Author Topic: Execute addons upon entering a key  (Read 795 times)

I'm having to deal with entering my key on each time I restart, and it's a bit annoying having to quit blockland and restart it just so my client addons execute.

Should this go to the Helps section?

No, because he wants a mod the executes the addons when he enters the key, thus eliminating the need to restart.

I feel like if this was an addon it'd need to be a client script, and wouldn't be executed...

unless if you were fine with using the console to load the script and run it to load all the other ones

This seems like something that he wants the game to be changed to fix. It shouldn't be hard for Badspot to make the client add-on execution happen when the game is successfully authenticated.

This seems like something that he wants the game to be changed to fix. It shouldn't be hard for Badspot to make the client add-on execution happen when the game is successfully authenticated.
I know that couldn't be an addon.

You can load them manually.

Just put loadClientAddOns(); in console.