Author Topic: RUST Megathread  (Read 1178 times)

I'm a hispanic man with a belly and a richard.
I wanted to be a woman with hips and small breasts.

Talk about your disappointments in Rust in this megathread. The old one is too old.

I'm a hispanic man with a belly and a richard.
I wanted to be a woman with hips and small breasts.

speaking of disappointments smh

I wanted to be santa, but then I realized that this quote holds true for all santas out there
Santa is Mexican for saint... so Santa is Mexican. and since he is Mexican we can assume he rides a lawn mower not a sleigh.

and on top of that. Santa is the feminine version of the word. so Santa is actually a female Mexican who rides a lawn mower.

and further more. he is depicted as a male, so we can only explain this as him being a hermaphrodite.

and to appeal to the soccer moms, the candy he leaves in your kids stockings is cocaine

so we have a Mexican hermaphrodite who rides a flying lawn mower who hops borders and gives your kids drugs...

your parents lied to you all... twice.

I guess none of you played Rust before.

i search for days upon days for a loving supply drop and i haven't found it

Rust in a nutshell:

Nude men running around with rocks

Rust in a nutshell:
It's bad and boring

Rust in a nutshell:
It's bad and boring

You can almost hear garry crying in the distance :(