Author Topic: Things for my Apple Store  (Read 2266 times)

  • Apple logo print (for 1x4x4 print)
  • iPhone, iPod, and iPad model (If only iPad and iPhone can be made its fine cause iPhone and iPod are same size)
  • Ceiling signs that say these words:
              Genius Bar

If you can make any of these please let me know and I'll add you in the credits for the Apple Store v2.

Yeah but I want bricks so I can place them on the table and they aren't standing up, if someone can make those models into bricks I'd be sure to use them!

You can just spawn them on a brick and place an invisible brick over it so they can't be picked up

You can just spawn them on a brick and place an invisible brick over it so they can't be picked up
he wants them flat

he wants them flat
Yeah, 2 variants, flat and standing up
Daniel.S is modeling them for me.

Now all we need is bloogle glass