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Messages - packersfan682

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Games / Re: [Steam Summer Sale] Non-Begging Thread - DAY SEVEN!
« on: June 26, 2014, 03:41:05 PM »
Steam sale reminded me about this game so I recovered my key.  Doesn't count as a buy but in a way it was.  Stuff I actually bought:
Goat Sim
Farming Sim
Sim City 4
Battleblock Theater
Castle Crashers
Planet Explorers
How to Survive
Mount and Blade Complete (Amazing game)
State of Decay Breakdown DLC
Borderlands 2 Son of Crawmerax DLC
E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy
Far Cry
South Park: The Stick of Truth (great game)

Overall fantastic steam sale even if I did spend all my gas money.

Games / Re: Got a new computer. Buy me/Suggest me games.
« on: October 17, 2012, 06:59:12 PM »
I really want Garry's Mod or Left 4 Dead 2.

Get Gmod.  I drop 3 hours into that game anytime I play it.  With all the mods it's a freakin blast.

Games / Re: Got a new computer. Buy me/Suggest me games.
« on: October 17, 2012, 04:48:20 PM »
I owned a Satellite before I upgraded to my new computer a few weeks ago.  Lasted me 3 years with no problems and is still chugging.  Couldn't play games at all though but yours is of course way better.

I would also pick up Torchlight.  Really great game and if you like it then you have Torchlight 2 to play.

Games / Re: The Halo Megathread
« on: October 13, 2012, 11:32:02 PM »
Just pre ordered the Limited Edition.  Had to order it from WalMarts site cuz they were the only ones who had it.  I hope it's there by the 6th.  I live in Arkansas where wal-mart is based but the logical side is telling me it ain't coming from there.

Also they don't give you the pre order bonuses when you get the Limited edition.  Freakin Wal-Mart.  Oh well, still pumped.

Games / Re: Free game from origin using a super secret promo code
« on: October 13, 2012, 01:30:13 PM »
Got Spore.

Really wish I would have gotton Bad Company 2 though.  Oh well, it's a free game so I have no right to complain.

Games / Re: The Halo Megathread
« on: September 27, 2012, 05:18:51 PM »
No, I'm pretty sure Halo is about John 117 and his exploits, which is infinitely more interesting. The Multiplayer just isn't fun to me.

You need to get like 6-8 people and start playing custom games.  The most fun I ever had in a video game was playing Cops and Robbers, Fat boy, Ice cream man, and zombies with a bunch of friends on Halo 2 and 3.

Anyway I'm gonna head down to office depot and pick up a copy of Halo: CE tomorrow.  I'm craving to play some Halo, probably due to all the Red vs Blue I've been watching.  Sadly I can't find my CE disk anywhere so gonna have to pick up a newer one.

Games / Re: Humble Indie Bundle 6
« on: September 19, 2012, 07:57:32 PM »
Will defiantly buy later just for Torchlight

Games / Re: 30$, what to buy on Steam?
« on: September 16, 2012, 04:34:06 PM »
I've heard Deus Ex Human Revolution is good, and it is only 7.49 atm.  Save the rest for a daily deal.

Games / Re: Gotham City Impostors is now F2P
« on: August 30, 2012, 10:32:17 PM »
Have it for Xbox.  Will play it when I upgrade PCs.  Is there going to be a tf2 like store?  Cuz I would hate that, but I guess I can understand if they need to make money.

Games / Re: The Halo Megathread
« on: August 27, 2012, 05:27:16 PM »
I really hope Halo 4 is great.  I have fond memories of playing the game "Canadian Teacher" which was pretty much a school RP (with lotsa killing of course) in custom games.  Didn't enjoy Reach at all D:.

Games / Re: Alan Wake is on sale on steam!
« on: August 16, 2012, 08:20:29 PM »
Bought this in the summer sale.  Can't wait to get into it.

Games / Re: Just bought Fallout 2
« on: August 15, 2012, 01:30:51 PM »
I bought the complete collection a few days ago when it went on sale and I'm having fun with it.  Different compared to the new ones, but still very enjoyable

Off Topic / Re: Akinator
« on: August 13, 2012, 06:26:10 PM »
I tried AlChestbreach.  He actually got it third try.  Surprising since I had to put Don't know on a lot of them since AlChestBreach rarely talks about himself or shows his face.

When I upgrade my computer this is the first thing I'm playing (well after the Arma 2 tutorial and maybe a few missions so I get a feel for the controls) just love the aspect of it.

Games / Re: My opinions on Call of Duty.
« on: August 13, 2012, 12:23:22 PM »
I enjoy CoD.  It is just flat out fun.  Nothing like getting 5 or so friends in an Xbox Live party, playing search, then switching over to a private match to play some Cops and Robbers.  I wont be buying BO2 because frankly I haven't enjoyed CoD enough to buy it full price sine MW2  I may only buy CoD:Declassified this year but maybe later I'll pick up BO2.

I do hate a good portion of the community though.  I don't know what I get more annoyed buy, the people who hate CoD like it killed their first child, or all the annoying squeaky kids on CoD.  It was the first one, but after playing MW3 I think it is a tossup now.

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