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Author Topic: Billnye has turned to the darkside  (Read 17280 times)

so tactical let me ask you this:
if you had a friend whom you recently discovered was transgendered and they wanted to be referred to the direct opposite of what you've been calling them before like he => she or she => he would you do it or not do it on purpose?

But that's exactly what it is- honorifics is about respect, esteem and authority. You address your mother as 'mom' or 'mother' or 'ma'am' out of respect and authority. She doesn't have special snowflake syndrome, it's just respectful and it makes her feel respected when you call her that.

Likewise, how you address people is important for impressions and showing them respect. if you want to selectively respect people's honorifics and selectively justify some compared to others, you're just being entirely inconsistent for the sake of your own opinion. At that point, it's no longer 'how can i show my respect for this person' but 'i dont like this person's opinion so i refuse to respect them'

so tactical let me ask you this:
if you had a friend whom you recently discovered was transgendered and they wanted to be referred to the direct opposite of what you've been calling them before like he => she or she => he would you do it or not do it on purpose?

friends aren't random people who want you to get it right on your first go

if you're transgender I have no qualms with you whatsoever if you look the part
otherwise it's loving scary

But that's exactly what it is- honorifics is about respect, esteem and authority. You address your mother as 'mom' or 'mother' or 'ma'am' out of respect and authority. She doesn't have special snowflake syndrome, it's just respectful and it makes her feel respected when you call her that.

Likewise, how you address people is important for impressions and showing them respect. if you want to selectively respect people's honorifics and selectively justify some compared to others, you're just being entirely inconsistent for the sake of your own opinion. At that point, it's no longer 'how can i show my respect for this person' but 'i dont like this person's opinion so i refuse to respect them'

you're not getting the point of the post (funnily enough the post was in response to you)

the honorifics part being about authority - yes
but we're talking about pronouns; pronoun usage is subconscious, it's not about respect
once you need to be referred to as something out of the ordinary (like "xe" or "xir" or "gogogogogogogogoir") it becomes about authority because anyone who is referred to as something different than their actual name has some sort of power over you, figuratively or literally
if you, a random stranger, are going to expect of me the first time we meet that I know your unique pronouns then don't expect for me to ever take you seriously
if you're my friend then you're cool unless you go into the "xe" or "xir" territory in which case we're probably going to clash
too bad none of my friends are like that though
« Last Edit: April 30, 2017, 01:46:07 AM by Tactical Nuke »

i have no idea how that's supposed to answer my question

friends aren't random people who want you to get it right on you first go
there are hardly any gender-different people that will instantly shame you for getting their pronouns wrong. if they do exist, they exist at some antifa protest on the other side of the country and make up a very small minority

if someone kindly corrects you and says "hey i prefer to be addressed as ze/zis/zer" in a very respectful manner to you with no hate or anguish, it'd be respectful to try your best to abide by it. that doesn't mean that if you get it wrong again you should be lynched, but at least show that you take some effort to remember what they said. that shows that you have respect

otherwise just dont bother
« Last Edit: April 30, 2017, 01:40:48 AM by PhantOS »

i have no idea how that's supposed to answer my question
He doesn't seem to care about posts being relevant as long as he gets his right wing agenda across

if you're transgender I have no qualms with you whatsoever if you look the part
otherwise it's loving scary

Why are your qualms supposed to matter to them? Honest question, no disrespect. I've had this debate with so many people with your viewpoint who never give clear answers.

Why are your qualms supposed to matter to them? Honest question, no disrespect. I've had this debate with so many people with your viewpoint who never give clear answers.

they're not

personally i think the xe/xim/xir stuff is excessive but i'm not going to argue with someone if they tell me that's how they want me to refer to them

they're not

They're just not supposed to matter, then? Alright, strange answer but I'll accept it.

i have no idea how that's supposed to answer my question

sorry for not being so direct, I was trying to drive home the wrong point

if you, a random stranger, are going to expect of me the first time we meet that I know your unique pronouns then don't expect for me to ever take you seriously
if you're my friend then you're cool unless you go into the "xe" or "xir" territory in which case we're probably going to clash
too bad none of my friends are like that though

He doesn't seem to care about posts being relevant as long as he gets his right wing agenda across

and you don't seem to care about anything except not making obvious connections in order to make fun of conservatives because "lol old fashioned!!!11!!!!1!!11!"

They're just not supposed to matter, then? Alright, strange answer but I'll accept it.

what's strange about it?
you don't have the authority to dictate what I can or can't do based on your pronouns or transgender-ness but that being said I don't have that authority either to dictate what you can or can't do with your own body as long as it doesn't harm anyone else
« Last Edit: April 30, 2017, 01:58:32 AM by Tactical Nuke »

and you don't seem to care about anything except not making obvious connections in order to make fun of conservatives because "lol old fashioned!!!11!!!!1!!11!"
This sentence doesn't even make sense

you don't have the authority to dictate what I can or can't do based on your pronouns or transgender-ness but that being said I don't have that authority either to dictate what you can or can't do with your own body as long as it doesn't harm anyone else
You don't have the authority to dictate how they will respond, and you dont have the authority to act completely victimized when they get pissed off after you intentionally disrespect them for your own sake of opinions

being rude for the sake of being rude doesn't make you right, ever
« Last Edit: April 30, 2017, 02:06:28 AM by PhantOS »

you don't have the authority to dictate what I can or can't do based on your pronouns or transgender-ness but that being said I don't have that authority either to dictate what you can or can't do with your own body as long as it doesn't harm anyone else

Nobody's trying to make you do anything. I was merely suggesting that you could entertain the notion of calling people what they ask you to call them because something something path of least resistance.

It's not a partisan issue as far as I see. Just treating people like people, ya dig?