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Messages - Jacksaunt

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Off Topic / Re: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, General Information
« on: December 21, 2016, 09:24:15 PM »

Off Topic / Re: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, General Information
« on: December 21, 2016, 08:06:48 PM »

Did 400ug of acid a couple days ago.
Just did 2.5 tabs today (my dealer's scale of things) wasn't blotter or anything and he just cuts up a piece of paper from a long strip. He said it was pretty potent but I think he was saying that so I wouldn't take all 5 (again dealers scale of acid). Anyway I dropped acid in a six flags amusement park today. I put the tab under my tongue about an hour before I was in line for the first roller coaster. It broke down twice and I waited in line for an hour with my friends I was with. I hit my peak during this line, it was incredible. Everything around me had colorshifted to a vibrant other set of colors almost. Maybe it was just the sunglasses I was wearing, but the effect was amazing. While waiting in this line with a group of pretty good friends that don't really know my drug use, I started seeing tracers. Like people would move and then a little bit of them would follow behind. And, I looked at people waiting in line in front of a fence, and it looked like I could see the fence through them.  It was so intense. Normally my visuals are just slight warping and moving, pretty grounded in reality, but these visuals looked like the world I was in was completely different from reality. A new and amazing experience. I was paranoid that my friends would find out so I hid my pupils religiously behind sunglasses, worked out pretty well but I was still paranoid. The whole time I was with them and really wanted to get rid of them and wander by myself, but I knew that was a bad call and stuck with them and dealt with it. At this time, when my friends would talk, it sounded familiar but I just could not understand them at all. It was like all the noise around me was blocking them out, but the noise level had stayed the same. There were only a couple sounds that I could notice out from all the noise, and one of them was clapping and occasionally the sound of a tv show that they were playing in line. Someone would clap and I'd instantly lock towards it.

Throughout this time, I am looking at the many faces there, and I felt like I could dive into their world and see exactly how social structure was affecting who their ego was, and how it changed their behavior and external appearance. This lasted for most of the trip, but just lessened in intensity as time went on. I was observing all of this, and physically and mentally I felt like I was not in reality and not in the situation at all. Like I was an invisible observer just watching everybody else, it was like I was completely naive to everything that is our reality, but at the same time it was very familiar, just not instantly recognizable.

Although I saw how the social structure and "meta" of the world affected people, I could not see why I was doing anything that I was doing. I basically followed my friends in this park completely lost the entire time. I struggled to keep up with their conversations, and why they doing the stuff they were doing. They wanted me to put my backpack in a locker so we could go on a ride, and I could not understand how to do that at all. I barely could even tell why I had to do it in the first place. I managed to keep up with them and not be super obvious to how spacey and far away I was from reality though, which I am really happy with.

And oh my god the rollercoaster experience was incredible. It's hard to put into words what it was like, but imagine if you've ever thought to yourself "I am tripping incredibly hard" and then strapped yourself onto one of the thriller rollercoasters that six flags has. Those rollercoasters are so much different than your everyday life, that the experience of riding one was almost too new and fresh to be altered by the LSD. It was like I was in another reality and riding the rollercoaster, but at the same time I was the most present to normal reality and the situation while it was happening.

I was incredibly worried that I would regret dropping, but at the same time I was getting lost in and having fun experiencing the acid, so I could put that beside me. Like literally, it felt like my anxiety and the fun time I was having was split 50/50 throughout my being. I knew that I was really high on acid, but that if I took away the acid from the scenario, I would physically be really fine. I was feeling a real disconnect from what the physical feedback I was getting (like brushing up on an object), the feeling of being sweaty and hot and tired and dehydrated was way absurdly more intense and I worried that I was going to puke or faint from dehydration, but I thought to myself "given the situation, you would be completely fine, you're okay to just keep on trucking through", and it really helped my mentality. I knew the experience would end eventually, and I could always get really well hydrated, really cooled down, and really comfortable later.

