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Messages - Odin

Pages: [1] 2
Help / Re: TDM, CP Help
« on: January 02, 2011, 07:50:51 PM »
Nah, what i mean is I want them to teleport to the CPs but once for example CP 1 is taken over by the attackers, then they cant teleport there. Thats what i mean by a reverse or opposite of the allies teleporting sequence

Help / Re: TDM, CP Help
« on: January 02, 2011, 07:24:11 PM »
Hey, lets say for team 2 (defending) they have the exact opposite features as team 1 with the teleporting. So how would I go about doing that? (By the way the events you listed for the button worked!)

Help / Re: TDM, CP Help
« on: January 02, 2011, 06:42:03 PM »
Oh I think I understand what you mean, but the idea being, they will always spawn at the same location. The only thing is, there are 3 control points in the game. So when the first point is captured, theres a button they can press at theyre spawn point to teleport them to the captured control point. And the same for the second one as well. So the idea is to physically have the 2 teleports for the 2 capture point spawns there, but deactivated if not in control of said team.

Help / Re: TDM, CP Help
« on: January 02, 2011, 06:36:30 PM »
What does the command onminigamereset actually mean? And it would be great if you could explain what each function did and its effects step by step to me, so i can grab a general idea of how each line of event works?

Thank You

Help / Re: TDM, CP Help
« on: January 02, 2011, 11:10:37 AM »
Ok, Ive gotten ahold of teleporting and understand how it works. The only thing now that I'm left with is, letting players teleport only when for example capture 1 is in control by theyre team, instead of them being able to teleport willy nilly.

Help / Re: TDM, CP Help
« on: January 02, 2011, 05:00:44 AM »
I dont see an edit button, but I think the setplayertransform method would be alot better, except for the fact that I can't seem to find a proper download for it. The only one I found using the search button turns up an undownloadable file.

Help / Re: TDM, CP Help
« on: January 02, 2011, 04:17:33 AM »
There we go, thats alot more helpful, I've been trying to figure out whether I could on Spaceguys mod. But I can't seem to find a script for a teleporter or anything like that.

Help / Re: TDM, CP Help
« on: January 01, 2011, 08:48:58 PM »
Wow that is very helpful of you, I really couldn't think of that one on my own.

I've managed to figure it out, the only thing now is finding out how to set the event so, when lets say capture point 1 is taken over, the attackers may start spawning from a new designated location, and please don't tell me to edit the events, that doesn't really help

Help / TDM, CP Help
« on: January 01, 2011, 07:18:24 PM »
Hello, I'm trying to make a attack & defend style TDM, but it seems whenever team 1 (attacking team) captures 1/3 of the capture points required, the round ends and they win. How do I make it so they have to capture all 3 capture points in order to win the round? And how do I make it so, if they capture objective 1, then they can spawn from that area?

Thank you for your assistance

AoT General / Re: AOT Short Stories Thread
« on: December 23, 2006, 03:52:41 AM »
come on where is the creativity in the community?

AoT General / Re: AOT Short Stories Thread
« on: December 22, 2006, 03:47:48 PM »
Eternal Love For The Wanderer.(A Romance Story)
Chapter 1

The seemingly endless journey made Tomoe hunch just a little lower. The burning heat of the barren lands, and the somewhat little oasis that did sprung up were just little slices of heaven. Travelling for weeks without proper food and water made Tomoe feel like he should just give up and die.........

But, as Tomoe climbed over the last peak of the endless stretches of mountainous terrain, he saw it! A little tavern felt just like that little slice of heaven. Maybe more. The rush of blood came to his knees, in a sudden blur of euphoria, Tomoe rushed through the rotting wooden door of the inn.

The inside of the inn smelled of burning tobacco mixed with the tinge of sweat. That never bothered Tomoe, being a wandering traveller like himself, got him used to the smell. Tomoe limped up to the barkeep, the adredaline slowly fading away from him. "One room for the night barkeep", said Tomoe, mustering as much energy as he could." No vacancys till tomorrow. Though there is a town, just a short ways from here. Only a few kliks down the road.", said the barkeep with a husky voice. Without saying a word, Tomoe hurriedly bought some food and again set off down the road, hoping to make it to town before nightfall.

The somewhat barren roads, slowly gave way into lush greenerys, and the sounds of rushing streams and rivers nearby made Tomoe think again about the little slice of heaven. To him, this seemed like heaven itself. He smiled to himself and sat down under a tree to gather his strength back again. There was no time for resting he thought to himself again. Town was probably just a few more metres away.

There it stood, in all its glory? The town of which the barkeep spoke about. It was quiet and dark by the time Tomoe arrived into the town. Tomoe searched around the town for half an hour, before entering The Driftwood Inn. A kindly and weathered-faced old man stood at the counter. With a smile on his face, Tomoe greeted the old man."Good to have ye sir." Replied the old man."One room for the night please".Responded Tomoe. "Yes, yes we have a room. You look tired, let's cut the talk and let you rest up".

Tomoe, looked around at his room. Wasnt bad at all. But before he could take in all the details of the room, Tomoe was fast asleep on his bed, as the winds howled and the open ocean rushed against the rocky outcrop of the coasline. Everything was so peaceful................

AoT General / Re: AOT Short Stories Thread
« on: December 22, 2006, 02:37:47 PM »
please dont post anything out of context. Thank you. And anyone else want to start a short story?

AoT Clan Discussion / Re: The Aegis
« on: December 22, 2006, 02:35:45 PM »
how is it correct? controlling the economy would be taking over farm sites and shop items and prices.

AoT General / AOT Short Stories Thread
« on: December 22, 2006, 01:51:36 PM »
Hello, i thought it would be nice to have a short stories thread, to see the creative side of the AOT players. Anyone may start the ball rolling. Please keep the stories to about 2-4 posts long.
And one story at a time please. At the end of each story (not each post) please kindly leave a "The End' at them, to notify other people that it is possible to post again. This will go on smoothly, if everyone follows according to the rules, forgot to note that, please show some relevance to the AOT world, and not some sci-fi story. And lastly, if you wish to post, please post something in context with the thread, and feedback would be greatly appreciated by the authors of each story. No rude remarks.

AoT Clan Discussion / Re: The Aegis
« on: December 22, 2006, 01:48:41 PM »
Please Anti-Cop dont turn this thread into another spam thread. Thank You.

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