Author Topic: Event_RelativeEvents: a new teleport and more "soon".  (Read 2305 times)

A (soon-to-be) pack of events. Made to require fewer named bricks to do things than the existing events.

Currently contains:
relativeTeleport: A teleport event that teleports you to a position relative to the World, the Brick, or the Player; whatever you pick has its coordinates used as the origin. This means you can have modular constructions with no relays and SELF targets. move the player a certain distance in any direction, or to teleport a player to certain coordinates where you can't put a brick for whatever reason (say, under the ground plane.)

Direct Download (no intermediate page, same file.)

v1. Added relative teleport.

Pics not really possible unless you want a picture of the event screen.

Does this conflict at all with doplayerteleport? I want to use this in conjunction with it (I have a build that's already evented to use doplayerteleport with several thousand related event lines)

There's no reason it would conflict. Should be safe.


There's no reason it would conflict. Should be safe.
This is true. They do similar things, but neither overrides anything and they use different names for the events. Should be fine.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
"Bots won't move but they still shoot at you without spazzing out due to lack of movement?"
So, when a bot's target teleports, the bots stop moving but continue shooting at you? Once you move, do they start moving again?
« Last Edit: May 20, 2017, 10:04:35 AM by Super Suit 12 »

Dude, are you ok?