I feel a lot more confident in my ability to control my trip now.
Towards the end of me being at the park, I was coming down to a more reasonable level of high, and I got to reflect on what I had been doing in the park and whether or not I handled myself appropriately, because when I was at my peak I could barely tell if what I was doing was okay. And as I reflected, I found out that I had been pretty good about it, and I felt instantly relieved, and so the badness and anxiety of the trip stopped right there and I started enjoying myself and the rest of my trip.

The place matters a lot... When I had done acid before, everything was the same except for the acid and made everything annoyingly tame. But this time, the whole situation was completely different from my normal life that I am so used to living I could live on autopilot, and so instead of going on autopilot, I instead had to forage a way to understand the place I was in. All the while I got to see people in an extraordinarily different way that tripped me the forget out. I really enjoyed the crowd aspect of this trip.

Overall I feel like this trip has shown me an incredibly different perspective other than my own, it's been 17 hours since I dropped and I still feel like I am in this zone of noticing other perspectives a stuff ton, while at the same time I'm forgetting my ego in how lost I am in this. I don't think this effect will last, but I want to wait more than a month until I next do acid at least so I can firmly put myself back into reality, because the mindset I am in currently is not productive.

It was an absurd, unreal trip. Highest I've been on lucy and the strangest place I've ever done it in, the combo of that seemed to make it the most intense experience I've had so far ten fold. If you do acid in places that are way too familiar to you, like your room because it's comfortable and safe, I think it's a really amazing and cool thought to try and find something way out of your usual comfort zone, but is still really safe for you to take acid in.

That's my trip report, I rambled for a long time and loved it and loved the reflection phase I got during the comedown. But I definitely need to take a break and get deeply seated in reality again because I am such a different person after that.

Oh, and I rolled a joint from vaped weed with some zig zag slow burning papers and smoked that a little after I got home, and got a really nice mellow stoned, but I was stoned as forget. I stopped smoking weed every day and only do it once a week, it makes it so much more meaningful and fun for me. But anyway my crazy low tolerance enabled me to have a complete blast with this tiny vaped weed joint. Only 1 1/4 sized papers, a pretty long filter, and I did not top off the joint to the top. Tolerance breaks are a blast, and mine are only a week long, but frequent. I would strongly recommend trying to slow down weed consumption if you barely feel it anymore. If you are smoking weed to shield you from your problems and pains (depression, guilt, whatever might be tugging hard at your feelings), living out of the moment and isolating yourself from your feelings could be a factor thats causing or adding to problems. For me, I had a pretty terrible depressive stage for nearly a year, and smoked weed because it was the only thing that made me feel normal, but stopping weed helped me look at what was causing it, and then I was really able to get down to business and fix the aspects that caused my mental grief.
^obviously though thats what my perspective on it was though. If you have depression that literally is for no reason at all and sucks really hard all the time, getting baked and feeling good all the time probably has its place there.

Drugs are pretty neat  :iceCream:

e: rereading this is making me remember and flashback to the trip so much that I'm giddy haha

Did you take 4 tabs where as your friends took 3 or less, or did you take a different batch? If it's the latter, I'd be willing to bet yours were bunk.
I bought five liquid LSD candies from my dealer, each was advertised at 200ug, and gave three to two of my friends who both ate one and a half. I just talked to them and they said it was intense, but not losing reality intense. That probably means that they were under 200ug each.

That's pretty exciting. I thought acid was just really tame for me or something. I'll probably try it again in a while when I can get a better guy.

I don't know what the forget you're talking about, but I've got a one word response: no.

No to pretty much all of it. You didn't do 400ug of acid and have a "pretty fun but mild" trip. 400ug of LSD is a stuffton. The average dose of LSD is 100ug. 400ug would put you on the verge of losing connection with reality. I also don't know what "40p lsd" is, and neither does Google at first look. My only guess is that it's some kind of research chemical, so, no, don't do that.
It was really mild compared to DXM, of which I've tripped very hard on several times. I've done acid twice before and both times had a really mild time, the only thing that made it close to intense was smoking weed during it. And, my friends who bought the same acid did less than me and got that "losing touch with reality" thing. I don't really know what to say.

