Author Topic: Games were armor is an actual object?  (Read 1637 times)

if you were a loving richard you would build a turtle shell around yourself and coat it in spikes and just sorta walk around until you won

Jagged Alliance 2 has armor, but I'm not sure if all the armor covers the body 100%, legs and arms included. There are helmets and armored vests, and a full-body EOD suit.

7.62mm High Calibre also has body armor and helmets, but armor only protects against bullets that hit the torso for sure IIRC.

if you were a loving richard you would build a turtle shell around yourself and coat it in spikes and just sorta walk around until you won
i built spike shoes and then did a weird glitch where putting plates on your feet to fly when you walk, then just goomba stomped the competition

if you were a loving richard you would build a turtle shell around yourself and coat it in spikes and just sorta walk around until you won

I do that in Dark Souls.

black ops 3's kinetic armor kind of

i think you guys are misinterpreting the question.
he's asking for armor that literally is a separate entity with it's own hitbox and stuff
not just armor that makes you harder to kill (i.e. csgo, minecraft)

It's rare that it actually gets it's own hitbox. I'm pretty sure most games use their already existing "which limb did you hit" detection and if there's armor on it, it damages that, or nothing happens or something.

That being said, Colosseum: Road to Freedom had a pretty neat weapon/armor/combat system. Too bad the devs overlooked a very specific type of weapon being super overpowered, and I think I'm the only one who knows about it, too.

Do you know how hard it is to calculate real armor damage and hitboxes, maybe physics too in a video game? If they did, armor would be over powered regardless.

There is a reason swords in Chivalry  that do slashing attacks even damage knights, for balance issues. In real life a sword slashing would do nothing to armor.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2015, 03:55:08 AM by Lord Tony® »