Author Topic: SAW the Videogame  (Read 1690 times)

The SAW Movies usually contain plenty of blood, gore, and other demented violence. I would watch them if realistic blood and gore didnt make me wanna puke up my lunch and pass out. Anyways, apparently before the release of the 6th SAW movie, they decided to make a video game. The video game looks a game that would be made from the most demented parts of my brain. Go on youtube and watch some gameplay videos. A summary of the game is;

A demented, bloody, gory, and violent puzzle game.

And now for a quote from the puppet, Jigsaw, in which basically explains a large chunk of the plot.

Quote from: Jigsaw
Some never appreciate life until they have to work save their own.

They go from cradle to grave expecting the world to give them everything.

I show them the possiblity of death, and the sacrifices they have to make to stay alive.

I figured (well not really, Solid told me) that people who do not value their lives and think that they expect people to do  everything for them. They are captured and taken to Jigsaws underground lair where they must face a trap. I think these traps a relative to the exact reason they were taken there. In the game, Detective Tapp was taken there because of his obsession in finding Jigsaw. After Tapp escaped the classic Bear Trap device. He had to go fishing in a toilet basin. Sounds easy right?


The toilet was filled to the brim with used syringes from drug addicts. Tapp had to dig out an object without passing out from pain. Jigsaw also mentioned via television something about Tapps obsession (I think).

Ill leave the rest to all of you to find out, watch, or play.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2009, 02:28:54 AM by Cysp »

Still wondering why he can't take each syringe out one at a time...

Still wondering why he cant take each syringe out one at a time...
He only has one minute and thirty seconds.

And thats not how the game works, silly. :cookieMonster:

most likely this game will suck, like the movies..

also, cheat codes..

MOST LIKELY, it will be released on the Wii...

it's on steam for christ's sake

I watched it neally all the way through on 4pp.

It's a puzzle game. Not a very good one.

Still wondering why he can't take each syringe out one at a time...
Or how he doesn't use his shoe as a rudimentary shovel...

I thought he took people who didn't appreciate / enjoy life to traps that would make them appreciate it, due to himself discovering that he had terminal cancer, from a stony doctor.

It looks cool and all, but not very gory.

This game will only be bought by a Murderer in training, or a plain Physio

I thought he took people who didn't appreciate / enjoy life to traps that would make them appreciate it, due to himself discovering that he had terminal cancer, from a stony doctor.
From what I understand, it doesn't make sense to gather a large amount of people who don't appreciate life only to kill them in extremely pointless and graphic deaths. ("If ya kill em, they don't learn nothin." - The Riddler from Batman Returns) That richard may have had cancer, but he was only doing it because he knew he was going to die and didn't have to answer to the laws of man.

G4 said it's more fun to lose and see the interesting ways you can die rather than do the repetitive puzzles over and over and over.

jigsaws doing a 2pac in the movies

This game will only be bought by a Murderer in training, or a plain Physio
You're handicapped.