Did 400ug of acid a couple days ago. Was pretty fun but mild until a few hours in when the visuals stopped and I started feeling pretty depressed. I'm a little interested in 40p lsd I think, I might try and get some.

Off Topic / Re: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, General Information
« on: March 05, 2016, 08:57:48 AM »
are you worried at all about dry sockets
Not really, I don't actually smoke it, just vape it through a small bong. It's much wispier than smoke, and pulling is just like breathing in normally so I'm not worried about messing up any clots.

Off Topic / Re: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, General Information
« on: March 05, 2016, 08:23:08 AM »
Had my wisdom teeth removed & got a hydrocodone prescription. Took two half tablets about 2 hours apart from each other and smoked weed. Was pretty fun. I think the weed I have is probably pretty low CBD because it barely does anything for the pain :[

Off Topic / Re: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, General Information
« on: February 04, 2016, 02:57:51 AM »
Same one I have, though recently it's been super hard to get high using it for me. I'm planning on getting a little concentrate tank for dabs from here

Games / Re: are there games like dayz that aren't totally broken?
« on: February 04, 2016, 02:39:28 AM »
There's an Arma 3 mod called Breaking Point which is similar in gameplay mechanics but it has a different feel to it. It's less tense than Dayz because it doesn't take weeks of your life to get a respectable inventory, but fights and clashes between players and zombies are much more unforgiving.
Maybe it's not doable for you, but I would recommend trying it if you have Arma 3 and a decent computer (though it runs better than Dayz on a better engine).

Off Topic / Re: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, General Information
« on: February 02, 2016, 03:35:08 PM »
Update: got real drunk last night and smoked a massive blunt to myself, felt fine today, probably even coughing less than yesterday.
Gotta see what the vape is like now.
What model are you using?

Games / Re: Undertale - The RPG where you don't have to hurt anyone
« on: February 02, 2016, 10:02:28 AM »
No Asriel there, gonna have to go with a 0/10
I mean look at this goober, he's worth it

Off Topic / Re: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, General Information
« on: January 17, 2016, 09:30:26 PM »
How do I deal with stress? I think about the situation, and see if there is anything I can do to fix it. I never let a problem go or just "give up". In addition, if I am in a bad environment or under stress, then I'll listen to music or take a walk outside to deal with it. I'd also maybe call a friend to get my mind away from that topic. Also, my home situation is my business.
Fun fact: Walking releases opioid endorphins. So you took a walk to deal with stress? You literally felt the same thing that someone using drugs does. But, this is not a "bad" thing, either. The human anatomy is endlessly complicated, there are a lot of fine ways to feel good. Don't harass people because they aren't feeling the rawest, truest life that they can.

And please just leave this topic. You're not going to get someone to quit, because it really can help give people a new life, and people who can enjoy life on weed aren't going to stop so they can dislike life off weed.
If you want to stay, stay because people here can enlighten you in all the ways you are wrong, and all the ways you're being a prick by doing this right now.

Weed drug trafficking really doesn't kill many people. I bet it used to, when it was coming from other countries like Mexico and Colombia. But now, the only deaths related to weed trafficking would really only come from police shooting suspects.

Off Topic / Re: Pecon is moving to Vermont
« on: January 13, 2016, 06:46:27 AM »
I live in Vermont slightly south of Burlington. Just got a slight dusting of snow, shouldn't be too bad to deal with.

Games / Re: Undertale - The RPG where you don't have to hurt anyone
« on: January 13, 2016, 01:01:45 AM »
Is it bad that I really like undertale, but I didn't save any artwork
Honestly the artwork side of things gets super loving cringey super fast.

Jesus loving Christ...
Then there are the realms of loving terrible Alternate Universe fanfics and comics, where fans forget up every bit of clever writing the game has in it by stuffing terribly disproportionate and unfitting amounts of "sad" emotion into it. If anything it is a good thing you don't have artwork saved.

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