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Messages - Sandwich

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Thanks you guys, it means a lot! Ill check that all out!!

Modification Help / Lost files, if anyone can help that would be fantastic!
« on: February 19, 2023, 02:33:37 AM »
I love everything, I tore about computers drives and other files. Mediafire deleted all my saves and all my mods. Everything is lost.
I want to play again, but without my mods, its rough to even know how to start. Especially with RTB being dead (as far as I know)
I had block mods, paint mods, mods for zombies, that creep mod (that spreading sludge thing), and probably a thousand more. I just dont know what to do.
Anyways, maybe its nostalgia speaking, but I miss some of the good days.

I used to know and talk to him often on skype when I was younger, he had some major anger issues that bled into almost everything we played together. Hopefully he got help for it. I can't remember whether we had a falling out or we just stopped talking. I think our last convo had to be latest 2016, he dropped off the map after that.
Unfortunately his anger issues got the better of him. Im sorry to say. And if you used to chat with im on skype, im Benchmark/Dusk/Sandwich/Becktionary1337/Hellspot/Killerofzombies24
Me and Tim were at the hip for the longest time, so if you know him, you MAY know me!

From back when I was PsychoLeet, so these are some deep cuts: If anyone knows how they're doing or has their contact info, please give me the details.
War Mage 2009/Alex T. Warren/Jaden Brixton/Tim Lieser/lemanz####. BL_ID 7543.
[]----[] (I've seen them around on occasion but never really re-engaged conversation with them)
darth helmet

I'm also curious about how Chewer is doing. Sugar used to co-admin their server.

Me and Tim were IRL friends for years, we found each other on block land, and played for years outside of it and hanged in person.
Unfortunately Tim was taken by addiction. I am so sorry.

Drama / Dear Jaden,
« on: August 08, 2012, 05:36:47 PM »
Im sorry for what all i have done, i know you hate me. But i wish we can just be friends.... please man...please...please re add me Jaden Brixton

General Discussion / Re: VERY IMPORTANT NEWS!!!
« on: June 01, 2012, 06:48:34 PM »
[4:37:47 PM] Bobby Macy: his name is Black Sunlight now

General Discussion / Re: VERY IMPORTANT NEWS!!!
« on: June 01, 2012, 06:47:45 PM »
Umm....bobby said "He changed his name to Black Sunlight, i thought he meant Tim.

General Discussion / Re: VERY IMPORTANT NEWS!!!
« on: June 01, 2012, 06:46:31 PM »
And thanks for posting that link bloody. Bringing back these good memories...i remember my friend.... i forgot his name but it had 1337.... Man i remember those times. god delete this so i can stop crying..

General Discussion / Re: VERY IMPORTANT NEWS!!!
« on: June 01, 2012, 06:43:49 PM »
entrepreneur  Of 2012   Wed Jan 13, 2010 12:09 am... I remember making this...its making me cry remembering :(

General Discussion / Re: VERY IMPORTANT NEWS!!!
« on: June 01, 2012, 06:42:16 PM »
Yeah me and my buddy made a Hellspot group. We had 5 Hellsspots running all over badspots. Boy that was when bobby had this underground hotel, and a guy had volcano base and.....GOD DAMMIT I WISH BLOCKLAND WORKED! Just 3-4 weeks...then new computer...transfer mods...OH I CANT WAITTTTT!!!!

General Discussion / Re: VERY IMPORTANT NEWS!!!
« on: June 01, 2012, 06:37:25 PM »
My BLID is 15749 Jaden's is 7543 look it up on RTB before accusing anyone idiot.

Lool. You accused me of being HellsSpot. Just shows Hypocrite...

General Discussion / Re: VERY IMPORTANT NEWS!!!
« on: June 01, 2012, 06:36:23 PM »
Love how he sends you to defend him :3

General Discussion / Re: VERY IMPORTANT NEWS!!!
« on: June 01, 2012, 06:35:10 PM »
HellsSpot has different ID xD

General Discussion / Re: Zombies in the Bluzone**
« on: June 01, 2012, 06:01:28 PM »
Now only if my blockland didnt make my game full screen glitched and not let me play...

General Discussion / VERY IMPORTANT NEWS!!!
« on: June 01, 2012, 05:57:30 PM »
Once again the infamous Tim Lieser changes his name. Whos this  you ask? Alex T Warren....or also known as Jaden Brixton. I Want to warn you all. His new name is Black Sunlight. If he sees this he will change. So look for Black Sunlight or Jaden Brixton. Im tired of this kid  and im sure you all are. He is such a douche to us all. If those who dont know, look up Jaden Brixton or Alex T Warren, then you will see topics about him. You'll understand. (IF YOU DONT KNOW HIM, ONCE AGAIN LOOK HIM UP ON FORUMS)

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