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Messages - Cysp

Pages: [1] 2 3
Off Topic / Re: I got vaccinated.
« on: November 17, 2009, 08:17:44 PM »
I\'m not trying to be rude here but,

why do we care?

User was banned for this post

Off Topic / Re: chat with gun fun
« on: November 15, 2009, 09:39:05 PM »
Human: god dammit
gun fun: I am a Christian.

Off Topic / Re: scary stories
« on: October 30, 2009, 10:03:27 PM »
I just wrote this and am now posting it.

The Wedding Ring
   A man and a woman who were to be married in several hours, were drinking wine and laughing together at the man\\\'s home. The man received a phone call, to his horror he found out that he had been drafted into the Vietnam War. He told his fiancee that he would come home safely. The man grabbed his rifle out of the closet and told her that he would take the wedding ring with him and keep it in his pocket as a reminder of their love. He then sprinted out the door and into his car and drove away.

   The woman went home and went to sleep, terrible unhappy with her terrible luck. A week later she received a phone call from the Military to find that her groom had been shot. Heart broken, the woman crawled into bed, vowing never to leave it.

   After several days, the woman finally got out of bed and ate and showered. She then went to the door to see if she had gotten any mail. She found a slim envelope addressed to her from her dead groom. Inside was the wedding ring he had bought her with a scrawled message in blood red ink that said

For you, my love.

The message had been sent the day after her groom had been shot. She at first guessed that the message had been sent by one of his comrades, but realized that no one could have cared enough to check his pockets for anything. Even if they did, how could they have sent it by regular mail?

   The woman left the ring on her night stand and went back to sleep. Many days passed and the ring still was left on her night stand. Eventually the woman decided to move on. She met another man that she thought was much more brilliant then her shot groom. She tossed the ring into the garbage and continued loving this new man. But when she came home after her date, the ring was sitting on her kitchen counter. A message scrawled in blood on the wall.

How dare you.

   The woman\\\'s newer boyfriend assured her it was just a prank. The woman cleaned it up and continued to be with the new man. Two days later, the woman arrived home again to find the ring hanging from a string from the rafters. The house had been ransacked and bullet holes were spattered about the house. In her bedroom, the woman found a message scrawled in blood once again on the wall.

I do not approve.

   The woman moved far away with and decided to marry this newer groom. On the wedding day, the groom did not show. The woman decided to search for him. But when she walked down the aisle she saw the ring on the handle of the door to the bell tower. She walked up and pocketed the ring and opened the door.

   Inside she found her newer groom hung by a rope tied to the top of the tower  ceiling with his neck slit open, blood dripping on the floor. On the wall was a message again, scrawled in blood.

You\\\'ve crossed the line.

   The woman heard a gun shot and went numb. She looked down and saw a bullet hole in her chest. She used the last of her energy to look behind her to see her first groom, holding his rifle, staring at her.

Edit: Ignore the slashes behind the quotes, please.

Gallery / Re: Abandon Shack [Image Heavy]
« on: October 25, 2009, 11:12:01 PM »
Too empty, but i kind of agree with OrionYet I\\\'d give a 6/10
Im really bad at interior.

And a lot of the default saves have little or no interior :o

Gallery / Abandon Shack [Image Heavy]
« on: October 25, 2009, 10:33:08 PM »
Alright. I dont think Ive built anything worth talking about in the past 5 months so Ill just throw this one out there. The whole build is symmetrical because Id probably go insane if it wasnt and there is also less screenshots to show you. So here it is, you may rate it from 1 to 10.

Games / Re: SAW the Videogame
« on: October 24, 2009, 02:37:00 AM »
Still wondering why he cant take each syringe out one at a time...
He only has one minute and thirty seconds.

