The stupidest thing you've sold but made money off of.

Author Topic: The stupidest thing you've sold but made money off of.  (Read 2732 times)

my cousin gave me 1 dollar for my half eaten pop tart

Yu-gi-oh (however its spelled) and pokemon cards.
I sold a couple decks of each and made like 10 dollars a deck  :D

I use my deck to prop up a short legged  table.

Yu-gi-oh (however its spelled) and pokemon cards.
I sold a couple decks of each and made like 10 dollars a deck  :D
My Pokemans deck had all 3 Legendary birds and Lugia. It owned.

Then my mom sold it for like 5 bucks and completely killed my inner child. That's why I'm such an starfish today.

Zaie hate your mommy  :D

I gave some kid a chocolate bar and got a game boy Camera in trade..

What a dumbass :D

I sold crudely made hand puppets for two bucks a pop, made 20, sold 20.

40$ for the win!

I gave some kid a chocolate bar and got a game boy Camera in trade..

What a dumbass :D

Ive got 2 chocolate bars, wanna trade?

Na, i think i would rather keep this not made anymore part of nintendo history thanks ;D

When I was about 5 I used to make paper envelopes with cellotape and sell them to my family for 50 Cents each.
Ripoff merchant :D

I sold a Pink Gameboy SP to some kid ( i told him it was silver) for 10 bucks...