Author Topic: Railgun  (Read 1182 times)

I searched it, came up blank, and so now I made this topic. Nuff said. :\

EDIT: Look it up on Wikipedia or something. Idk. I'm too lazy. (Lol)
« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 10:14:43 PM by J.C. »

Sorry, remind me again, whats a railgun?

A railgun is a purely electrical gun that accelerates a conductive projectile along a pair of metal rails using the same principles as the homopolar motor. Direct quote from Wikipedia.

Offtopic: Lol The term "homo" makes people laugh. LAUGH AT IT I SAY!

EDIT: Hell yes I make too many bad jokes, but the most common insult I hear is homo. :\
« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 11:05:40 PM by J.C. »

A railgun is a purely electrical gun that accelerates a conductive projectile along a pair of metal rails using the same principles as the homopolar motor. Direct quote from Wikipedia.

Offtopic: Lol The term "homo" makes people laugh. LAUGH AT IT I SAY!

homo means SAME, your a dumb illiterate, no wonder i dont join your server anymore

Um, Take a joke please. You haven't even BEEN to my server, and when you say "your a dumb illiterate" you are being a hypocrite. You didn't even say the correct term "you're", but instead "your", meaning posession instead of "you are". Also, I am actually using GRAMMAR in my posts, while you on the other hand don't even capitalize the first letter of a sentence. -_- Learn how to speak English before you try to be cool (and fail at it), please.

EDIT: y thank u 4 reeding el o el
« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 10:54:28 PM by J.C. »

Not capitalized homo means SAME, your a dumb illiterate, no wonder i dont join your server anymoreNo period


Edit: Didn't read J.C's post.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 10:53:33 PM by VerticalHorizon »

Back on topic now, (if possible. :|) please.

Sorta like my Ballistic Weapons mod request?( Heh heh, there's an "M75-TIC" Railgun there.

Note: "attachment fail 3," so I can't post a picture.

Sorta like my Ballistic Weapons mod request?( Heh heh, there's an "M75-TIC" Railgun there.

Note: "attachment fail 3," so I can't post a picture.
I coudent help it :D
On topic:Yeah..I know what your talking about.
Hmmm...could BE a good idea...but it might lag servers...

but it might lag servers...
Yeah, because don't rail guns go through walls? At least that's what they do in every book I've ever read and game I've ever played with them in it.

Yeah, because don't rail guns go through walls? At least that's what they do in every book I've ever read and game I've ever played with them in it.

You could either set the bullet to delete bricks on collision and slow them down or have them just go through bricks.