And thats not how the game works, silly. :cookieMonster:

Games / SAW the Videogame
« on: October 24, 2009, 02:18:24 AM »
The SAW Movies usually contain plenty of blood, gore, and other demented violence. I would watch them if realistic blood and gore didnt make me wanna puke up my lunch and pass out. Anyways, apparently before the release of the 6th SAW movie, they decided to make a video game. The video game looks a game that would be made from the most demented parts of my brain. Go on youtube and watch some gameplay videos. A summary of the game is;

A demented, bloody, gory, and violent puzzle game.

And now for a quote from the puppet, Jigsaw, in which basically explains a large chunk of the plot.

Quote from: Jigsaw
Some never appreciate life until they have to work save their own.

They go from cradle to grave expecting the world to give them everything.

I show them the possiblity of death, and the sacrifices they have to make to stay alive.

I figured (well not really, Solid told me) that people who do not value their lives and think that they expect people to do  everything for them. They are captured and taken to Jigsaws underground lair where they must face a trap. I think these traps a relative to the exact reason they were taken there. In the game, Detective Tapp was taken there because of his obsession in finding Jigsaw. After Tapp escaped the classic Bear Trap device. He had to go fishing in a toilet basin. Sounds easy right?


The toilet was filled to the brim with used syringes from drug addicts. Tapp had to dig out an object without passing out from pain. Jigsaw also mentioned via television something about Tapps obsession (I think).

Ill leave the rest to all of you to find out, watch, or play.

Off Topic / Re: Late Night Boredom
« on: October 24, 2009, 01:47:05 AM »
Holy stuff the tank scared me. :C
Yep. Smart me decided to not stay in the safe subway car, instead go out after i heard the tank yell.

Off Topic / Late Night Boredom
« on: October 23, 2009, 03:15:38 AM »
I was (obviously) bored several minutes ago. So i entertained myself via playing Left 4 Block on Sumz\'s No Mercy build. I ended up recording it with ScreenFlow and ended up with this.

Off Topic / Re: Terabyte?! Holy stuff!
« on: October 19, 2009, 09:56:55 AM »
unless you really need to get a mac for editing and stuff get a PC. Don\\\'t want to start a war but they ARE cheaper.

A $1200 Macbook from 2008 had a 2.4 dual core ghz processor, 2 gb ram, and an intel x3100 graphics card. Oh and only a 160 gb HDD.

A $750 Laptop i made on only a month ago had a 2.1 dual core ghz processor, 4 gb ram, and an ATi Raedon Mobility 4800 (something like that). And about a 500 gb HDD.

300 mhz doesn\'t matter to me :cookieMonster:

Drama / Re: Flaming
« on: October 19, 2009, 09:51:14 AM »
I no longer respect you show the whole chat not just some bit of it that you edited to make me look like a fool.
I want you to show the Forums what i told you the whole conversation if you have pictures of it.
Already covered.

El Dorito said he\'d take about half a dozen pictures of the chat. There is no backing out of this.

Get ready for drama-topic number... what? 5?

Drama / Re: Flaming
« on: October 18, 2009, 04:48:09 PM »
Someone is butthurt from our little talk in-game.

Apparently he can\\\'t take the fact that he stole a model from the fail bin and stole bushido\\\'s grenade launcher projectile and claimed it as his own. As i told him in-game. After that i proceeded to tell him that he stole maps and made stuffty edits. He then told me that that was from 4 months ago.


It\\\'s still theft. I do not approve of it or allow it in my server. End of story.

Add-Ons / Re: Bazooka
« on: October 15, 2009, 10:13:13 AM »
what is this.
I really dunno.

The forums don\'t like my keyboard or something.

Add-Ons / Re: Bazooka
« on: October 15, 2009, 10:05:51 AM »
Smokesta, Kalphiter isn\'t butthurt. He\'s right. You\'re to stupid to realize it.

Right off the bat without even downloading it, I noticed the fact that the model doesn\'t fit well in Blockland at all. The projectile was probably stolen from bushido\'s grenade launcher. Oh, did I mention that the emitter is really bland?

Edit: Why do you need two links? The add-on systems are exactly the same.

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