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Topics - Strynd

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / what the forget are these round farm field looking things
« on: January 08, 2019, 01:57:15 AM »
like anyone else who uses google maps/earth for no reason i see these in places that are not cities and i dont know anything about them

can someone explain to me what the forget these round fields or whatever are and why they're round

i don't know about anyone else but i have a lot of things that i encounter on a multiple per day basis and i don't see a way to shut it out and ignore it when i already know it exists and i have no real power to change it

most of the problems are related to negative interpersonal interactions on a daily basis and are all around me, making it completely unavoidable unless i go to extremes

there are also financial reasons that lead me to the conclusion that im doomed to either fail in life or live working a regular well paying job that im guaranteed to hate no matter what it is. and no it's not because i hate working, it's because i would rather spend 8 hours every weekday doing work to achieve my own goals and not slaving my life away for someone else's. i just don't have means to do it since i make pocket change compared to what i need to afford my own self employment/business and lack the skills or ideas for such a thing anyway

all these make me feel like is making me want to:
live in an isolated room with no internet and never go anywhere so i don't encounter the things that feed my thoughts of inevitable failure
make me want to live in buttforget nowhere like the mountains or somestuff to get away from it all
other things i would rather not talk about

i just don't know what to do about it tbh. i know im being an idiot by asking the blf for therapeutic and life advice but i just don't know what else to do. all my mom wants to do is put me on pills that she expects me to take for my whole life, and since pills haven't helped so far over 5 prescription changes i dont think they'll help, but even if there are pills that would help i don't think it would ever satisfy me or my desire to have a life self fulfillment because how are some stupid little capsules supposed to change the outcome of my life in my favor

idk i just feel trapped by so many problems that i cant solve on my own and no one else can or will help me solve. feels like there's too much bad in the world that is unwilling to change because people benefit from such things and there's no incentive to make it better for anyone else

has anyone else felt this way?

Off Topic / what did you give for christmas
« on: December 27, 2018, 06:58:01 PM »
as you have most likely seen the other thread, this is one for those of us who were able to give to others this year
even if you didn't give anything, that's ok, this thread isn't meant to shame anyone

i gave my mom a microsoft surface mouse and a hard case for it
her bf a few reusable beer caps, mini bread pans, and a coffee tumbler
my brother a couple fashion store gift cards and a new pair of work shoes
and a few fatass sharpies for a coworker because inside jokes

Off Topic / i need to find an old art i made that someone modified
« on: October 08, 2018, 11:16:25 PM »
does anyone remember that one drawing i did that someone made an edit of? it was two furry characters that looked like each other and the edit had gangsta stuff, guns and an explosion in the background

i can't find it but i reckon someone on here still has it or knows where it is

Creativity / Gay baby jail (Strynd's art thread)
« on: August 30, 2018, 05:42:15 PM »
i guess ill make a thread for my drawings finally
don't know how much ill update it but i can every now and then probably

i recently contacted a favorite artist of mine and asked if i can trace a pic he made and study it, and from that i learned a lot about colors, fur strokes, and other things ive wanted to work on but didn't know where to start

Off Topic / How to get $1300 asap? (acquired moneys)
« on: July 26, 2018, 08:49:39 PM »
title, i dont have a bike of my own and i need 1300 for a new one that isnt a stuff forgetmart bike

what do

Off Topic / how do i earn 45 dollars to pay a credit bill
« on: July 20, 2018, 03:23:07 PM »
i need it badly but idk how to get it, suggest methods pls
i could take on more drawing commissions if i didnt have so many to to do already
i could borrow more from my brother but i already owe him 20 something
my roommate never has money to pay back the 250 something that he owes me

inb4 lewinskys

Off Topic / post your room/setup v.4.39m
« on: June 25, 2018, 09:43:02 PM »

post ur setups

i recently cleaned and rearranged my room a little so here you go

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