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Messages - Peggworth the Pirate

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Is it one event to switch to another sound or an event per brick that needs to have the sound?
Both. You can use commands to change which sound a color makes, and you can also change on a per brick basis which sound it makes with events, which takes priority.
Here's a link to it:

There's Peggy's footstep mod that lets you set paint colors to footstep sounds so all you do is color the surface they are walking on to a particular color.
This is good, but the only problem is if you have two different "materials" that are the same color, then you can only stick with one color for each material.

Actually in my latest releases, you can change which sounds are made with events.

Add-Ons / Re: Building Blacklist
« on: May 16, 2016, 09:18:12 PM »
Either that or bundle them into one command

/builder ban name/id
/builder unban name/id


And if the command can't find what they wanted it'll just give them a simple help list of what they can do

Yeah, its kinda easy to forget this kind of stuff, maybe add a /buildhelp or something

btw you should change the title of the topic when you release an update, and maybe put an indicator in the OP.

but also I feel like the commands could be way simpler. like, /nobuild [name] or /bban [name] and /yesbuild [name] or /bunban [name] or somethin. they aren't very uniform right now and easy to forget, I don't want to have to pull up this topic every time I need to buildban somebody.

Once again, your wishes have been granted. Please re-download.

Add-Ons / Re: Building Blacklist
« on: May 16, 2016, 05:04:17 PM »
The whitelist and blacklist titles need to be flipped.

Thanks bae

Add-Ons / Re: Building Blacklist
« on: May 16, 2016, 04:52:45 PM »
can you add a /listbuildbans

Could make this a two-in-one and make a way for us to use a building whitelist instead.

No, what I think he means is make this have an option to go whitelist mode (no I don't think we should use the building rights), then for the whitelist mode you would have a different pref list for people

You're wishes come true. Check out the update, and re-download.

Add-Ons / Re: Building Blacklist
« on: May 15, 2016, 08:08:13 PM »
Could make this a two-in-one and make a way for us to use a building whitelist instead.

Why not just enable Scirpt_BuildingRights for servers you want to have a whitelist and this when you want a blacklist?
It can't go both ways, that's not how this works.

Building Blacklist  And Whitelist
By Peggworth the Pirate

A mod much like "Script_BuildingRights", however it is reversed. Everyone on the server can build until an admin bans them. Once banned, there is no way a user can plant any bricks (however they can still destroy them).

Version 1.3.0: By popular demand, this mod now also includes the full functionality of "Script_BuildingRights", which can be toggled on and off via the command /togglewhitelist. There are also a number of new commands to help manage the server better, see the command list below.

Version 1.3.1: Due to the obscurity of the command system, I have redone everything to be much more simple and a branch of a main command. Now all commands begin with /building and end with the command type and a name if you choose such a command. The command list is also unified, so giving and taking rights is the same command for both the whitelist and the blacklist. (same goes for listing who has rights or now)

  • /building giveRights - give someone the right to build
  • /building takeRights - remove someone's rights to build
  • /building listRights - display who has rights and who doesn't for the given mode
  • /building clearRights - clear all rights given to anyone for the given mode
  • /building toggleWhitelist

  • Ban and un-ban players from building
  • RTB Prefs
  • Control what level of authority you must be to ban (Admin, Super-Admin, Host)
  • Define whether or not admins can still build even if banned
  • Host can't be banned from building (If it works correctly for you. See the bottom of the page for details)
  • Locate players by either name or BL_ID
  • Both Whitelist and Blacklist features

Important: I currently have a bug with my server where the host can no longer be detected as the host. Let me know if any of you have the same problem, and I will look into my code, but as of now I can't find why my code would be the cause of this error.
Also Important: The latest version is not tested very well, please report any bugs so I can fix them.


