
What should happen to the price of HamHost?

Make it completely free. All features of the web control panel will br available for everybody.
Keep it free/premium, but give half of the features to free users.
Continue making more (web) control panel features for premium users, and occasionally make one for unpaid clients.
Keep adding more control panel features for premium users, but add none for free clients.
Make HamHost paid-only.

Author Topic: HamHost Dedicated Blockland servers | New poll: More free-user features?  (Read 102389 times)

Yeeaaaahhhh, no. I see no future in this service. This will crash and burn.
I'm not worried if there are never premium users.
My VPS will still be funded.

What happens when you're despicably naughty and forget to take out the trash and your dad stops paying for a month? Game over? Sounds risky!

What happens when you're despicably naughty and forget to take out the trash and your dad stops paying for a month? Game over? Sounds risky!
Nope, I'm not going to do that.
Forgetting one time will probably do nothing.

What happens when you're despicably naughty and forget to take out the trash and your dad stops paying for a month? Game over? Sounds risky!
Play nice.

I'd love to have a server hosted by this. I'm just way too lazy to get on my computer and get the bitcoin thingy.

I'd love to have a server hosted by this. I'm just way too lazy to get on my computer and get the bitcoin thingy.
Well, I'm planning on making this completely free today, as well as adding 2 slots.

1 of the reason why I will never use this service if I had to switch from CBMHost:

"Free users have upload/download speed limitations of 800 Kbps, and 1.5 GB of storage space. Premium users have unlimited speed, and can store up to 6 GB in their Blockland folder."

Really? What the forget.

Most reasons why people are hating on this server is because something isn't right and it seems you can't take that advice and you just throw something else back at them. Why?

1 of the reason why I will never use this service if I had to switch from CBMHost:

"Free users have upload/download speed limitations of 800 Kbps, and 1.5 GB of storage space. Premium users have unlimited speed, and can store up to 6 GB in their Blockland folder."

Really? What the forget.

Most reasons why people are hating on this server is because something isn't right and it seems you can't take that advice and you just throw something else back at them. Why?
I'm going to take away premium options today, and make the hosting service completely free.


why is it so odd that people who pay get more? what a crazy concept.

noone can trust you (and especially pacnet) with their keys after this
how will you get clients

noone can trust you (and especially pacnet) with their keys after this
how will you get clients
They don't even need to give their product keys.

They don't even need to give their product keys.
the keys are being stored on your vps which I assume you got access to

the keys are being stored on your vps which I assume you got access to
"Stored"? That's not true.
The clients enter the Blockland key with eval during setup. This is Kalphiter's chat eval, not the HamHost c-panel's 'set remote BL key' feature. I do not store these product keys on my VPS.

"Stored"? That's not true.
The clients enter the Blockland key with eval during setup. This is Kalphiter's chat eval, not the HamHost c-panel's 'set remote BL key' feature. I do not store these product keys on my VPS.
the key is stored in a file called key.dat inside the blockland folder.