Author Topic: how do you feel about our school system?  (Read 1887 times)

i've literally been told by my math teachers that anything after algebra is meaningless. i don't really see how useful geometry would be to me unless i was into landscaping or engineering

Geometry and trig (in fact, especially trig) are actually very useful and in some cases mind blowing imo, and I don't really plan on doing anything that'll heavily focus on those.

The school system does what it was built to do, and that's train people to do jobs. Could it use reform to be a more modern educational tool? Sure, but removing "advanced math" like trig or geometry is absolutely not the way to go about that. Besides, trig and geometry isn't even advanced math. It's complicated and difficult, but if you've been paying any attention in class you should be able to get by.

A lot of the arguments you hear against the school system really aren't what they claim to be, from students at least. They say they want to be taught more practical skills, but what they really mean is that they don't want to do the stuff that's required of them. And besides, if you can't be assed to learn your forgetin shapes I see no reason why you should be trusted to learn anything more "real world"

As the son of a teacher, the current school system in america is loving HORSEstuff

I thought people already got a choice on what classes they take
some are required, some aren't
there are still choices

yeah im taking 3 electives, (Welding, Spanish I, Accounting) so I def. have a choice in what i can go into.
but my highschool is the largest in Indiana so, of course we would have a ton of choice. Just alone, in the WCC you can take  cosmotology, theres a culinary school, nursing school, engineering, welding, auto mechanics, construction (in which you actually build a house in a real neighborhood), accounting, and transportation, and ALL of those arn't even part of the ACTUAL highschool.

ok this is starting to worry me. why hasnt seventhsandwich shown up yet to remind us how critical it is that everyone learn advanced maths

The school system does what it was built to do, and that's train people to do jobs.
also this is bullcrap, not true.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 09:32:14 PM by Planr »

ok this is starting to worry me. why hasnt seventhsandwich shown up yet to remind us how critical it is that everyone learn advanced maths
also this is bullcrap, not true.
cause last time he did that you threw a fit and made a fool of yourself. there's nothing new to discuss besides that. dummyheads like you are gonna keep being stupid, people who like/dont like school are gonna keep their opinions, there's no headway to be made. there's really no point

ok this is starting to worry me. why hasnt seventhsandwich shown up yet to remind us how critical it is that everyone learn advanced maths
is it crazy to assume that maybe learning math can benefit you in ways other than just knowing math? learning how to understand giant and abstract numbers or solve complex algorithms does more than just teach you how to solve those equations, it build your critical thinking skills, makes you think faster and smarter. it helps you understand big concepts.

think of it like working out. doing bicep curls doesn't just get you better at bicep curls - it makes your muscles stronger, let's you do a whole variety of physical work better.

also whats up with you and seventh? why call him out in a thread he's not even in

A lot of the arguments you hear against the school system really aren't what they claim to be, from students at least. They say they want to be taught more practical skills, but what they really mean is that they don't want to do the stuff that's required of them. And besides, if you can't be assed to learn your forgetin shapes I see no reason why you should be trusted to learn anything more "real world"


The school system? It's total horse stuff. The stuff you learn? absolutely needed.

they need to stop teaching the test. it hinders actual learning when the only thing the teachers are allowed to do is stuff thats focused on standardized testing.