Is anyone else getting an error where, out of the 1x1's,  only the 1x1x3 is showing up? I have no access in my bricks menu to the 1x1x4 or the 1x1x2. I've got everything else.
What's even weirder is that when I load my saves, there's a 1x1x5/3 in place of the 1x1x2's

Add-Ons / Re: Deletion Cubes +
« on: December 30, 2015, 03:05:04 PM »
It will still have alot of uses, I used these before and i can think of a few times where the dup would be hella slower or downright impractical.
It's good that someone finds this useful other than me.

Add-Ons / Re: Deletion Cubes +
« on: December 30, 2015, 12:34:10 AM »
pretty neat, even though i will probably use the newdup still

stuff. I didn't realize the new duplicator could delete. That basically makes this useless.

Add-Ons / Deletion Cubes +
« on: December 29, 2015, 10:01:25 PM »
The Deletion Cubes by Zack0Wack0 redone. There's some new features and fixes

  • The amount of bricks destroyed is displayed more correctly.
  • RTB prefs for admin only and trust level.
  • Save delete feature: press ',' and '.' to turn on and off safe delete. (this is prevent the deletion cube from deleting anything that causes a chainkill)
  • Safety check: press 'R' to check the status of the area you would be deleting
  • Undo delete: press 'ctrl+z' to rebuild what you deleted. This only works partially, as bricks killed in a chainkill can't be restored in this version. This is somewhat buggy, so there's also an RTB pref to disable this feature.

This is currently very heavily under development. Expect some bugs with this current version, but post them here and I'll fix them.

To all those coders out there: If you think you are better equipped for adding to the 'undo delete' feature, go ahead and look through the code and message me your suggestions.

Add-Ons / Re: Peggy Footsteps - A Dynamic Footstep Add-On
« on: December 05, 2015, 02:51:08 AM »
I also haven't tried this yet but do you have like crouch sounds or like muffled foot steps when holding down C? I want to try making some kind of stealth game.

I do have a more quiet set of sounds for walking (holding down C), but currently there's not any sound FX that I would consided muffled; when you crouch walk currently, there's no sound at all.

Add-Ons / Re: Peggy Footsteps - A Dynamic Footstep Add-On
« on: December 05, 2015, 02:35:01 AM »
Have you ever thought of adding jet sounds?

I've never been a big fan of jet sounds, but I suppose I could add this. I'll let you know the progress come the next update.

Add-Ons / Re: Peggy Footsteps - A Dynamic Footstep Add-On
« on: December 05, 2015, 02:33:40 AM »
I found another issue, none of these SFX play on a bots.
Never mind it was just silent.

However I found another bug, SFX would have a hard time playing in ModTer ramps.

This is not a bug but a question, will you release this in Blockland Glass or use Support_Updater for easy updates?

You can get the HL2 SFX for sand though, but can you add another option in for sand, or would dirt be fine enough?
I actually recently uploaded this to Blockland Glass, and I've considered doing an update for sand. I actually already have the sounds for sand, and since I've been revamping the code to meet some standards for Blockland Glass, I'll probably include sand FX. I'll also check out the Support_Updater code to find out how to make it work with my Add-On.

Keep a look out for this new stuff in the next few weeks, unfortunately I have finals this week though, so I don't have a lot of free time.

Lastly, there's really not much I can do about the modTer bug, I've noticed it myself, but I can't find any work arounds.

Add-Ons / Re: Peggy Footsteps - A Dynamic Footstep Add-On
« on: October 03, 2015, 06:48:35 PM »
Lava doesn't kill me with this enabled.
Wha... What... Why?
Why would this even... Why?
Peggy, what did you do? Why would a footsteps mod make lava like normal water?
I wasn't aware that this was a bug, and I didn't see any problems with my code so I didn't know how to begin fixing it.
I thought maybe it could have been another error like the hatmod, so I ignored it.
But then...

I'm experiencing this bug as well, this should be an easy patch anyway right?

And so I looked at the code and thought I found something wrong,
Code: [Select]
::onEnterLiquid(%data,%obj)I was right; It needed to be this,
Code: [Select]
::onEnterLiquid(%data,%obj, %cov, %type)   
The patch is applied, go ahead and re-download it and you should find your is problem fixed.

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