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Messages - Byteswarm

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 25
Someone pointed that out. Even worse is teleporting. We have bricks that already do this without events, and they don't cause you to get stuck in things.
Sometimes the tele-doors aren't sufficient.
People like to custom-build their teleporters.

In some cases the tele-doors wouldn't look right or would be a bother to implement, which is why people still use setPlayerTransform.

Off Topic / Re: is it bad that I loving love the smell of gun oil
« on: March 10, 2012, 01:19:37 AM »
Lit matches.
That manure-y and grassy smell that you find near farms.

General Discussion / Re: Rant on some of the Modern Blockland Weapons
« on: March 10, 2012, 01:15:21 AM »
i honestly just look at how powerfully awesome it is and could care less about nitpicky things like hands or animations
it's couldn't care less
"could care less" implies you care and actually give a stuff

i agree wholeheartedly with the op

Creativity / Re: my amazing drawing for sabba
« on: March 10, 2012, 01:09:43 AM »
FAKE! the tree isn't a pine tree!@!!
i thought it was an alien snake

Forum Games / Re: Word Association
« on: March 09, 2012, 03:54:40 PM »
chili - stuff magma bricks.

Off Topic / Re: Opinions on how to deal with lying friends
« on: March 09, 2012, 11:59:39 AM »
pretty much all you can do is
Stop associating with them for a while.

if they don't show any signs of interest in you after you avoid them for x amount of time, then they probably just pitied/manipulated/abused you or some stuff and weren't really your friends

"I didn't want to forget the dolphin, I just couldn't keep her off my richard."

Seems legit
i'm pretty sure i read something about his girlfriend just standing and watching all this happen too so

anyways back on topic
what kind of hentai should op bring along that him and his buddies can masturbate in unison to

what the forget
Quote from: FAQ
Let me reassure you, the laws of physics make it virtually impossible for a human to rape or loveually abuse a dolphin in the water; they're big, slippery, fast, strong, and they can kill you five or six different ways without thinking too hard about it.

Even out of the water, dolphins are still phenomenally strong, dangerous creatures. If you actually READ my book, you'll find out

I wasn't originally interested in having love with a dolphin, that was HER idea;
Whenever I was in the water with the dolphin I was at her mercy;
If the dolphin hadn't liked what was going on, she could have chased me out of the water, hurt, injured or even killed me! Furthermore,
The idea of informed consent is a legal benchmark for human-on-human rape which excludes children and the mentally disabled as being unable to give "informed consent."

da fuq

link me to this thing
i guess this is the site
name sounds very familiar

Dude, five hours ain't nothing.  You don't need no games, read a book.
read that  book that guy wrote about him being raped by a dolphin

true story.

interactive research
nothing can go wrong

Games / Re: Team Fortress 2 - Megatopic
« on: March 09, 2012, 10:18:29 AM »
Why does he have so much metal?
look at all those earbuds
and them unusuals and stuff

Off Topic / Re: Girlfriend Thread
« on: March 09, 2012, 10:10:31 AM »
Gay, straight, biloveual.
Yeah that.
when you say 'biloveual'
does this include male and female or half of male and/or female parts?

Off Topic / Re: Girlfriend Thread
« on: March 09, 2012, 10:04:12 AM »
I know a girl that likes me and I like her but I still haven't asked her out yet.
She's hot too.

Oh yeah and I'm still flip flopping between loveualities.
so what you're sayin' is
you're a hermaphrodite?

show us your mangina

I have no girlfriend.
Then again, I probably have no social life either.
eh, people are stupid anyways

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