Author Topic: would you donate a nut?  (Read 4369 times)

hehe i just remembered I used to carry around this little pocket knife that had a peanut shaped handle, I wonder what happened to it

I'm sorry but it looked so good

hehe i just remembered I used to carry around this little pocket knife that had a peanut shaped handle, I wonder what happened to it


That's actually really sweet I'd like one

by acquaintance do you mean someone you've talked to a few times but never really hung around outside of groups, or an actual friend just not one of your mains who you talk to frequently?

if it's the first then no that'd be weird for me
if the second then yeah sure, so long as i'd get to visit the kid every now and then

would i have to nut in a ziplock bag

put the scissors down rigel that's not the kind of nut we're talking about

doesnt unanonymously mean not anonymous?
mpther forgeter the assumption is that it isnt anonymous since theres no way it could happen anonymously

Take em both, you can have my richard too while you're at it

i would rather die a loser virgin gamer than be an illegitimate father.

yea I don't forgetin need em. long as I get a prosthetic so it aint just an empy sakk I'm good

edit: oh you mean just the goop itself. yea i guess idc. I mean if im gonna be jerkin it anyway why not

I would but only if its a direct deposit if you know what I mean