submits a build, four other people who were all building it suddenly realize they wasted their time and could've been building something else. I will allow up to three people to claim a build at once, and when one person finishes, if it is accepted, the other builders will have a limited time (not yet decided) to finish and post their builds to be compared and judged.


No buildings are completed as of now, however, if there WERE pictures here, you'd get the impression that the map is a cramped, dirty city, like Fallout NV's Freeside yet with much less space to move around and a bit more charm and bright lights.

As of posting this, 3/19/2016, I would like to know how many people I'd have who would be willing to lend a hand, and what brick packs and colorsets they recommend. Once the final set of add-ons and initial builders are decided, I'll post some building names and suggestions and we can get to work.
You can take a look at the HellWIKI for some information on the world.

Off Topic / Re: what are your pet peeves?
« on: December 20, 2015, 06:07:01 PM »
When threads get derailed.

Games / Re: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic + Trade: SMISSMAS PREDICTIONS ABOUND!
« on: December 17, 2015, 06:49:50 AM »

Off Topic / Re: What is your loveuality?
« on: December 10, 2015, 11:25:28 PM »
Repulsed aloveual.

Off Topic / Re: does anyone else hate this specific shade of blue
« on: December 10, 2015, 09:18:32 PM »
It's the best shade of blue dafuq is wrong witchu

Off Topic / Re: How many languages do you speak
« on: December 04, 2015, 07:26:49 AM »
English and American Sign Language.

what is this
fallout 4
i would appreciate

247.79 on GOOD TIME.

7.19 on REALLY BAD.
I can beat actual Undertale Sans in one go now.

Off Topic / Re: No Fap November
« on: November 09, 2015, 07:27:13 AM »
Haven't fapped in eighteen years.
Step your games up.

I almost always use the eureka effect. And with the eureka effect I can get up to the spot in the pic above  with out having to run back to spawn.
I also place every thing up there too...
You don't even need the Eureka or to run back to spawn to get up there.
Legit just place a building either up against the valves and jump up, or up against the pipes in the corner and jump up.

Off Topic / Re: Rant: Apple Music loving ruins music management
« on: August 10, 2015, 06:09:34 PM »
Apple is the last thing Im going to buy.
Most people probably wonder why I hate apple so much. Have you ever looked at what they achieved? Absolutely nothing. They basicly stole someone's stuff. Pasted their loving apple on it and sold it for a stupiditly high price and 3 days later you come back because its already loving broken. They even sued some cafe in germany because they had a logo with an apple in it and apperently hey stole it from apple. It didnt even look close. I dispise apple and every die-hard apple fanboy
I thought the same thing.
Then I stopped being stupid.

tf2wh overprices everything by a larger margin than any other second hand item shop
Sometimes it's better than trading with players.

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