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Topics - Bobman

Pages: [1] 2
Help / Blockland doesn't start
« on: April 29, 2010, 08:20:35 PM »
nothing starts. i click on it, it then starts to load and nothing comes up. the black box nor the screen come up. i've already tried re-installing it, and i checked my screen resolution. i don't download add-ons/maps. so what is causing this problem?

Games / TF2 Blockland Schedule?
« on: March 28, 2010, 05:08:37 PM »
 I was playing on JClinks server a few days ago and someone said the blockland players had a schedule of what days to get on JClinks server, is this true?

Off Topic / i cant acess the internet when im on the internet?
« on: March 02, 2010, 03:42:08 PM »
mk, you know how on steam the updates require enternet? well i make sure all internet components are working and connected (firewall turned off) but still, i cant acess. same thing with game maker, i cant even go on their site. i can go on it but once the page is done loading it just locks up. whats going on?

Games / flash player asploded
« on: February 21, 2010, 12:10:27 PM »
k, i was on Gmod Tower and the tv's/games/theater and stuffs all messed up, and i need to install flash player 10, on OTHER VERSIONS and not IE, which i did, and its still messed up.


Games / steam purchase question
« on: February 20, 2010, 07:26:05 PM »
because windows is being a bitch with steam, is it possible to buy games on a mac and the full game be on my steam account on the windows?

Off Topic / the item that never existed?
« on: February 11, 2010, 10:19:46 PM »
okay, a few years ago, i went to an antuiqe store and i got this thing. its a small white man wearing a black suit with a black screw on/off hat. ive had him for about 3 to 4 years now, and im intrested in who made it... problem is theres no trace of it. on the bottom of the feet it has written" MADE BY AIRFIX PLASTICS" so i decided to search it up and well, no sign of the item. it seems all they have is war kits, the kind you put together yourself and paint. im really curious on who its really made by. the website is here:
a picture of it is here:

Games / 3D movie maker
« on: February 09, 2010, 05:44:55 PM »
anyone played it? its an old windows 95 progam, and to my suprise... its pretty fun!
Story: Its basically a game created for the windows 95 for kids to make there own virtual movies with the host (McZee) ((Who also voiced G-man and Barney for half-life 2)) and you get a selection of characters and sets/angles to choose from, make your own effects, your own voices, movie scenes, and people. there were I think 3 major addons released for this:
Frankies expansion pack
Nickolodeon expansion pack
Doraemon expansion pack (JP ONLY)
(yes, I know they all link to the same site, I cant really link you to each indevidual one.)
theres also an addon forums:
This sight includes props, scenes, and characters to download, its also pretty easy. most of the files just extract themselfs to the folder they belong in.

If you have it, install it and play it, if you dont, I really suggest buying it, its pretty fun!

Video a pretty good look at what it looks like

AoT General / AgeOfTime dye problem
« on: February 08, 2010, 05:23:04 PM »
I'm having a problem, everytime I run AoT parts of my desktop are still showing (mainly the taskbar and some of my desktop), heres a pic:
EDIT: excuse this topic, I have found the problem.
SUPER EDIT: I have another problem, I cant dye my clothes? it says that I cant dye "quest" items. what can I do?

Gallery / better first-person perspectives
« on: January 08, 2010, 07:56:39 PM »
because I'm pretty interested in first-person perspectives, I decided to experiment with blockland and see what I could get, and test it with different vehicles/items, I also took screenshots while looking down to see what it would look like, and these are those results:
Walking/looking test:

vehicle test:

Items test:

I decided to use it on blockland because blocklands perspectives are a little different from a more human like way, such as the fact that the weapons float and you dont see your hands, or when you look down you dont see your feet, this basically fixes it.

Off Topic / School time
« on: January 04, 2010, 12:39:59 PM »
I got to go to school tomorrow, when do you go back?

General Discussion / how to find/upload pictures *reposted*
« on: December 30, 2009, 02:21:19 PM »
I have looked on the forums and I have found that many people cant figure out how to upload pictures:
so I am reposting the tutorial so it will be easier to find for people, so here we go!

Taking the picture
This step is quite simple, when you are ready to take your picture, you can press these sets of buttons:
SHIFT+P- this will take the picture with HUD/paint can/chat/and tools

control+P- this takes the picture with no HUD or any other thing on the screen, but what you are looking at.

control+SHIFT+P- takes a DOF screenshot.

Finding the picture
This step is also quite simple, to find the picture, you must follow these steps:
Step 1
Press the start key, located at the bottom left corner-

Step 2
Click "My Computer" located in the right hand tab, and a screen should come up like this:

Step 3
Click on "Local Disk (C:)" located under the Hardware disk drives tab and this screen will come up:

Step 4
Click on "Program files" and a list of the programs on your computer will come up:

Step 5
The programs should be listed alphabetically, look in the B's and find Blockland:

Step 6
As you will see, there is a screenshots tab, click it, and a list of screenshots should come up:

Step 7
Scroll through the pictures till you find your screenshot, if you wish you can drag it to the desktop, so it will be much easier to find when uploading:

Uploading the picture
As you may know, there are many numerous photo hosting websites, to start you off, we shall use photobucket:

This is a free website to make an account on, It asks for the standardized information such as your username, password, where you live and all that stuff.
Once your account has been made, you are ready to upload, click on the upload button:

A screen of the desktop pictures should come up, find the picture you want to upload and click it:

Once it is uploaded, hover your mouse over the picture, and a box should come up, at the bottom, it should say "IMG code". Copy it and paste it into your post:

And ta-da, your picture has been successively uploaded!

I hope this tutorial has helped you in some way from finding, to uploading. Enjoy!

Help / blockland doesn't open with windowsXP
« on: December 28, 2009, 12:02:08 PM »
I got a new laptop for christmas, a windows acer laptop, and I decided to install blockland to see if I could play it with a tablet, but it didn't open, so I decided to take out the tablet and try that, still didn't open. the console nor the actual window opens, so I reinstalled blockland and it didn't work. and no, I don't have any corrupted add-ons. It won't run the executable on my windows laptop, why is this?

Off Topic / WTF Sony?
« on: December 16, 2009, 10:56:58 PM »
Wow, my dad has had an account with sony for a good while now (20-25 years maybe?) and they loving canceled his account, just like that *snap!* gone. Why? His shipment money didn't get there when they wanted it. WHAT? I'm sorry, but just because the post office is so god damn slow doesn't mean you have to loving cancel the account! You got your money right? yes you did, don't yell at us because of it, take it up with the loving mail system. That was the only trusted sight we could get camera parts from. loving starfishs.

Off Topic / This will never get old.
« on: December 15, 2009, 05:19:51 PM »
To me, I will remember this song forever.

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