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Messages - Waru

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Games / Re: new smash
« on: June 12, 2018, 01:05:47 PM »
i have extreme doubts that they used the same animations for any character without tweaking or a complete revamp

I also have extreme doubts, but i HOPE they dont re use a lot of stuff.

Games / Re: new smash
« on: June 12, 2018, 01:03:24 PM »
its a new engine so nothing is really re-used


if mario has the same idle animation to the frame then it is re used even if it is in a new engine

Games / Re: new smash
« on: June 12, 2018, 12:59:38 PM »
It looks like it reuses a lot of stuff from smash 4, but much more flashy. not gonna lie it feels like a super modded version of smash 4, but i am too hype. I'm guessing since it is still in development they're gonna get a new voice actor for the menu dude? that would kill my hype a bit if they re use stuff to THAT point in the final game...

Off Topic / Re: citrus fruit, berries, or melon?
« on: June 12, 2018, 11:45:00 AM »
fake news! the left uses these ridiculous terms like "organic"  and "berry" to confuse the populace. Disgraceful! I hate how stuck up they are about it. A pineapple is a vegetable. End of discussion.

Games / Re: Block Party [Kitchen Map Added]
« on: June 07, 2018, 03:18:40 AM »
where's the fps

Games / Re: Overwatch Megathread
« on: June 01, 2018, 10:51:54 PM »

Development / Re: 2018/03/16 - Blockland r1988
« on: June 01, 2018, 02:50:47 AM »
Yo, Baddy! 2 Questions (that i doubt you'll answer, but forget it, cuz someone else might)

1: why are the updates labeled like years? is there significance to the years used as update versions?

2: why don't you advertise Blockland again?

It's how many times a build was made for the game. (not like, with bricks, I mean building the .exe)
I think...

it's actually the year the game was last updated. As you can see it was pushed out in 1988. 3/16/2018 is just when this post was made.

lol yeah, youtube videos > actual benchmark results

i think insert is smoking crack, ill definitely trust 12 year old xXcallofDutyCPUreviewsXx over a well known benchmark site lol

The 2600 / 3770 is not the same level as the 3570 lolol

you right they worse than the 3570

You should wait for a few months and see what Intel/AMD launch.
The i5-3570 is still pretty capable even though it's 6 years old and it probably isn't bottlenecking anything. You might want to keep an eye out on Ebay for a used i7-3770 which are going for around $100. You can also sell your i5-3570 for around $50.

this, or get a used i7 2600 / i7 2600k on /r/hardwareswap or ebay for 60 - 80 if you're really low

all of the things you recommended are either at the same level as the i5-3570 or just very slightly above it, ill probably go with the i5-8600k.

On another note, any recommendations for a computer build using my left over Z77 Extreme4, i5-3570 and some ram? I dont need mb/cpu/ram but I have nothing else. I have like $300 to spend on that one

which 1155 do you have rn

do you do a lot of cpu heavy tasks to require a 8700k

i5-3570 and probably not, what would those tasks be?

Ayy can anyone recommend me a new cpu/mb/RAM? I want to upgrade from LGA1155 to LGA 1151 because my stuff is over 5 years old. I have a GTX 1070 and my existing psu will be able to handle everything. I just dont think I need this beefy of stuff to play games/mess with photoshop/premiere sometimes.

This is what I have, but it's EXPENSIVE for just the cpu, sheeeit. Any suggestions?

EDIT: maybe a i5-8600K would be nearly $100 cheaper and also most cost effective?

Off Topic / when does blockland make you agree to the TOS?
« on: May 28, 2018, 02:23:05 AM »
when you click "buy" on the page? what if its on steam vs. the website, does steam buy game button automatically make you agree to the TOS of the game?

Off Topic / Re: why does everyone use php
« on: May 28, 2018, 01:36:25 AM »
php is what old people use. if you program in C you dont get invited to parties. use this hot new js library and make everything laggy and never test on mobile, its the programmer way

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